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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Eighteen

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That looks quite good for me, especially because the father dragons are Shimmer Scales. smile.gif I'm not sure about the rarity of lineages that long though, especially if they're Prizekin.

Oh no I'm so ashamed about my inability to help properly. ;; My apologies.

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can anyone here breed me a 2 gen tinsel fail? someone is offering a cb silver for one. My cb gold ain't wanting to grow up so I can't offer a gold pb

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The beauty of a lineage is often in the eye of the beholder.


Me, I like this kind of one - http://dragcave.net/lineage/Lnfj2 - where some people hate inbreeding for any reason.


I'm partial to purebred lineages, but sometimes keep an AP egg because of the names of its parents. xd.png


I have no first gen tinsel, kiti.

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For fun, amusement, trading. How you play the game is pretty much up to you.

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oh god I hate Hyvee even more now.


I was on direct deposit meaning I don't have my paystubs to take to SSI


So I tried logging in to my Hyvee employee account and it got terminated.


meaning now I got to phsyically go there and beg for my stubs >__>



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Why would logging in terminate your account? huh.gif


Alrighty, heading home now.


*waves at everyone and poofs in a cloud of brownies*

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'Bye Lagie! I hope you weather the storm without difficulty. Depending on how it tracks we may get it later -- like maybe Sunday?

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Woah, how could you even keep yourself awake? o.o I struggled with tiredness when I woke up around 7am.

I don't feel much better though, as my cold got worse and now I feel like I'm suffering. ;;

It's awesome that you got the weekend off, though!


A big cup of black coffee with a shot of Jack in it helps... laugh.gif


Sorry that your not feeling better...


Yep its great, after putting up with nutjob's in long range class I need a break... wacko.gif

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Why would logging in terminate your account?  huh.gif


Alrighty, heading home now.


*waves at everyone and poofs in a cloud of brownies*

it was terminated before, just hadn't logged in since before apparently


annd my mom's cat is missing (called the humane society incase someone turns her in. should probably call second chance too)


Dad said that last night the day after their anniversity she admitted to not loving him anymore.


heh boy is she gonna be even more mad if she finds out her cat's missing.


then again it IS a cat. she might just be hiding behind a dresser or something.


yea...Second chance is having an adoption fair tomorrow. Totally need to call and tell them that if they have a calico about a year old with a monroe spot on her cheek and a chipped front fang on the opposite side with yellow-green eyes and medium fur that she's already got a home


she does have a monroe spot, one orange fleck on the left side of her muzzle while her right front canine is chipped off. responds to "Rooster!"

Edited by Kiti

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Well I actually do feel quite tired too, so I guess it'd be the best option. u v u So well, good night! ~ *Curls up inside a fluffy blanket*

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@Kiti - hope your Mom's cat turns up. I love calicoes. My aunt used to have a lovely tortoiseshell. And I hope you get things sorted with your pay records.


@Spottedleaf - what will you be doing in Gatlinburg?


@Katt - sleep well and take care of yourself.


@Kestra - hugs and best wishes for being able to slow or stop the scarring in your liver.

Edited by purplehaze

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Its 4 PM for me. I'm still on the road heading to Gatlinburg which means I be in a different time zone for a week. The time hasn't switched yet though.

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ooooohhh boy is mom censorkip.gif off.


I wonder if she found out about the cat


if not...I ain't telling



outside door just slammed.


user posted image

Edited by Kiti

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I haven't done much yet because its dark and late and its been raining. I'm here for the whole week because I'm on fall break.

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Mr. Kestra, I do hope they get you sorted.  That sounds kind of rough, all that.

Nice toppage wink.gif Yeah, it's crap really, but we'll see what the next few months will bring. Hope you're still safe in that storm!


@Kestra - hugs and best wishes for being able to slow or stop the scarring in your liver.

Thanks Haze.


So shift ended miserably yesterday - I lost my car keys, left my house keys in my car, and my spare car keys at home with my phone. So I had to break into my car for the house keys, bus home, found that I had two spare keys but not sure if they were the right ones, then get back to work on the bus and finally get my car out - three hours altogether I wasted at the end of my shift. And then I had to do a TLC visit to my friend who may not submit her PhD thesis in time and thus lose four years of hard work, so I wasn't home properly until one in the morning.


And now Lover wants to go out clubbing tonight despite the news about my liver...

Edited by Kestra15

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