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Sweet and Pudding 1x1

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Thor nodded uncertainly, not sure what to expect. He had rallied an army before, but never been asked questions in such a manner. It felt slightly unnerving, but perhaps he could win his brother back in this manner. "Come, let us away."

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Tony nodded and led them to the elevator. The doors automatically closed then opened again several seconds later. The elevator was now on the ground floor, much to Loki's delight. How was this accomplished? It was a door that led to other places! Tony quickly walked out to where a black car was waiting for them, a driver standing by the door. "Climb in," he said as he got in the car himself."

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Thor held his helmet under one arm as he frowned at the elevator. He blinked in bewilderment as the door opened on a different floor -a portal?- but followed Tony wordlessly. Darcy was meekly shuffling along behind them, as if waiting for them to notice her and force her to leave. The thunder god climbed into the car, examining it curiously.

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Loki quickly jumped into the seat between Darcy and Thor. The car quickly pulled out of the garage and moved down to the large assembly hall where the press conference was being held. Immediately, people swarmed the car as Tony climbed out. Cameras flashed as he opened up the car door and motioned for Thor, Darcy and Loki to step out. He was completely ignoring the people taking pictures of them and asking him questions.

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Thor's eyes were wide as dinner plates as he saw the mob awaiting them. "These people.. Are overly fond of you," he managed, lifting Loki into his arms and climbing out. He set the helmet on his head, Darcy following the little procession as they worked their way to a podium. "Do I just speak, or answer questions?" He was slightly nervous; Loki was the silver tongue, not him.

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"Just answer questions for now. I'll guide you through the process," Tony said as Loki climbed onto Thor's shoulder again. He approached the podium and cleared his throat, causing a silence to fall over the crowd. "I'd like to thank you all for coming on such short notice but you really wanted to come in the first place so I won't. Despite being the center of the universe, I'd like to momentarily direct your attention away from me and to my friend here. His name is Thor and, despite his appearance, he is an alien. He doesn't want any trouble here while he's staying with me so he's here to make himself known to the world and to answer any questions you may have for him. But one at a time, please. That cat on his shoulder will get very pissed off and claw your eyes out if you make too much noise." He motioned for Thor to step over to the podium. "Just speak into that little black thing. It will amplify your voice."

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Thor's head whipped from side to side as Tony's voice seemed to emmanate from everywhere all at once. He was only half listening, studying the place and the people who packed it to the brim. It was only when he was summoned that he stepped forward, gazing at the podium warily. Upon tapping said black thing, there was a loud noise in response, making him flinch slightly and a few people chuckle. He needed to just buck up and do this. "As friend Tony said, I am Thor, of Asgard. Perhaps you know of my brother Loki, who arrived before I did. Unfortunately he is in little condition to talk at the moment-" he gestured to the cat, "in which case I will answer your questions. If anyone would like to begin..?" He offered, eyes widening as the crowd roared and clamoured all at once.

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As the crowd erupted in noise, Loki hissed and ducks behind Thor's shoulder. Everything sounded so much louder! His ears pinned backwards and he hissed angrily as his claws dug into Thor's shoulder.

"Why is your brother a cat?" One person yelled near the front.

"You look like a human and a cat. How do we know you're actually aliens?"

"Why are you here?"

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Trying to calm himself by taking several deep breaths, Thor lifted his hands. "Please Midgardians, one at a time. My brother is a cat because he is one of the most skilled sorcerers in all of the nine realms, and needed to test his abilities. I am aware that we look alike, but we most assuredly not humans. I am an Æsir, though I do not have my powers anymore. I was forced to abandon them in order to journey here. I am here because my brother needed me, and now we remain in peace. We wish you no harm, this realm fascinates us. It is a.. What would your people call it..? a vacation," he answered, breathing a relieved sigh as he answered the questions without a hitch.

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"But how can we tell if you really are aliens?" one person yelled. The crowd instantly rallied behind him and began repeating the question over and over again to Thor and the cat. As Loki grew more and more irritated with the loud noise, his tail began to flick from side to side and he dug his claws deeper into Thor's shoulder. It would be easier if the crowd just shut up for one second.

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Thor glanced up at Loki, if only curious. The claws didn't really hurt him that much. "I suppose we have no way of proving our race. My brother cannot change back at the moment, for he needs rest. Are there not methods to prove race here? Would that I could do something to show you.. But I cannot," he sighed regretfully.

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Loki looked at Thor then struggled to raise himself up onto Thor's shoulder completely. He crouched on Thor's shoulder then jumped onto the podium. The crowd fell silent as Loki sat on his back leg and tapped the microphone with a paw, as if he was about to use it. He paused then yowled into the microphone as loudly as he could.

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Thor looked confused for all of two seconds before he clapped his hands over his ears, grimacing at the loud noise. "Loki!" He complained, removing his helmet and setting it next to the cat. "What did you hope to accomplish by that?" He huffed, wiggling a finger in his ear.

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Loki licked his lips in response. Oh, there was an idea. He couldn't transform back but he could probably manage just altering his vocal cords. They were certainly small enough. He placed a paw over his throat and coughed a few times before he turned back to the microphone. "Hello," he purred, his voice startlingly high pitched. He coughed again into his paw then turned back to the microphone. "Can you all just shut up? Yeah, that'd be really nice. Because you're super loud."

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Thor glanced at the crowd as they grew stunned, then looked back at Darcy in confusion. When she informed him cats didn't usually talk, he understood, turning around. "Does this not prove our race? He is one of your Midgardian felines yet he talks," he said over Loki's head, glancing down at him.

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"How come you both aren't cats?" One reporter yelled. Now that he could speak, Loki decided to answer the questions. Even if they were extraordinarily silly.

"Magic," he replied, leaning forward to speak into the microphone. "My brother is not well versed in it so he cannot change his appearance like I can. I am preforming a test to see if I can change into animals and how specific I can be in my transformations. For example, I altered my vocal chords a few moments ago so I could speak with you." The crowd went wild at the mention of magic, shouting many questions about how such a thing could exist. Loki grimaced and stepped away from the microphone, cringing at the noise. It was far too loud!

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Thor opened his mouth, but there were too many voices at once to be heard. Gathering up a lungful of air, he decided to do what he was good at- being loud. "SILENCE!" He roared, the microphone amplifying his already extremely loud voice. Clearing his throat, he stepped to the side and waved for Loki to continue.

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Loki winced and covered his ears with his paws, trying to block out the horrid noise. Thor yelling didn't help at first but when the crowd fell into silence, he was able to relax his paws.

"Where I come from, magic and science are the same. Your grasp of the universe doesn't allow you to understand magic and utilize it. Magic is just power. Some people can channel it, others cannot. I am able to preform high levels of sorcery because I am well versed in magic and have a large portion of it stored inside me."

"So you are a battery?" Someone called out. Loki frowned then shrugged.

"Under certain definitions. But magic would suit Midgardian technology ill or at least what I have seen of it. Besides, I would rather not power your roller coasters and cars and televisions."

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Thor inclined his head, listening along with the mortals and nodding here and there. The questions weren't for him it seemed, so he let his brother do the talking. Leaning forward, he murmured to Loki, "Perhaps now would be the time to tell them that the legends are not true, while you have their attention." He didn't think the quiet would last.

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Ah, yes. Those silly legends. As if on cue, someone yelled out, "Where are your children?" Loki quickly held up a paw and shook his head.

"I have none. Those legends you have about my brother and me are largely false. I have no children. Prior to today, I've never even transformed into an animal. The Loki of your legends and I have little in common aside from naming. And since the tales are rather disturbing, I'd rather you not associate me with them."

"What about your brother? Are those legends true?"

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Thor wrinkled his nose, feeling guilty as he was reminded of his rumor. Taking a step forward, he asked into the microphone, "Which ones? I do control the thunders of the sky, but it is not my fate to die in battle in order to save Midgard from a serpent that will swallow it. You must explain."

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"Do you have a hammer? And a chariot pulled by goats?" Loki snorted softly from his place on the podium. The legends about Thor seemed generally harmless. How vexing that he was the only one abused by mythology. It actually made him really annoyed. Frowning as best he could, he moved over to Thor's helmet and flipped it over. Using it rather like a chair, he sat down inside it and leaned back. That was much better than just sitting on the wood podium.

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Thor glanced over at Loki, grinning as he used his hat like a chair. He would not say so for fear of angering him, but he actually thought Loki as a cat was kind of cute. "I do indeed have a hammer, her name is Mjolnir. I do not have her with me, before you ask. As for the chariot.. Why in the nine would i wish for goats to pull a chariot? They are belligerent creatures that would not be strong enough to pull me, let alone the chariot. That is a myth," he said with a dismissive wave of the hand. Someone shouted at Loki, "What about Sigyn?"

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Loki frowned and glanced at Thor before looking back to the crowd. The question seemed to be directed at him. "Sigyn?" he asked as he crossed his paws over his chest. "Do you mean Sif? I don't know anyone named Sigyn. But Sif is a friend of Thor's."

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The man who had asked fidgeted slightly. "The legends say that Sigyn is your wife," he explained, turning slightly pink. Thor's eyebrows had raised slightly in surprise and disbelief. "She was a beautiful woman, and you wanted her for that, but she would not bear your children after you had married, and your father would not allow it to be annulled," he coughed. Thor glanced over at Loki to see how he would react.

Edited by Sweet_Wyvern

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