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Sweet and Pudding 1x1

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Hopefully from here, she would just follow him. Trying not to shy away from the contact too much, he darted out the door and ran out of the hallway, trying to keep his tail moving from side to side to keep her on his trail. He stopped where the staff and his pile of clothes were and set his paw down upon the staff before glancing back to see if she had followed.

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Scampering after him, the cat Darcy rounded the corner, mesmerized by his eternally moving tail. She nearly crashed into him in her distraction, managing to stop in time with a startled noise and sitting abruptly. The objects he was sitting on were unsettling and strange, but they smelled like him, so she didn't worry about it. Almost lovingly she licked the top of his head.

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Loki barely resisted the urge to shutter when she liked the top of his head. Eww.... A small shiver passed down his spine anyway before he adjusted his grip on the staff. His claws dug into it slightly as he reached out and rubbed his head against Darcy's cheek. He tried to concentrate on the magic and pull it forward to channel it into her. She just had to change back. That was all that mattered. Darcy just had to return to normal.

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Darcy was suddenly snapped back into reality as the tingling sensation returned. When her eyes snapped open, she was crouched over Loki the cat, rubbing her face against his head. What. The. Hell. She shrieked in surprise, trying to cover herself up because hello, she was naked. Scrambling backwards, she ran away towards the room they had been in and slammed the door, hurriedly pulling on clothes as her cheeks burned red. She remembered every moment of that.. What did Loki think of her now? Was her lovesickness laid bare?

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Loki quickly averted his eyes when Darcy transformed back into herself. That had been exhausting. Using magic on someone else was hard enough but trying out new magic at the same time? It was draining. He looked at the door she had slammed shut then slunk away from the staff laying on the floor. He needed to give her some space and-as much as he did not want to-needed some rest. At the very least he needed to lay down for a bit. Weariness setting in, he moved back to the main room and tracked down his brother. With an irritated meow, he began trying to claw his brother's legs so Thor would lift him up and carry him.

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Thor looked down at his brother -well, a cat- appeared and pawed insistently at his leg. Wincing as the claws dug into his skin, he lifted Loki into his arms, will looking regretful of his actions. "What do you want, Brother?" He asked, petting him without realizing her was doing it.

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Loki responded by burying the side of his head in the crock of Thor's arm. He purred softly as his claws kneaded Thor's sleeve. He just wanted to rest. Not sleep since sleep would bring about fear and pain but rest.

"Sirs," JARVIS said, his voice filled with the closest thing to worry the AI could manage. "Might I remind you Loki had me schedule a press conference in less than an hour? I invited quite a few people and they won't be pleased if it is cancelled."

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Seating himself, Thor placed the cat in his lap and began stroking his back comfortingly. If Loki wanted something different, he'd say so. However, when Jarvis spoke up he became worried. "My brother is exhausted.. What can we do? Perhaps I should go in his stead? I am certain I would know the answers to the questions of the people.."

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Loki would never admit the petting felt good but since he did not stop him, it was apparent he did like it.

"That could work if your brother is unfit to go. The press conference was placed under Master Stark's name so they would not know the difference between you and your brother."

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((My dad demanded to see what I was doing, so he sorta read my last post sleep.gif I'm not banned from this or anything, I'm just peeved because I've explained roleplay before and their response was: oh, so you're blogging.))


Thor nodded, lifting the cat and setting him gently on the couch. "Brother, I promise I will fix this. Have the house spirit show you this conference on television, so you can watch," he suggested, then straightened and turned to Tony. "Shall we go?" He was wearing a tshirt and sweats.

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((Silly parents that don't understand technology.))


Loki was less than pleased to be removed from Thor's arms. He quickly jumped off the ground and darted over to his feet where he promptly laid down, his body covering Thor's foot.

"You should probably change. Do you still have that leather outfit you came in? That might be cool. Provided your brother will actually let you leave." He stared down at the cat as Loki refused to budge.

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((At least he said it was well written.))


Thor glanced down at Loki, lips quirking up fondly as he bent to scoop him up and cradled him against his chest. "Aye, I have it. But Loki seems reluctant to allow me to leave," he murmured, knowing better than to put him down this time. Just then Darcy finally emerged, still slightly pink and definitely clothed this time. "Hi," she said awkwardly.

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Loki purred softly and rubbed the side of his head against Thor's chest. When Darcy's voice rang out, his eyes shot open and he raised his head. He stared at her for a few moments before he buried his face in Thor's shirt, completely embarrassed by what had happened.

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"Yeah, my thoughts exactly," Darcy snorted, crossing her arms. She understood why he had enticed her in such a manner, but it was still embarrassing. "For the record dude, I'll probably never be able to look at a cat the same way again," she added, brushing hair out of her face. Clearing his throat awkwardly, Thor asked, "Brother, if you will not leave me, then you must come to the conference this way, right?"

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Loki glanced back at Darcy. Well, at least she was back to normal. And he would be as soon as he rested. He turned his gaze up to Thor then raised his paws and dug his claws into Thor's shirt. He did not want to leave his brother. He did what he wanted anyway. Who cared if he showed up as a cat and made obscure gestures to the people there? It might even be better that way since Thor didn't have much proof. He couldn't use magic like he could.

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"Then I suppose you will be coming with me. Now, unless you truly wish to know how 'pretty' I am, please stay here and let me change in privacy," Thor quipped, setting him down and walking out of the room. There was a beat of silence before Darcy asked, "Did he really just make that joke?" Maybe Thor wasn't as daft as they all thought.

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Loki blinked when his brother left then rolled his eyes. It was a silly joke and since Loki would never watch him change. But he was not going to let his brother leave without him. As soon as Thor left, Tony suddenly reached down and lifted Loki into the air.

"How did you manage to turn into a cat?" He asked. Loki's response was to hiss loudly and dig his claws into Tony's hands.

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Darcy crossed her arms, feeling a small spike of protectiveness as Tony lifted the cat. "You shouldn't startle cats. And y'know, angry gods in the form of cats. He changed to come after me I'm pretty sure," she answered for her friend who could not speak.

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"No, I mean how. How did you manage to condense yourself to this size without retaining the same weight? You only weight, like, twelve pounds." He watched as Loki continued to scratch his arms then promptly sunk his teeth into Tony's hand. Tony quickly tried to drop him but Loki refused to drop to the floor. Instead, he hung from Tony's hand by his teeth, growling loudly. "Ow, you little censorkip.gif! Let go!"

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Darcy covered her mouth to hide a giggle as Loki bit him. It served him right for being rude. She did feel bad though, so she walked up and scooped Loki into her arms. "Please let go," she said, rubbing behind his ear.

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Loki reluctantly let go, his ears pinned back against his head. Tony quickly cradled his hand as the two glared at each other.

"I was only curious," Tony said with a frown. Loki snorted in response and tried to jump onto Darcy's shoulder so he could perch there like a bird instead.



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Darcy let go so he could jump up there, looking between the cat and the engineer. "That's enough you two. Loki, no biting, Tony, be more considerate," she scolded, and as if on cue, Thor returned in the armor and leather he had arrived in. "Are we ready to go?" He asked, using one of Tony's drapes as a cape since he had torn his off in Asgard.

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Tony glanced up from his hand, a look of irritation on his face. "Yeah, sure," he mumbled. If Loki had rabies, he was going to kill him. "Just get your brother. He seems to be in a pissy mood."

Loki stared at Darcy innocently and nudged her head. He glanced at Thor and meowed loudly. He didn't want to jump, he wasn't sure if he could make it that far.

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Thor approached and lifted the cat, setting him on his own shoulder. "Do you wish for me to announce who you are, brother?" He asked, figuring Loki wouldn't want people to know he was a cat. Darcy fidgeted, choosing not to comment.

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Surprisingly enough, Loki nodded. They would question why a cat was there anyway and his odd antics would be explained then. Besides, he could still communicate. Sort of. He dug his claws into Thor's shirt then relaxed his back so he was hanging over Thor's shoulder. Tony shook his head and motioned to the elevator. "Well, let's go. There's a car downstairs that will drive us to the press conference."

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