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Sweet and Pudding 1x1

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Loki glanced up at Thor, his own face mimicking Thor's surprise and disbelief. It took him several moments to realize that 'his father' meant Odin. His nose wrinkled up in distain as the tip of his tail began to flick from side to side. "My father is not Odin," he replied curtly as he thrust his nose up in the air. "Thor and I are brothers in blood but we do not share a father. In fact, I absolutely detest his father. I am also not married."

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Thor shook his head slowly, wishing this didn't have to be brought up. It was still a sensitive subject. Among a knot of girls in the front, one of them had the nerve to scream, "Do you want to be?" This was followed by an eruption of giggles from them. Apparently, someone had leaked photos of Loki from the amusement park.

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Loki peered down at the front row in confusion, his green eyes scanning over the girls. Was this really what press conference questions were about? Well, he had agreed to answer the questions asked so... "I haven't given it much thought before," he replied truthfully. "Up until recently, I didn't have friends, let alone someone I was romantically attached to. Why, if you don't mind me asking?"

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There was a chorus of squeals, followed by all of the girls clamoring for attention at once. A lot of them were offering to be his friend, some of the bolder ones were practically begging to be swept romantically off their feet. Darcy leaned forward to mutter in his ear, "They're your fan girls. They're basically obsessed with you." She was pondering his statement however, about not having someone he was romantically attached to until recently. Had he meant to say it like that? It made her stomach flop to think about it.

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Loki looked back at Darcy, pure shock all over his face. "Fan girls?" he asked. He quickly climbed out of the helmet and walked to the edge of the podium so he could look down at the girls. "Excuse me," he said, speaking in a very polite tone. "If it isn't too much trouble, could the few of you stay after the press conference? I'd like to ask you a few questions without imposing on everyone else and making them endure my questions. After all, they came here to ask us questions and not the other way around." He sat up and looked out at the crowd again. "Any other questions from everyone else?"

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One of them actually swooned and had to be tended to by her friends. The lot of them nodding rapidly looked a lot like a group of bobble heads. But, they were the least of his concern, as more questions were arising. "If you aren't blood related to Thor, then who are you related to?" Someone called out. That was the million dollar question.

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Loki shuddered slightly and shook his head. He retreated back to Thor's helmet and laid down inside it, his entire body seeming to conform and fill the shape. He turned his head away and stared up at Thor briefly. Midgardians did not know Laufey but even now he wanted to deny the Frost Giant blood running through his veins. Odin was not his father but he did not want Laufey to be it either. Admitting it here and now... well, he might as well drop all his illusions and and just parade around as a Frost Giant. He didn't want that. He didn't want to be a monster. Denying Odin as his father was easy. Accepting his heritage was not. "I.. I cannot say that right now," he glanced up at Thor for help.

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Thor quickly stepped up, hoping to redeem himself. "My brother cannot disclose this information, as it is sensitive. If you would be so kind, please refrain from the subject," he said with a charming smile, sneaking his hand into the helmet to rub Loki's back soothingly. "Are there any other questions then? For either of us?"

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There were various mumbles from the crowd but the last answer had shut them up for the most part. Tony quickly moved back to the podium. "That's all, folks," he said as he patted Thor on the shoulder. "To the girls Loki asked to stay, we'll just be taking a short break. You can stay here while everyone else leaves and we'll be back in a moment." He pulled away from the microphone and looked at Loki . "Let's go into one of the back rooms and have a quick break. Loki looks like he needs one before continuing."

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Thor scooped up his helmet, brows knit together in concern. "Verily. Lead us to this back room then," he agreed, hand still absently stroking Loki's fur. He was probably having terrible thoughts considering the questions he'd just been asked. Thor didn't blame him.

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Tony quickly led them to a room in the back where there were couches to sit on and a mini fridge for beverages. He immediately claimed one of the larger couches and sprawled out on it with a sigh. "Drinks are in the science box," he said, pointing to the minifridge. "Let's just take a five minute breather. Then you two can go talk to those girls and address that strange obsession they seem to have with your brother.

Loki purred faintly but it was more to comfort himself than it was out of happiness or pleasure. Tony's jesting aside, the question had been far to blunt for him to handle properly. He wasn't used to this. It had merely been a few weeks since his sudden banishment and every bump along the way was making it harder and harder to recover. Was this just going to end up like Lion King and he would kill Odin, only to be killed himself? He was bitter and angry but he wished death upon Laufey more than Odin. A part of him just wanted to wipe out his heritage completely so he would never have to claim it. He would not have to be a Frost Giant if there were none left.

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Thor set his helmet carefully down on the small space Tony left on the couch, making sure it wouldn't tip. Then he rummaged in the magic box Tony had pointed out, producing a bottle of water. He then dumped the decorative beads from a bowl and poured the water into it, setting it before Loki. "Are your people always so inquisitive?" He sighed, dropping into an arm chair.

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"Yes. They get really hyped up about celebrities like me. Aliens probably fall under the same category as celeberty. They're all going to spread the news now and , in less than an hour, we'll get a bunch of news via Internet about you two."

Loki, meanwhile, was attempting to drink from the bowl. It was humiliating but he was thirsty and he couldn't drink from a water bottle. It was better than Thor attempting to use a baby bottle to make him drink since that was the only other option.

But drinking was more difficult than it seemed and most of the water ended up on his face and not in his mouth. Vexed, he planted both of his paws on the sides of the bowl and attempted to drink again, only to slip and fall inside the bowl. Both he and the bowl, as well as the helmet, fell from the couch and landing on the floor. Wet and not all that pleased with it, Loki just stood on the floor awkwardly shaking as water dripped from his fur.

"Don't say anything," he hissed at Tony who was trying not to laugh. Trying but not really succeeding.

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Thor just looked concerned instead of amused. "Brother.. Would you not rather change back?" He asked, picking up his helmet and setting it on the table. The thought of being famous didn't annoy or impress him, just worried him over his brother's condition.

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Loki gently shook one of his paws, trying to get rid of the water on it. "I would," he replied faintly. But on top of changing back, he would have to have enough energy to summon clothing and hide himself behind an illusion. That would take an awful lot of energy. More than what he currently had without his staff. "But I don't have clothes or enough magic to change back right now. I used it all earlier. I left my staff at the tower..."

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Thor frowned and still looked unconvinced, but let the matter go. Darcy, who was leaning against the wall, decided to speak up. "You should be careful. Those fan girls will eat you alive- not literally of course but I'm pretty sure they'd kiss the ground you walk on. And it's mostly because they like the way you look," she added with a small scoff. Sure Loki was attractive.. Very attractive, but there were other aspects about him to admire.

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Loki shook his entire body to get rid of most of the water then tried not to stumble around from dizziness. Getting wet was really unpleasant as a cat. He glanced up at Darcy then tilted his head to the side in confusion. "But I'm a cat right now," he replied softly. "That doesn't make any sense." He shook his head then started towards the door. "I'm going to go ask them a few things. You're welcome to come, or you can stay here." With that, he moved out of the room and quickly trotted back to the main hall. Everyone had cleared out, save the girls in the front. "Oh good, you stayed," he said as he reached the end of the stage and sat down. "Do you mind if I ask you a few things?"

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"I'll come, just in case," Darcy muttered, following after him. Thor decidedly wanted to stay put. The girls freaked out when he returned, bouncing and squeaking and just overreacting in general. There was a lot of head nodding and 'yes's from them in response. Darcy hung back, watching warily.

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"Wonderful," Loki replied, a smile appearing on his face. "Why don't we start with introductions? You already know that my name is Loki but what are your names? I 'll do my best to remember them." He laid down and tucked one paw under his chest while he let his other dangle down over the end of the stage.

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Behind him, Darch hid a snort. This was ridiculous. Poor Loki was too naive for his own good, and these girls were going to take advantage. "What do you want to know?" One of them piped up, Sarah it looked like.

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Loki carefully recorded their names for later use. "Well," he said, placing a paw on his cheek as he thought. "I was wondering why you like me. I cannot recall meeting any of you before yet every one of you all seem infatuated with me. Why is that?"

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There was giggling among the group as they tried to decide who would speak and what they would say. Finally one of them was shooed forward. "You're um.. You're kind of hot. When you're not a cat, I mean. There are pictures of you on the Internet. And r feel bad and stuff.."

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Internet. That was that thing Tony showed them. How they could look up anything there and have your questions answered. There were pictures of him there? But the only time someone would have taken pictures of him that would be released on the public would be at the amusement park. And he would have been undisguised then. "What do these pictures look like?" he asked after a moment. "Because I'm not sure you'd feel the same way if they were pictures of what I actually look like. I'm not sure anyone can be attracted to that."

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"There were a few where you were all pale with black hair. The other ones you were in had you blue- which is freaking awesome by the way. I wish I could have blue skin," one of them sighed, plucking at her pale, freckled complexion. "No way," one of the others snorted, "the red eyes are cooler." The group dissolved into bickering about which aspect of his Jotun nature was coolest. Only one of them seemed to think he looked creepy. "Earth is both one of the most and least judgmental places," Darcy muttered into his ear.

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Loki looked up at Darcy briefly then turned back to the girls. Most of them seemed to actually like how he looked as a Jotun. No, that was wrong. He frowned as his tail puffed up. "Enough! You shouldn't like how I look naturally! I'm a Jotun, a monster! You should fear or hate what I look like normally. That's why I always hide my appearance. Because Jotuns are terrible."

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