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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Eighteen

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No, Nairo is just an angel infused with Jenova cells and mirakuru who has been blessed by raptor Jesus. The only reason he can't beat ZeRo is cause ZeRo is possessed by the devil.


The fact that there's more to learn makes it all the more worthwhile! And don't thank me for the feedback, you did the work! xd.png

*Has an allergic reaction to the pollen and dies*

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Yeah, that sounds also very likely. u v u


I guess that's true. n v n I had to thank though, as it made me so happy and stuff. ~


*Stares* Welp, it can't be helped now.



Also, I'm going to sleep now, so good night everyone!

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But I have to wake up early because of school. >u>;;

Oh well, I didn't even go to sleep yet. I don't want to go just yet.

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Woah, those are quite long classes then. Ours are just 45 minutes long.

Classes are normally 45 minute long but for the entire month of october were on this schedule becuase theres testing going on. All the testing is being done on the computer including the math, where we cant even use paper to show our work with. >.<

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I got a new memory card for my camera, two movies, a pair of headphones, and one other thing thats really big. I got a VIP pass to see my favorite band on oct 30th. The ticket includes getting to go on the tour bus to meet the band getting signed stuff, and one acoustic song

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Hi CottonKatt how are you doing today?...

I just woke up a little while ago, feeling kinda frustrated, but other than that things are going good. I'm glad it's already Friday. smile.gif

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I just remembered somethhing!> I made an annoucnement in my signature since I didn't have time to announce it before.

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Hi Spotted, hi Fortune!


My school week is almost over for me, as I only have one English class left. Then I'm free to go - weekend, here I come! Finally.

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Hey Cotton!


Alright, I have finally started to get around to sorting out my CPA lineage plan. These are my progenitors One Last Post in CPA x Compulsive Poster of CPA.


My rules for the lineage are simple ~


1) All dragons must have names ending in either 'in CPA' or 'of CPA'.

2) They can only be bred to a CB Lunar Herald of a different colour (so no bluexblue or goldxgold, or heraldxmint).

3) Eggs will only be given to active CPA members, so you need at least ten posts in the current thread to qualify.

4) If either of the first two rules are broken, then the dragon or their offspring will not be recognised as part of the lineage.


I'm going to try and breed the first egg with my progenitors on Monday and it will be given to Lagie as CPA is her baby. After that I will take requests from CPA members who fall under rule three. I'm not going to make any guarantees what colour eggs people will get. You get what you are given o3o

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Good idea! (^▽^)


Hnngh, the cold or flu or whatever it's called finally caught me today - just before the weekend. Oh great.

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I just woke up a little while ago, feeling kinda frustrated, but other than that things are going good. I'm glad it's already Friday.  smile.gif


I got up at 5am this morning.I hope that you feel better, I'm glad its Friday too I got the weekend off... biggrin.gif

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I got up at 5am this morning.I hope that you feel better, I'm glad its Friday too I got the weekend off... biggrin.gif

Woah, how could you even keep yourself awake? o.o I struggled with tiredness when I woke up around 7am.

I don't feel much better though, as my cold got worse and now I feel like I'm suffering. ;;

It's awesome that you got the weekend off, though!

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Okay this must be us trading the same cold cause I feel great today.


Also how do I know if a lineage is good?

Edited by Dorchadas

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Aww, thanks, Fortune! smile.gif


Mr. Kestra, I do hope they get you sorted. That sounds kind of rough, all that.


Good morning, CPA! cool.gif


Hurricane Joaquin is still pummelling the central and southern Bahamas. Here in Nassau, we're on storm watch. The government closes at noon, and all businesses at 1 p.m. (cave time, Nassau time). I drove to work in the sun, we've had a wee bit of rain this morning so far, and right now the sky's turned greyish. Once I leave here today, I'm not sure when I'll be back online.


*sets out brownies and apples*


Toppage, 306! cool.gif

Edited by Lagie

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Okay this must be us trading the same cold cause I feel great today.


Also how do I know if a lineage is good?

Must be, there's no other option. u o u


I'm not completely sure, but this one in my opinion would be an example of a good lineage, and this one would an example of a messy one. It's quite hard to explain though, as people find different lineages appealing.

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