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Dragons named with a special, personal meaning?

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I didn't see any threads on this unless I missed one. I thought I'd ask if anyone here has any dragons whose names are personal to you for a special reason?


I have one sunrise dragon named Suzy in the Sky.


She's named after a cat I had named Suzy. She was an old cat who was very ill with cancer, and that dragon got her wings the morning Suzy passed away. I mean literally right after I discovered Suzy was in fact gone, I went to my computer to let my online friends know. DC was up with a cached page, so I refreshed it and boom, the sunrise had wings.


I honestly took it as Suzy letting me know she made it to the Rainbow Bridge.



There are also some Pinks on my page with Moose or Meese in their name...I recently renamed them in honor of an online friend who passed away. He used to roleplay as Transformers: Armada Megatron on Spring.me and Tumblr, and his twitter username was Moosetron.


The moose gag was a running joke with him and all the online people he talked to. People called him "Moosey" all the time. (His Megatron took immense offense to being described as a moose, and someone even went to Botcon and got video of David Kaye, Megatron's voice actor, saying "I AM NOT A MOOSE, AUGH AUGH AUGH!" to surprise Moosey.)


Moosey was shamelessly, flamingly gay and loved all things glittery pink. So, to honor him, I have four dragons ridiculously named...








So, how about the rest of you? Do any of your dragons have names with special meanings?

Edited by Butterflyzilla

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