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The third Greenfield

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Skinner slapped the car into drive and pulled away from the building casually. They were in a city, there was no way they would just shoot at anyone. As the guard speaking into his radio vanished in his rear view mirror, Skinner produced on of his rolled cigarettes and offered it to Fette. He sighed and looked in the mirror at Sideway and Eleven. Sideway was dozing in the back seat against Eleven and Fette looked like hell. Well, more like hell than usual. It was becoming more and more obvious they needed a place to hunker down and regroup. He cleared his throat to break the silence, "Uh...what does everyone say to crashing someplace for the night?", he asked glancing at the others, "I know a few rabbit holes were could stay in. Free of charge".


Skinner pulled to a stop in a rather sketchy parking garage and killed the engine. He sat back in the seat and closed his eyes. Skinner stayed in the position for several, uncomfortable minutes. he was unresponsive to anything anyone in the car said. When he finally moved again, it was only to flash the headlights three times at the blank wall in front of them. There was a jingle of bells and cender blocks that made up the wall separated to reveal a long, dark tunnel. Skinner switched the car back on and entered.


The tunnel spit out on the flat, gravel surface of an apartment complex in a different part of the city. Skinner killed the engine and jumped out. The rabbit hole had transmitted them to a safe location. A place where no one would think to look for his jeep. Skinner walked around the back of the jeep and snagged the little rusty key that was hanging off a hook. The faded tag read 9654 and Skinner smiled. Ninth floor and he thinks it faces the direction of the tower they were targeting.


Keys jingled as Skinner let the party into the little two bedroom apartment that would be their temporary home. It was modestly furnished. Only a sofa, loveseat, and a short coffee table. Skinner droped his bag on said table and walked to draw the curtains. The light outside was dieing, as was the time they had to devise a plan of attack. There would be no winging it on this job, "So who knows how to sneak in there?" he asked without turning back around.

Edited by padfoot

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Fette accepted the home-rolled cigarette gratefully, lighting it with his last, grungy match as they pulled into a silent parking space. Fette watched with interest as Skinner killed the lights, settling back in his seat with closed eyes.... Fette considered asking the wizard if he planned to take a nap, but thought better of it.

Instead, Fette simply crossed his long legs and waited, propping them on the dashboard and sitting back; languidly puffing smoke rings which floated about the jeep. clink chink click. Fette nodded serenely as the cinder blocks began to rattle and move, raising an eyebrow briefly before blowing another ring in a jet of smoke.


The jeep exited the tunnel, sighing with a puff of smoke as they parked, and once again; Fette was impressed. A hidden apartment complex? He couldn't count the number of times that would have come in handy back in his trainhopping days....

The moment Fette cleared the doorway of the dim apartment, he was already windmilling through the air, pouncing on the loveseat face-first with a low growl of "Dibs". How many days had it been since he'd slept? Three? Four? Fette had lost count six packs of cigarettes and four whiskey and coffee concoctions ago.From his place beneath his mountain of dreadlocks, Fette barely heard Skinners' question.

"Sneak in?" He asked, casting a look at the wizards' night-washed figure. "I assumed Eleven knew.... Fatty mc CEO never let me within a mile of the building." "I mean" Fette added, pointing a tattooed finger at his scuffed and scruffy face "I'm not exactly good for business, ya know."


Eleven stood, leaning carefully against the doorway; an arm thrown stiffly across Sideways' shoulders. Of course he knew his way around... had there been an attack dog Elijiah trusted more? He thought not. But a thought had crept into his head, nesting there to nag for hours into their bumpy ride.

These people were not his friends.

Eleven weighed his options carefully. To refuse? The hippie would kill him surely, most likely torture him along the way, too. Definitely not, he would never give the stinking witch the satisfaction of getting under his skin.

"Of course I know how to sneak in." Eleven said, the corners of his mouth turned up in what he hoped was an honest smile. "And here's what we're gonna do......"


The group listened intently as Eleven accounted his plan, drawing diagrams and coordinates on discarded napkins spread neatly across the bare coffee table. It was comprehensive, Fette thought, absently scratching at his stubble; but something bugged him about their stony-eyed companion. "Exactly how the hell do you expect us to cause a distraction big enough to let a witch doctor, a wizard, an incubus, and a traitor into a building owned by a multi-billionaire?" He asked, fixing Eleven with a steady stare.


"That's easy" Eleven replied, wrapping Sideway into another stiff one-armed hug and giving him a look he hoped would be convincing enough. "Isn't it, dear?"

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((Should have been clear, lol. I meant seven foot TALL, but then realized how tall that really was so changed it to about 5 1/2 foot tall))


Interesting... Fenrir sounded thoughtful. Could you show me your cabin? And the lake? Lakes are fun to slide around on. We used to do it all the time back at the pack, thanks to me. He sounded pleased with himself. His tail waved back and forth, kicking up some dust since he was still sitting on the ground. He tilted his head. I might be able to help a little with your amnesia. I started out training as a healer, before the Alpha realized I'd probably be better help as a hunter and a fighter. So I learned a little about amnesia and might be able to help get a few of your memories back. You don't have to say yes, I'm just offering... He trailed off. His Healer training had been cut off a little less than half of the way through because the current Alpha thought it be best if he was a warrior. He had enjoyed healing though, and magic flowed strong in his blood. Of course, he was disappointed when he was made a fighter - all of the Ice Wolves in the past were Healers, because Healers were the wolves with the strongest magic in the pack. Well, that, and he rather enjoyed learning how to heal other wolves. He preferred to make peace rather than to fight - though anyone who threatened his packmates lived to regret it. Fenrir was no coward - everyone in his pack knew that. But the question was this - was being a peacemaker in this small town considered an act of wisdom, or of cowardice?

"I don't see why not." The woman turned and began headed towards the lake. "You really think you'd be able to help me with it?" She pondered aloud. "It's a form of physiological disorders, right?" Maybe that had been the trigger- extreme physiological distress. But from what..., she again found herself wondering.


((Ugh. So short. Hello everyone.))

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Raven's head snapped up, a low growl humming in her throat. Instinctively, her jowls pulled back, revaling more than a dozen, razor sharp, reinforced ivories. Who was this wolf-like creature that dared to enter her territory? The wolf's obsidian fur puffed out much like a cat's would. Genitiaclly- engineered muscles tightened in perpetration to attack.


((Ooo! Another wolf! There hasn't been once since Echo's character, Storm.


And sorry for the short post. I have to leave to go somewhere.))

(Prepare for another wolf!

Just give me some time, you guys, and I'll be back into the swing of things. Oh, and there are a few new faces! For those of you who don't know/remember, I was in the original Greenfield, and eventually became the Co-Owner. I've been gone for a while, due to certain circumstances. But, if you'll have me, I'd be glad to return!)

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((Well hello there smile.gif))


Probably. I didn't learn too much, since amnesia was more advanced. But all Healers had to know it because all of us warriors would always run into those low hanging tree branches. It was actually pretty funny. I've never gotten it myself, but I bet it's horrible. I remember when even the Alpha himself got it once! Fenrir chuckled, walking leisurely alongside Raven. Let's see, we also had to learn how to help some pups control their emotions. Especially Fire wolves. One wrong move and the pup might accidentally set the forest on fire. Luckily there are usually Water wolves around to put out the fire, but still. He commented, making small talk as they walked along. And if you want, I could freeze part of the lake later and we could go play on it! Fenrir said, bouncing a little.

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Hours after sundown and as the streetwalkers and night clubs became more active, a group of suggestively dressed women made their way towards the glittering office building. as they neared the steps, the men standing in the lobby left their posts to see what the commotion outside was all about. As the group of women reached the steps, half a dozen men had collected in front of the door. On of the women, dressed in a pink halter top and jeans ripped into shorts, stepped forward and delicately wrapped a hand around the back of nearest man's neck, "We always see you men sitting in that old building till the sun comes up", she purred, "We thought we would give you a free show to show our thanks for whatever job you do". There was a happy murmur that spread through the crowd of guards as the girls began to mingle amongst them. What they didn't notice was the four girls that slipped in the front door.


The guard manning the front desk rose to his feet as the small group reached the center of the room, "Ladies, you don't have clearance to be-" he was cut short when a bolt of exotic matter hit him in the chest and rearranged the neuron paths in his body. The man fell limp and flailed uselessly on the floor behind the desk. The woman in the front of the group slipped a drumstick back into her pocket and pulled the wig off his head and threw it on the ground. AS he did so, his face and body began to reconstruct back into the 20 something year old man that is Skinner. He faced his strange looking counterparts and smiled, "Well we haven't been shot yet", he said glancing around. Now that he was in the building, the surveillance systems used to monitor the comings and goings of the employees of the building began to malfunction. Skinner looked around, 'Alright Eleven, lead the way to your boss", he said. They needed to act fast, the eight men outside was not all the guard force Elijah had in this massive building.

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The woman smiled faintly. "I see. And yes, that sounds very fun."


(( ;-; It's been too long. I'm back tempromairly...))

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Fette wasted no time in ripping off his wig in distaste, his dreadlocks nearly reaching critical mass as they exploded from beneath the tightly pinned fake blonde locks. He felt a rubbery pull as his face and body snapped back to their normal proportions; his stubble and grimy birdlike chest rearranging in a kind of horrific five second makeover. He had to admit though,he thought as he examined the gleaming marble walls of the towers' landing, it was a trick he intended to use again if Mister Not-a-Wizard could be convinced to teach him how...


Eleven nodded curtly, a cold blue-gray eye zipping this way and that as he studied the current party. They stood within the soaring lobby of the tower, a disgustingly expensive ground floor level gilded in marble in silver... designed not to impress, but to intimidate. Eleven ducked quickly behind the incapacitated guards desk, sliding in front of a gleaming white computer. Security footage flickered across the screen, and Eleven studied it intently, clicking back and forth for a moment before looking back at the guard. Eleven stooped for a moment, rolling the guard over onto his back to... yes, there; a laminated security pass clipped snugly to the guards uniform pocket! Eleven grinned fiercely, snagging the pass with a quick tug before nodding to the others. With Elijiahs current attitude, Eleven doubted that his own pass would do anything more than summon a firing squad if he were to use it.


"We're lucky its so late" Eleven said. Striding across the lobby, he ignored a wall of elevators, passing by another gilded door to stop in front of an austere cement grey door nestled tightly around a corner. "If this were any earlier we'd be dead by now, but thankfully, the guard force is a skeleton crew." Eleven swiped the pass, hefting open the door to shepherd the others inside. "Elijiah's office sits on the sixtieth floor, but he has a penthouse hidden somewhere above that he sleeps in.", Eleven said, snagging Skinner by the shoulder to pull him behind himself as he ascended the stairs. Fette and the boy were relatively useless, but the wizard could at least use some ranged magic, he supposed, best to keep him close.





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Somewhere between sixteen and thirty eight flights climbed, Skinner came to a sudden halt. He reached out and snagged Eleven's collar. The strange man had been powering up the stairs like a cyborg ever since he unlocked the stairwell. Sideway plowed into his back and began to protest when Skinner raised his hand to stop him. He heard something from somewhere above them. Echoing down the stairwell was a series of soft clicks. The clicks were getting louder too. It was Sideway that spoke up first, "They are going to lock us in!" He shouted as the clicks descended closer and closer.

Skinner Looked back at Sideway with a puzzled look.

"They started at the top floors and locking them down. They are trying to trap us in the stairwell!" Sideway shoved Skinner towards the nearest doorway and Skinner complied. Dragging Eleven by the collar and doing the same to Sideway, "Fette! Move your ass!" He yelled over his shoulder.


The door slammed behind them and they found themselves in a long, cream colored hallway with red carpeting. The plaque by the stairwell door told him that they were on the thirty ninth floor. Not good enough. The door behind them clicked shut, forcing them to move forward.

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Fette skittered through the door just as it swung shut, nearly losing an inch of dreadlock. He studied the hallway quietly as the door locked behind him with a sanitized click; a noise which echoed against the cream walls and plush floors.

Fette narrowed his eyes... the cranberry carpet, the homey lighting.... it was too comfortable, too warm. Something was up, he could feel it. The others wandered cautiously ahead, peeking here and there through the tiny windows mounted on each locked door as they made their way forward. Fette slipped a tattooed hand quietly into the lapel of his tattered black blazer; his fingers closing on the hilt of a carefully and lovingly concealed switchblade.




Eleven fiddled with his stolen keycard nervously. Floor thirty-eight. Highly Confidential.... Floor thirty-nine? Officially, it didn't exist. Missing entirely from the towers' maps and only accessible by the supreme few granted access to the security stair; floor thirty-nine, the Floor Thirty-Nine was an enigma. He was in the middle of hoping that that sort of enigma meant he'd have the chance to slip away quietly when he felt a grimy arm loop amicably about his shoulders.

"Yer bein' awful twitchy here, aintcha, friend" A low voice growled in his ear.

Amongst a cloud of fetid breath, Eleven felt a sharp twinge between his ribs as Fette pressed his switchblade against his chest.

"Now what yer prob'ly thinkin' right now" Fette continued, tracing his switchblade in a nonchalant arc over Elevens' heart. "Is that yer gonna lead us inta some sorta trap. Well, I'm here to tell you that that ain't gonna happ-...!!!!"


Fette was cut short by a punishing elbow between his scrawny ribs. He slashed once, twice, with his knife; narrowly missing as Eleven sprinted down the plush hallway. "Skinner! STUN HIM!!" Fette roared, straightening to chase the one eyed man.


Fette roared with anger, sprinting full tilt as a stream of curses echoed from behind him, accompanied by a fizz of blue electricty and a scent of sulfur. Hexes bounced off the cream walls as Eleven reached the last room on the hallway, frantically swiping his stolen keycard against the electronic lock. He had about ten seconds before the witch doctor would be on him, he reasoned, shooting a glance back at Fette; now a whirlwind of furling dreadlocks and spidery limbs. The door clicked open, and Eleven yanked it gratefully open, slipping inside just as the hoodooist and his group drew near.

With a growl of unbridled fury, Fette snatched at the door, succeeding in grabbing it just a split second before it closed. He was going to make good on his promise to yank the cowards' piercings from his face. Fette ripped the door open, only to be knocked off his feet. A rampage of noise cycloned overhead, and Fette clapped his hands over his head as a a storm of insectile wings, clawed feet, and hooves stampeded over him. Mythical creatures of every type burst through the door; filling the hallway with confusion, knocking the other group members to the floor and against the hex-streaked walls. Faeries, goblins, brownies, alectryons, and a flurry of slimy cipactli fluttered, crawled and snapped about; hustling towards the exit. They clawed at each other and at the motley group of men in their panic, filling the hallway with the animal scents of dander and exhilaration; even as puffs of fae magic sparked here and there.

So this is where the fat censorkip.gif***'s been keeping them.... Fette thought from where he sat, momentarily stunned on the floor.

Edited by ChildeRolande

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