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Sweet and Pudding 1x1

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Loki coughed loudly as he was tossed on the ground and a boot stomped down on his tail. Several scratches lined the other's arms and hands in a feeble attempt to hurt him but the alien had been unfazed by his tiny claws and teeth.

"To think someone so weak wanted to be king," the Other hissed as it crushed Loki's tail. "No wonder you were banished. You would have made an even worse king than Thor Odinson." Loki coughed and shook his head as best he could. He didn't want to be king. He just wanted what was best for Asgard.

"I just wanted to protect my home," he replied softly. The Other clicked his tongue and lifted the cat by his broken tail.

"You don't have a home. You're a Jotun who was abandoned by your own kind and taken in by your enemies. Unless you take over a planet and claim it as your own, you'll never have a home."


Tony nodded as he reached under the bar and pulled out a book on mixing cocktails. "I get bored and don't like to sleep very much. So I learn how to do things in the night. Several months ago, it was mixing cocktails. Just look through this and pick one you like." He placed the book down in front of Thor.


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Thor began sitting through the book, expression lighting up at the sight of a fruity looking pink drink with several different garnishments on it. "This, it looks quite delicious," he decided, tapping it. The thing had pineapple and melon in it, along with fruit juice and tequila.

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Tony looked at the drink Thor had selected then laughed. "Way to break stereotypes," he replied. "I expected something like this from your brother, not you." He picked up the book and flipped it around so he could read it. "Come over here," he said, motioning Thor to his side of the bar. "The first step of making something like this is to gather the ingredients and prepare them all." He knelt down to a fridge under the bar and pulled out the several fruits that were listed in the drink. "Help me cut these up to start."


Time passed remarkably slowly in the dream place. What was probably only a few minutes in reality felt like many, many hours. The Other regarded him silently as Loki leaned against a small rock, his head bowed. This was even worse than the last time. He could not stand it any more. The Other knelt down beside him and patted his head.

"You can only end this two ways. Either you deliver the tesseract to us or you die."

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Thor looked rather confused. "I simply wanted to taste something sweet. What stereotypes have I broken?" He asked, coming around the bar and taking the melon Tony handed to him. He didn't really know what to do with it, so he stared at it, then looked over to see what Tony was doing to his.

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Cutting melons was pretty easy. It was only when Tony noticed Thor wasn't doing anything that he looked up from the cubes he was making out of his fruit and smiled. "Cut it in half, first," he said as he pointed with the knife. "Then scoop out the seeds. You don't want those in your drink."


Loki finally awoke from his nap, shaking and trembling. He sat up quickly and looked around. He was... he was inside the tower. He was awake again. He placed a paw over his chest as he tried to calm down and stop panicing. He was alright. He was fine.

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Thor lifted his head in acknowledgement, steadying his fruit before slicing it carefully down the middle. " I have never done anything like this before. Cooking is.. For the women. And the cooks," he admitted, using his hand to scoop seeds out.

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"And all the feminists in the world are now out to kill you," Tony replied with a chuckle. "It just comes with practice. Besides, as soon as you know how to do this, you can make your own drinks."


Loki lifted his head up and peered over the couch at what Tony and Thor were doing. They seemed to be making something behind the bar. Darcy and Jane were no where in sight. Before he did anything else, he was going to change back. Quickly, he jumped off the couch and darted down the hallway to where his staff and clothes were still sitting on the floor. He couldn't carry any of them elsewhere so he would have to transform here and just be quick putting his clothes back on. Carefully, he placed a paw upon the staff and focused on changing back. Once again, there was an unpleasant sensation but at least he was back to normal. Well, back to normal as in completely blue and completely naked. He was really going to have to think of a way to just transform so he didn't end up nude.

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Again, Thor had this adorably confused expression on his face as he tried to understand what Tony meant. Why would anyone want to kill him? Deciding Tony was just being sarcastic, he gave a nod and began pushing chopped cubes of fruit towards him. It was a bit uneven.


Darcy had picked a room to lie down and was toying with a StarkPad she'd 'found', lying on her stomach. It was pretty neat, and it took her mind off of things.

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Tony took the cubes and looked over the recipe again. "Alright, we have the fruit ready. Now we get a blender." He pulled out the blender and plugged it in. "Put the cubes in here, along with the alcohol and fruit juice. We're just going to blend it and then you can drink it."


Loki quickly put on his clothes, thankful that no one could see him. He quickly gripped the staff and put up an illusion so that he appeared human again. He stood up and walked to a nearby room with the intent of sitting down for a bit and thinking about what had happened in his dreams, only to find Darcy as in the room. "Oh, sorry," he said quickly as he started to walk out again.

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Nodding, Thor dumped the fruit in the machine and then added some fruit juice. The main content was tequila- a LOT of it. Maybe not such a girly drink after all. "This device.. What does it do?" He asked, adding a tiny bit more fruit juice.


Darcy looked up, then quickly sat up. "No, its fine, you can come in. I was just browsing some stuff," she said, shoving the StarkPad under the pillow and patting the bed.

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While Thor added the fruit, Tony added the alcohol. "It blends," Tony said matter-of-factly before he placed the lid on the blender and flicked it on. The machine roared to life, slicing the fruit up even more and blending it with the juice and alcohol.


Loki slowly walked into the room, awkwardly holding the staff. He would be lying if he said the nightmare hadn't fazed him at all. Eventually, he was going to end this. He'd either give in and give the mysterious thing what it wanted... or he'd end it another way. He sat down on the side of his bed and rested the the staff on his lap. "You're sure this is fine, yes?"


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Thor flinched before looking at the machine in awe. "What powers this device?" He asked, watching as the fruit was turned into a smooth mush. It smelled wonderful.


Darcy nodded, sitting with her legs crossed as she watched him enter. "It's fine. Really. Is everything okay?" She asked, concern on her features. He looked haggard, which was strange since he had been sleeping not long ago.

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Tony flicked the blender off when the chunks of fruit had been blended completely into the drink. He removed the upper half and poured it into a cup for Thor. There was quite a bit left over so maybe Loki could have some when he woke up. "Electricity," he replied as he unplugged the blender. "Most things run on electricity now. Nearly everything you see in this tower is run by electricity."


Loki regarded the staff quietly for a few seconds before he closed his eyes and forced a smile onto his face. The nightmares did not concern Darcy, Tony, Jane or Thor. He was just going to pretend nothing was wrong. "Everything is perfectly fine," He replied. "I was just thinking. It's a past time that nobody back on Asgard seemed to enjoy. They were too busy bashing each other's skulls in with swords and blunt objects to think."

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"Incredible!" Thor boomed, taking the cup and sniffing at it. He could see why his brother enjoyed the sweet drinks, they were quite good. He took a sip, licking his lips appreciatively. "This is quite good," he decided, looking at the blender again as his thoughts drifted back towards it.


Darcy grinned in response. "Yeah, I kind of got that vibe from Thor. So you're the smart guy on Asgard, huh?" She prompted, glancing at the staff before back up at him. "That's pretty neat. But I've been meaning to ask, the myths about you aren't really true, but do you like to prank? Or is that just made up too?"

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"Fruity drinks are fairly common." He said with a shrug. "Pina Coladas are probably one of the most common. There's some left over so you can give it to your brother when he wakes up."


"Was," Loki corrected softly. Eager to change subjects, he moved on to the pranking topic. Of course he enjoyed that sort of thing. Who didn't? "But practical jokes are fun. I've always enjoyed them. Why? Do you enjoy mischief as well?"

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Thor nodded, trying to conserve his drink by taking sips. It looked kind of odd for such a big man to be sipping something. "Do you not enjoy the drinks made of fruit?" He asked, swallowing a big mouthful.


"Duh. It's fun to mess with people," Darcyreplied, a miscievious smile on her face. "Do you wanna mess with the others? It's not like we have something better to do," she pointed out.

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"Did you have something in mind?" Loki asked with a tilt of his head and a smile. Yes, this was what he needed to take his mind off the nightmares. A bit of good, harmless mischief.


"Not really," Tony replied. "They're too girly for me. If I'm going to eat fruit, I'd rather not have it with my alcohol. I'd rather just have it straight."

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Darcy pondered for a moment, wondering what they could do. Then she had an idea and grinned. "Well, I dunno how much magic you can do right now, but what if you made me look like you and you look like me? That might be interesting."


Thor shrugged in response. "It seems as good a combination as any," he replied in a suit-it-yourself manner, downing the rest of his drink and setting the cup down.

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"A simple illusion would be fine," Loki replied as he raised the staff. The end glowed as the two of them began to glow with magic. When the light faded, Darcy and Loki had apparently traded placed. But in actuality, Darcy had become Loki and Loki had become Darcy. "Here," Loki said, holding out his staff. "You'll need this if you pretend to be me."


Tony shrugged as he looked at the blender again. "Should we wake up your brother? It wont taste as good if we refrigerate it and wait until later to give it to him."

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'Loki' grinned as he took the staff, cackling though he was actually just amused, not plotting an evil plan or anything of the sort. "Your accent is awesome, by the way. Wait, you don't talk like this. Um.. Forsooth, companion, thine accent is most pleasing?" He tried, and then dissolved into giggles that sounded weird coming out of Loki's mouth. Jumping up, he waved the staff around precariously. "Lets go mess with people!"


"We may as well. And if he is indeed having nightmares, I do not wish him to suffer long," Thor answered, turning and walking out of the kitchen to go and wake his brother. But the couch was empty.

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'Darcy' laughed a little bit too but instead of giggling, she chuckled. "Try not to make it too obvious," She replied. Wait, he had to speak like Darcy. "...dude," she added after a moment, turning to Loki with a questioning look on her face. She just had to act like Darcy. She could do this. "Just act refined but mock people at the same time," she recommended with a smile but stood up as well and started out of the room.


Tony followed Thor, frowning at the empty couch. "He didn't wake up, right? You didn't see him run off?" This could be very bad.

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Loki nodded, schooling his features and lifting himself regally. "This shall be interesting," he murmured, walking out into the hall after Darcy. Tony was ranting about him apparently. Using a newfound sense of stealth, he walked up until he was directly behind the engineer before saying loudly, "I am not some pet, I am capable of walking around on my own, yes?" He said cooly in time to be swept into a hug by Thor. "You worried me, brother!"

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Darcy quickly fell into her part and flashed a smile at Loki. "Well you were a cat up until recently. They were probably only worried you'd get chased around by some obsessive fan girls."

"I would not approve of that level of security breach," Tony quickly said. "I was just thinking about those nightmares he's been having." He quickly walked over to where Thor had Loki in a tight hug and prodded the silver tongued god in the ribs with a finger. "Did you have them again? Want to disclose a few details? I'm a scientist, you have to tell me everything about your hocus pocus visions."

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Oh great- They'd picked a horrible time to switch places. "Put me down, Thor!" He grunted, sighing in relief and smacking Tony's invasive hand away from his midriff. Crap! She didn't know what Loki dreamed about. "I'd rather keep them to myself, thank you. Your mortal intelligence couldn't handle it," he retorted, mentally patting himself on the back for that one. "Loki, the man of iron taught me to make a drink! Would you like some?" Thor interrupted, gaining Loki's interest. Darcy was nineteen and therefore not allowed to drink.. so hell yes! "Certainly," he replied, watching his 'brother' beam and scramble to get it.

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Darcy cringed slightly when Loki all to readily agreed to the drink. No, no! He couldn't drink because drinking did not mix well with alcohol. Well, technically Darcy was the one holding the illusion up but Loki should not be agreeing to it like that. At least agree since Thor made it but only reluctantly. Well, Tony and Thor seemed to be buying it. She watched as Thor went to get the drink, sort of wishing she could have a taste of the first drink her brother had made. Oh well. "Speaking of the man of iron, where do you keep all your scientific toys? We've only seen one floor of this tower. I want to see the rest of it."

"Well, there are a bunch of labs I could show you... provided Loki agrees to let me study his magic later."

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