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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Eighteen

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Hey Cotton!

Sorry to hear you are sick! I hope you feel better soon!

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Damn what an epic grand final! Two queensland teams!


On the 80th minute, literally the last second the cowboys scored bringing it to a tie game. All that was left was to convert the try, and the cowboys have the best kicker in the entire league... he kicked from the far right of the pitch literally on the out line... and hit the inside of the post! So close.


But then when we got the ball we dropped it and the cowboys got it back! And all they need is one point to break the tie and win the game; they try for a try but can't make it so they pass the ball back to the kicker and he nails it!


I'm proud to say in the last 10 miunutes I predicted that they would get a try and it would all be down to a kick from the best kicker...


Damn it was a good game.

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3 phone calls and 2 emails and this animal shelter hasn't even given me the time of day yet.


you know what I hate you. You better not have my cat you censorkip.gifcensorkip.gif go burn in hell.

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I'm going to have one whole week off too - but after two weeks. biggrin.gif


Hello WS, CottonKatt and Spirit how was your day?...

Hi Darien! I'm still sick, so I wouldn't call my day good. I also have to go to school, I don't know how to feel about this. u v u;;

Edited by CottonKatt

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Yeah, sickness isn't good for going to school - especially because my school has so many stairs to run. >o> I will be out of breath before I notice.

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Good morning everyone!

I don't want to be at work T.T

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Morning, Spirit!

Is there some special reason for that? But well, I have the same feeling about being at school.

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If I didn't have so much work issues I might have liked my work Cotton xd.png




Why you ignore me? T.T

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I don't ignore. I'm not awake yet xd.png


Though I did manage a couple of RP posts o3o

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On the Vita you haven't replied in a whole week! T.T

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Greetings folk.


Oh how I wish this house had Aircon... it's SOOO HOOOOOOT!!!


It shows when you work up a sweat bringing washing into the house :/

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Hey Cotton!


Ooooh congrats! Good exam feels are good o3o


I'm annoyed though. My CPA lineage dragons have refused each other. >.< Swapped names with my two female blues, but only have one male gold, so I'm going to have to wait until next week to try again.

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