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Sweet and Pudding 1x1

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Darcy cursed herself for her movie choice and stood up. "Stop the movie," she said to Tony, moving around the couch to look at Loki. "Hey, it's just a movie, its okay," she said, a hand on his shoulder. Thor stood as well, concern in his expression as he moved towards him. "Brother? What ails you?"

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The lights turned on as Tony fumbled the remote but finally managed to turn it off. Loki looked up at Darcy and frowned miserably. "I do not like it," he said, the unhappiness evident in his voice. To anyone that could see symbolism, it was apparent he saw Scar as himself and Mufasa. "It is not alright! Because what if I kill Thor? I do not want to be like that evil lion!"

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Thor's eyes widened as he realized what Loki was hunting at. "Brother, you will not! That lion only wanted to kill his brother to take the throne for himself, but you merely wanted to stop our realm from being ruled by a fool like myself. I admit, I was not ready. But you did not intend to kill me, nor do I think you will." Darcy only nodded encouragingly.

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"But what if I had?" Loki replied, his shoulders hunching over. "If I had not been banished... I was leading you to Jotunhiem, Thor! How is that different from when the dark lion led his brother to the stampede?" He sighed and hunched over. "I do not want to kill you, Thor. But I don't know what I would have done back then. I was just so bitter."

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Snorting, Thor crouched and put a hand on Loki's shoulder, looking him in the eye. "I can handle myself in Jotunheim, brother. I may not be intelligent, but when it comes to battle, I am not easily defeated. Whether you see it or not, I doubt that your goal was to kill me," he said confidently. One of his major traits was his ability to forgive and love people, despite their shortcomings.

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Loki sighed and hugged his brother. Tony watched them in silence then looked back at the television screen. "How about we stop watching Lion King?" He said. "I don't think Lilo and Stitch will be as personal. Or maybe some other show that isn't the lion equivalent of Hamlet?"

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Darcy stood up and glanced at the screen, then at Tony. "My bad," she mumbled, trying to think of a better Disney movie for them to watch. Something funny. At his suggestion of Lilo and Stitch, she shook her head. Alien from another planet lands and is taken in by a girl. Way too close. "Maybe the Jungle Book? That's a good one. Or Mulan," she offered, flopping down. Thor hugged his brother close, trying to reassure him through contact that he was not blamed for anything.

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Tony shook his head at both of those recommendations. This was going to be a tough choice. "Oh!" He said with a smile. "How about Tangled? There's nothing like a princess story."

Loki hugged Thor back, not wanting to let him go. The movie had really hit close to home. But at the same time, what would happen? What would happen to Scar and the tiny Simba? "I want to keep watching that one," he said, looking at Tony and Darcy. "I want to know what happens."

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Thor stood slowly, lifting his brother with him and holding him close. "Alright, we can finish it. I promise it gets better," Darcy said, taking Thor's seat next to Jane so that the brothers could sit together on the couch. Although, she was worried about what would happen when the hyenas killed Scar. How would Loki react to that? Thor sat down and pulled Loki with him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders.

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It was a bit humiliating to have Thor lift him up but it was humiliating to be upset about a movie. He allowed Thor to wrap his arm around his shoulder and even leaned against him as Tony started the movie up again. After the lion ran, he met up with two humorous animals. Well that was nice at least. "This is a bit better..."

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Darcy privately assured herself that she was neither Timone nor Pumba, since they were the people who found Simba. But.. wouldn't that make her a hyena instead? She mentally shut herself up and just watched the movie. Thor was back to hooting and laughing at the funny part, jostling Loki cheerfully.

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Loki tried to smile along with his brother but it was hard. He was not as blissfully ignorant as his brother. Tony quickly passed him the bowl of popcorn, setting it down in Loki's lap with a smile and a pat on the back. Loki stared at the strange food then reached his hand into the bowl and began eating. It was easier to stuff his mouth rather than attempt to smile. He was just going to see this through. But the food was good... Whatever it was. "Try this," he said softly, holding it out to Thor.

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Thor glanced over, raising an eyebrow at the yellow flakes of some random substance. Lifting a handful, he promptly stuffed his mouth, chewing thoughtfully. "It is quite good!" He boomed, but ah a 'shh!' from Darcy, lowered his voice dramatically and whispered, "What is it?"

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"I do not know," Loki replied, having the common sense to lower his voice before being asked. "Tony gave it to me." He took a few more bites and watched as the drama thickened. Simba was confronting Scar now. Loki did his best to try not to associate with the lion despite obvious. Now he was confused. Simba seemed like a better fit for his brother now. But what would that make Mufasa? Odin? Suddenly, everything fell into place. It wasn't his brother he would kill. It was the man who lied to him for years, brought his dreams up and crushed them back down. He would kill Odin and then Thor would come back for revenge. That made sense. He closed his eyes and shoved his face into Thor's chest when Scar was killed by the hyenas. But he could still hear the lion yelling and the hyenas laughing wickedly.

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Thor was watching with rapt attention, not as oblivious as he had been before. He could see the connection with Scar being Loki, but he didn't pick up on the Odin bit like his brother did. Startled by Loki's assault, he hugged him tight, murmuring soothing nonsense despite not knowing what was wrong.

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Loki kept his face hidden until the movie ended and Tony turned the lights on. Immediately, he assessed the situation and decided a drink was in order. "I'll go make us all something to drink. Just remember it's only a movie. Unless the two of you spontaneously turn into lions, I wouldn't take it too close to heart."

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Thor rubbed his back in what he hoped were soothing circles. Trying to lift the mood with a joke, he said," I need not become a lion, my mane is already perfect." Darcy snorted and collapsed into giggles, hiding her face in her arm.

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Loki managed to crack a small smile at his brother's joke. "True," he admitted in a rather jesting manner. "For if it were any longer, you would resemble a girl. And you surely recall how terribly a girl you made before when we had to go get your hammer back." A grin appeared on his face as Tony returned and held out a glass to him.

"Here. I won't make you drink anymore unless you want to but one little drink won't hurt. It'll even help."

Loki took the drink from him and adjusted himself so his head was resting on Thor's arm. "Thank you."

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Thor huffed in response, but there was a smile on his face. "And a beautiful woman I would be! Would the men not swoon over me?" He replied boisterously, winking at Loki. He shifted to make Loki more comfortable, thanking Tony.

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"I would not," Loki deadpanned as he tilted his head up to stare at Thor. "You'd have to ask Tony how pretty you are." He looked down at the strange drink he had been given by Tony then silently began drinking it. Tony was a very good man. The drink really helped him take his mind off of the movie. "Are there other movies we can watch?" He asked. "I want to watch as many as I can."

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Grinning widely, Thor lifted his face to Tony and inclined his head, batting his eyelashes. "Friend Tony, how pretty am I?" He asked without beating around the bush. He quite liked this horsing around, he felt closer to Loki than ever before. Darcy managed to catch her breath again, sitting up. "How about Tangled, like you said?" She suggested.

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"I'd say about half... no, about a quarter as pretty as I am," Tony replied with a completely serious look on his face. He made a motion with one hand and said, "You heard the lady, JARVIS." The lights dimmed once more and another movie began playing. Loki wormed his way closer to Thor, quietly sipping the drink he had been given. So this didn't seem like him and Thor at all. That was good. Perhaps he could actually enjoy this movie...

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Thor snorted, ready to verbally and perhaps physically defend his beauty's honor when the lights went out. He turned his attention to the screen, watching the girl with long hair move about. "I am most certainly prettier than her," he whispered to Loki, taking another handful of popcorn for himself to munch on.

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"Perhaps you should grow you hair to be that long," Loki replied equally softly. It was strange how Midgardians managed to make drawings move. But the story they told was far too interesting to interrupt. He could ask later how it was accomplished. He wished to know everything. "I am certainly more handsome than she is," Loki replied sarcastically when the evil mother appeared on screen and sang a song. Everywhere it was always songs. How humorous it was.

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Rolling his eyes fondly, Thor fell silent to watch the movie. As soon as the prince came on he grinned- already he decided he liked the horse. Such strange magic the Midgardians had to make these things move and sing! He would sing along, if only he knew the words...

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