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Sweet and Pudding 1x1

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Between the drink and the new movie, it was fairly easy to push aside his thoughts of lions until a later date. The antics between the horse and the thief were certainly humorous. And then the meeting between the boy and the princess. A smile appeared on Loki's face when the man was knocked unconscious by a frying pan. Violence was so funny in this movie. Which was odd because it wasn't humorous at all in real life.

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Thor was chuckling along with the others, glad they had picked such a movie. The girl was clearly a virtuous warrior such as himself. Darcy kept stealing glances back at them, Loki more specifically, wondering how he was holding up. She was a bit jealous of Thor at the moment.

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The rest of the movie continued on without too much going wrong. Loki chuckled along with the rest of them at the humorous parts, did his best to understand all of the jokes and tried to smile. It was a cute story, really. Far different than the ones he was told as a child that were filled with violent deaths, bloody battles and twisted monsters. Monsters like his kind. A soft sigh escaped Loki's lips when the lights flickered back on. He didn't sit upright right away but instead continued to lean against Thor. "How does it work?" he asked, turning his gaze to Darcy. "How is it that you can make pictures move and sound accompany it? How have you accomplished such a thing?

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Darcy opened her mouth and shut it, not really having an answer. "Um.. it's called animation.. it has something to do with light. Ask him, he's the tech head," she answered, pointing to Tony. Thor looked up as well, curious about how such a wonderful thing had come about. "Do only the nobles have these?" He asked.

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"No, nearly everyone has a television," Tony replied. How to explain animation and movies to two gods that had never seen a television before? He could give it to them flat out but that would probably result in even more confusion. To explain a movie he would first have to explain cameras, film and recorders. "I've got an idea," he said, standing up. He walked over to a table nearby and picked up the laptop that had been sitting there. He quickly types in the password, opened up internet explorer and types in how movies worked. "This is a laptop," he said, placing it on Thor's lap. "If you move your finger around on the pad right here, it will move the cursor. Double click to open up a page to read about what you want to know. If you want to look something else up, just type it in this bar over here using the keys and click enter. This baby can tell you everything you want to know about nearly everything."

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Thor's eyes widened in surprise as the device was dropped into his lap. He shifted it so his brother could see, experimentally moving his finger over the area Tony had indicated. To his delight, the cursor moved with it, and he tapped it twice to click a link about how movies were made. Throughout the reading his brow furrowed, until he shook his head and looked up. "I do not understand any of it," he admitted.

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Loki, on the other hand, was able to grasp what the words said. It was confusing, sure, but he managed to get the basics. "Can I see?" he asked, pointing at the laptop. He wanted to look other things up and try to better grasp of this world he was on.

"It's confusing," Tony said with a nod. "I mean, I'm a genius so I get it but I wouldn't expect you two to get it right away."

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Wordlessly Thor pushed the laptop onto Loki's lap. His head was spinning already; too much to take in. He wasn't intelligent enough to grasp it, but he accepted this. "I see you have a great sense of humility," he mused in Tony's direction, grinning cheekily.

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"I don't need humility. I'm rich." He sighed and looked at Loki. The god was struggling with the keyboard since the letters were not in order and his hands were not used to typing. But he had managed to get on Wikipedia and was looking up... himself. "You have all the information you could possibly want about this planet here and you look up yourself first?" Tony asked. Loki shrugged slightly as he continued scrolling through the page.

"I was told that your people thought I had a horse for a child. I wanted to see what other strange things they said about me."

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Thor became very interested at this and peered over Loki's shoulder. "It is obviously not true. This says you are to slay Heimdall and end the realms," he snorted, shaking his head. Not his cute, innocent baby brother. And it said he had a snake for a child! Darcy had come over and was looking over his shoulder as well. "Wait, so like, if you did drop your snake child in our ocean, does that mean its the Lochness Monster?"

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Loki seemed generally offended by the notion that he would have a snake for a child. Snakes, horses and wolves? Frost giant blood may run through his veins but that didn't mean he would have animals for children. "I don't have children!" he exclaimed, pouting slightly. "And if I did have a child, it would not be a giant snake whose arch enemy is my own brother!" Why did all of these things have to be so ridiculous? "And I did not give birth Odin's steed either! I know not where your people got these ideas but they are very silly."

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Thor was blushing slightly, looking anywhere than at his brother. "Ah.. About father's steed.. My friends and I may have started some rumors, which must have fallen to Midgard I suppose, and then were exaggerated.." His voice got quieter and quieter before trailing off. It hadn't been his idea, but he didn't stop it either.

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Several emotions crossed Loki's face at once. Betrayal since his brother had started the rumor in the first place. Admiration since the rumor had spread so far as to go to another realm entirely. A bit of anger because now the rumor was coming back here of all places where the people actually thought it was true. "Thor!" he exclaimed, settling on the betrayal and showing it through the unhappiest face he could make. "How would you do something like that? I thought we were brothers!"

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"It was merely in jest! We were drunk, Fandral suggested a tale in which you shapeshifted into a mare and ran into mishap with a stallion. I did not like it, so I tried to make it more.. Noble. In my version, Odin agreed to pay an architect handsomely if he could build a new castle in less than a month, but he would do it for free if he failed to do so in time. Father grew angry when it appeared he would meet the deadline, and so in order to distract him and hinder his progress you made yourself into a mare and tricked his useful workhorse away. For three days he chased you, a quite lengthy stretch of time before you could run no longer. But your sacrifice saved father from paying the debt! It.. Was the best I could do, the others would not be swayed to leave the story alone," Thor tried to explain.

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Loki only seemed to grow angrier with the tale. "How is that more noble?!" he seethed, crossing his arms over his chest. "Now everyone in this realm believes I was violated by a horse! There is nothing noble about that!" Although, the tale did bring up a good question about shapeshifting. Illusions were one thing but he had never really attempted to change forms. Could he change into animals or change his gender? He would have to investigate that later, after he finished yelling at Thor for spreading such terrible lies. "You don't have any embarrassing stories that I have found. Why am I the only one who suffers by being the end of every joke?"

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Thor flinched away, removing his hand and trying to appease him. "Brother please, I had not intended for it to get out of hand like this! The Midgardians call this myth, meaning no one believes it anymore! Please Loki, I would not intentionally bring you harm." He couldn't help it if he was drunk! Darcy piped up, "Thats not even the worst legend about you two." Then she seemed to realize she'd spoken and turned pink, finding the couch very interesting now.

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Loki's attention turned away from his brother and to Darcy instead. He didn't shift the anger he had for Thor to her but instead stared at her curiously. "Not the worst?" he echoed. What was worse than getting violated by a horse? "What is the worst? You have to tell us now."

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Darcy looked away, unable to meet either of their curious gazes. She had done some research, and now she was regretting it. "Well.. The All-Fart or whatever his name is.. He gets tired of Loki's lies. So.. So he forces Thor to sew his lips shut. So he can never lie again." Judging by the look on Thor's face, this was not some tale made up after one too many flagons of ale.

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Loki looked absolutely appalled with this new tale Darcy had told him. He clasped a hand over his mouth as a sick look overcame his face. That was the worst of the tales. And the more he thought about it, the more he imagined it in his mind. Why was it all of these stories about him ended up poorly for him? Did the universe just hate him? Loki quickly stood up and walked back towards the bedroom he had been sleeping in, hand still covering his mouth.

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Thor jolted from his own thoughts, reaching out to his already leaving brother. "Loki- wait! I would never- Odin could not make me! I would not let him!" He shouted, but his brother was gone. He moved to get up, but Darcy was way ahead of him, already walking after Loki. "It's not true, you know. It seems like they pick on you a lot, the legends, but that's only because the legends also say you do horrible, unspeakable things. None of which you have done so far, by the way," she said from the doorway.

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Loki laid down upon the bed, curling up in a miserable ball. "Why?" he asked a few seconds after Darcy finished speaking. "I have never been here before. I have done nothing malicious to the people here. Why do they already wish bad things upon me? I expected them to wait at least a few months before they publicly shammed me and demanded I leave."

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Darcy realized the problem and came in, sitting on the edge of the bed. "This isn't newly written, that's why. This stuff is thousands of years old. The people who wrote this didn't have televisions or anything like that- in fact they were kind of stupid. They thought sacrificing people to the gods was a good idea, so you know they were idiots. In every religion, there's always a bad guy, and there's always exaggeration. It's not against you personally, that's just what they chose to believe in," she answered, placing a hand on his leg. "If it helps, Norse mythology isn't really a religion anymore because no one follows it. No one knew you guys were real."

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"But the stories are still there!" Loki replied. "They may no longer believe in it but the stories exist and are easy to find. They are already untrusting of me since I have not spoken with the president but I'm afraid to do that now." He sighed and rubbed his forehead with both hands. "I have never even attempted to turn into animals or change gender before! I am not even sure if that feat is possible!"

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Frowning, Darcy crawled up the bed and lay beside him so that they were facing each other. "Just because you haven't met the president doesn't mean you're automatically seen as evil. You know what- you should do a press conference! Go up in front of a crowd and tell them which part is true and which isn't. They'll believe it, especially if Thor is there agreeing with you. Don't give up yet," she said with a tiny smile. He seemed to be in despair a lot.

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"Press conference?" Loki asked, tilting his head slightly to the side. "I do not know what that is. Is it like a meeting? How do I make a press conference?" Darcy was so helpful. Even when he was feeling horrible and down, she was always there helping him. It was wonderful.

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