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Sweet and Pudding 1x1

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"A press conference is where you go up in front of reporters and news channels, who are in charge of giving us news by putting it on television, and you talk. You say what's real and what isn't, answer some of their questions. Tony does it all the time, he can set one up for you I'm sure. Be careful though, reporters can ask cruel questions sometimes," Darcy answered, head propped up on her fist. He deserved a chance to make things right.

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Cruel questions? Well that seemed awful but he would have to deal with it. He was dealing with so much already, he could handle a few mean-spirited questions. "I'll ask him to schedule one for me," he replied.

"If you like, I can assemble one for you," JARVIS said. "Does one later today sound alright? Perhaps at six?"

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"Not all o them are mean," Darcy said quickly, sitting up and stretching her cramped muscles. She hoped it went better than everything else had seemed to be. "Okay? So everything good now?"

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Loki sat up as well but shook his head. "Not entirely," he admitted. "Even though that story with the horse was ridiculous, it did bring up a good question. I want to know if I can use magic to change into animals. So everything is fine and you can leave if you like but I'm going to stay in here for a while longer and try changing shape." He crossed his legs and made himself more comfortable on the bed.

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Darcy scooted back a little bit, eyes going wide with anticipation. "No- I want to stay and watch. If you're okay with it. But you probably shouldn't shapeshift into a large animal," she cautioned, because the bed was small. She was kind of excited to see magic though.


(Itd be funny if his spell backfired and turned her into an animal instead xd.png )

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"I was going to try for a cat," Loki admitted then closed his eyes and bowed his head. Changing himself would require a lot of magic. He reached down to the energy he had taken from the tesseract and focused on bringing it up. Golden sparks flickered dangerously around his body as he tried to pull even more magic up. And then, quite suddenly, the magic snapped.

"Oh censorkip.gif."

In a rush, the magic tore away from him and spun violently around the room in a golden ball of power before it honed in on Darcy.


((I didn't even think of that! That would be hilarious!))

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Darcy had time to do nothing but squeak in alarm as she was assaulted. Changing felt.. Well, it didn't hurt but it tingled. And it wasn't fun. She felt dizzy as her world grew large and her limbs shrank, fur poking out of her skin until a black cat sat in her place. Fur fluffing up in indignation and ears flattening, she gave Loki a less than amused look and meowed. If this was permanent.. Crush or no, she'd claw his eyes out. But really.. Did he even have enough power to change her back?

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Loki watched, absolutely fascinated when Darcy shrunk in size and became a cat. It worked! Sort of. It just worked on the wrong person. He quickly lowered himself down so he was eye level with her and ran his fingers through his hair. "I'm so sorry," he said quickly. He just had to change her back, right? He raised his hands and tried to manipulate his magic again but it was quick to backfire and blow out the lights overhead instead, plunging the room into darkness. "What's going on?" He asked in confusion. Why wasn't this working? His magic was misbehaving and Darcy was a cat. He was out of ideas.

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Darcy was ready to forgive him.. You know, as soon as he changed her back. She stood in anticipation, but suddenly light bulbs were exploding. It was about ten times louder to her in this cat form, and it immediately plunged her into flight or fight mode. With a terrified yowl she jumped from the bed and streaked out of the room, jumping straight into Jane's lap out of instinct, huddling there and shaking like a leaf.

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Jane jumped when a black streak scampered across the floor and leapt into her lap. She had just enough time to register it was a cat before Loki burst into the room, slightly out of breath. "What is this thing on my lap?" She asked as she stared down at the shaking form. Loki looked incredibly relieved as he quickly walked over.

"That thing is Darcy," he replied as he looked around. "I need my staff. Where is it?"

"Darcy?!" Jane asked, staring down at the cat. "What happened? Why is Darcy a cat?"

"Magical mishap," Loki replied dismissively. "Now where is my staff? I need to turn her back!"

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"Your staff is here brother," Thor answered uncertainly, pickig it up off the table. He wasn't sure how Loki felt about him since his story, so he remained neutral as he passed it over. However, as Loki drew nearer, Darcy cringed away, jumping on the back of the couch and then down as she bolted. She wasn't afraid of Loki so much as animal instinct was taking over, and it told her to run. She weaved through pairs of legs as she fled, intending to find a dark space to hide in.

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A grimace quickly crossed Loki's face as he took the staff without a word of thanks. He sprinted after Darcy in the direction she had gone. But she was a cat and he was a god. He could not keep up with her or even fit into the spaces she could. But why was she running in the first place? He stopped as considered everything before he closed his eyes and focused. He was careful to keep a tight grip on the staff and the magic as he manipulated it around himself. It was an unpleasant feeling to shrink and sprout fur. He could not chase her as a person but maybe he could as a cat. In seconds, the staff clattered to the ground next to a pile of clothes. A grey cat with a large, bushy tail and bright green eyes wiggled free of the clothing Loki had been wearing, shaking his head. That had not been very pleasant and being on all fours felt strange. But he had to catch up with Darcy. His nose twitched slight as he sniffed the air then meowed loudly. Maybe she would just come if he called to her.

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Darcy found that cats were very agile climbers. In a random room she clambered up on a shelf, pressed between the top and the ceiling and as far into the corner that she could get. She was starting to calm down, but it was difficult to think straight, as if losing her grip once had made it harder to get it back. Her pointed ears swiveled as she heard a meow nearby. Who was it? Another cat? She hesitated before meowing curiously back, though she didn't leave her spot.

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Loki quickly turned his head towards the sound, his ears flicking back and forth. He quickly ran away from the staff and the clothing, tracking the noise to a nearby room. He poked his head inside and sniffed the air. Yes, she had been in here. He moved inside the room and looked around before he called out to her again in the form of a meow. She didn't have to be afraid of him. He just wanted to help her.

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Darcy poked her head over the edge of the bookshelf, meowing a little louder this time. It was just a cat.. And his scent had her curious. It was familiar, but she didnt know why. She didn't feel threatened though. Bunching her legs, she jumped down and cautiously padded up to him, whiskers twitching as she sniffed.

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Loki's tail shot up unconscious to show he was happy to see her. His whiskers angled forward as he moved closer to her. He began to purr, something that surprised him but also felt relaxing and comforting. Purring was new. He held out a paw and tried to use it to motion her closer. If he led her back to the staff, he could change her back.

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Darcy's tail lifted up in response, a resounding purr in her chest as he greeted her. He was not a threat. Padding forward, she weaved herself around his body, brushing up against him and rubbing her head against his chest.

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Loki was rather surprised when Darcy began rubbing up against his body, especially his chest. What was she doing? He raised sat back on his hind legs and raised a paw in the air as she continued to brush up close to him. Gently, he tapped her on the nose, his head tilted to the side quizically. It was almost as if he was asking what she was doing.

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Darcy stopped in front if him as her nose was touched, sneezing and blinking up at him. What was that for? She meowed in response, sitting as well and swishing her tail back and forth. He was safe for her, and she'd just had this urge to be close, what was wrong with that? She soon grew bored and began washing her paws, a sign that maybe the jolt of fear had brought out more of her cat side.

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Oh gosh. Had she lost her mind? Hopefully transforming her back would help but this was seriously bad. He had to somehow get her to the staff before she did something bad. But how could he entice her to follow? He never owned a cat before so he had no idea how they acted! Okay... Just calm down. Species didn't matter, gender did. And even though it was boys who usually pranced after girls, girls often pranced after boys. Hopefully she wouldn't remember any of this. It would be awkward to explain afterwards.

With a loud purr, he pushed forward, working his way under her chin where he proceeded to rub his back against the underside of her face. He was just getting her attention, that was all. As he worked his way past her, his tail flicked from side to side and danced in front of her face like one of those fluffy cat toys kittens loved to chase about.

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Darcy gave a mrrow of surprise, going still for a moment as Loki rubbed against her. Then her eyes became half lidded and she purred in response, batting at his tail and competing the other half of their circling bodies. He felt good, and afters few seconds there was a release of pheromones that signaled his plan was working. Maybe a little too well.

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Loki gave his tail a small shake as he bounced a few feet away from her then glanced back over his shoulder. It seemed like his plan had worked but now he had to get her to follow him. He could smell something off but his brain couldn't quite register what it was so he simply continued on with the game they were playing. He shook his tail again then bounced a few feet closer to the door. Glancing back at Darcy, he purred loudly and stretched out his body carelessly, waiting for her to follow him. If she didn't, he go back and try again.

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Darcy needed no second bidding, stalking after him with an almost predatory gait, yet she didn't look threatening. She didn't understand where they were going, unless maybe he was taking her to a secluded place for this. That made sense. Quickening her pace, she rubbed under his chin like he had to her, promptly laying down on her stomach in front of him almost expectantly.

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Loki might have been oblivious before but now he understood completely. Somehow, he was going to have to get her back to the staff without losing her interest but without actually losing to instincts. He was walking on a very thin line here and he did not want to make a mistake.

With a loud purr, he quickly stepped over her and made a beeline to the door. Once there, he stopped and flicked his tail to her again, enticing her forward. It was almost like a game of cat and mouse. Thank the gods that they had not changed gender, though. Otherwise this would probably end just like Thor's stupid tale about him. But with cats.

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Darcy wrinkled her nose in irritation as she was sidestepped, rising to her feet with an indignat snort and watching him walk to the door. If he wanted to play this game, she could play along. It was all worth the end result, right? Bounding after him, she skidded to a stop right behind him and bumped Loki lightly with her shoulder, tail swishing playfully. It was a game of tag, more or less.

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