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Sweet and Pudding 1x1

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Loki seemed generally confused by this. Help people? "What sort of thing could someone like me do?" He asked in confusion. "I guess I could freeze food or something but that doesn't seem like what you're talking about." He sighed and turned his eyes away from her, though he didn't try to remove his hands from her face. "I can't help people. It's my nature to be like that. Your people said yourself I would bring about the end of the world. How can I possibly help people like that?"

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Darcy grew more frustrated by the minute, hands sliding down to his shoulders to give him a little shake. "We decide our own fate. Even if you're destined to end the world, it doesn't mean you have to. You have godly powers- you could help people in so many ways! Heal sick people. Use your powers to stop crime. There are so many applications, but its up to you on whether or not you do any of them."

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Loki's eyes snapped back to Darcy as she shook his shoulders. Heal people? Would that really right all of the wrongs he had committed? Healing others was certainly easier than healing oneself so it was not like he couldn't do it. "Will that really help? Healing sick people? Because I could do that. Where do you keep your ill here?"

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Startled by his eagerness, Darcy removed her hands from him. ".. Hospitals, but you don't have to go do it right this second. It would help though, Loki," she answered, feeling minutely jealous of all the sick people now. She wondered idly where she could catch pneumonia. "It won't fix everything, but it sets you on the right track. Proves you're a good person."

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Loki nodded but he was already scheming in his brain. It was hard work but he could manage. Of course, using too much magic would make him sleep. He clicked his tongue softly then decided it was better not to mention the details of the dream. Leave it at a nightmare and let it go. Of course, when he woke up as a nervous wreck each morning, they might start pestering him about it.

He suddenly reached out and pulled Darcy into another hug. He just needed to suppress those memories. "Thank you," he whispered.

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Darcy made a small sound of surprise as she was engulfed in another hug, cheeks turning red in embarrassment. Wrapping her arms around him, she held him close. "You're welcome. You're my friend, I want you to be happy."

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"You're my first friend," Loki replied with a smile. Thor did not count because they were brothers. Darcy was not his blood sister so she was technically the first friend he ever had. "I'll try to make sure you're happy too."

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Her heart gave a little flip flop as he promised to make her happy. Darcy tilte her head back to see him, giving Loki a small smile. "Thank you. There's not many people who would say that for me," she admitted. Beyond Jane, she didn't exactly have friends.

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"The same goes for me," Loki replied with a faint smile. "But at least we have each other, right?" he patted her on the head then looked up at the door. "Do you want to go to where everyone else is? Tony Stark is here, correct?" It was his house, he should be here.

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Darcy mentally groaned at the friend zone she had just been dumped into. He was going to give her whiplash. "Yeah.. Yeah we do," she agreed, then replied, "Sure, I guess. Up to you."

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Loki smiled and stood up, reaching out at the same time to take her hand in his. "I'm feeling a lot better now thanks to you and Thor. Maybe... maybe going to see them isn't a bad idea. Talking with other people might help me feel even better. Besides, I want to learn more about Midgard. Could you explain things to me that are in this house?"

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Unable to resist his innocent charm, Darcy took his hand in hers with a reassuring squeeze. "Yeah, then its a good idea. Talking to people will take your mind off things, though I'd stay away from Jane. She'll ask you questions until you knock her out," she warned with a grin, dragging him out the door. "Tell me what you don't understand, and I'll explain it."!

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Loki nodded as she pulled him out of the room and into the light of the hall. He followed her to the sitting area where Tony immediately looked up from the beer he had been drinking. A smile formed on his face as he walked over and patted Loki on the shoulder.

"Ah, Sleeping Beauty finally woke up!" he declared with a grin before turning to Darcy. "Did you kiss him?"

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Darcy's cheeks turned pink, though she puffed out her chest and stood up to him instead of becoming shy. "Why, did you want to?" She countered with a smirk, glancing over at Jane and Thor. A better question was, were they making out?

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"I'll admit the thought may have crossed my mind," Tony replied as he motioned to the two of them. "But the two of you look like a better item. Sort of like a Lilo and Stitch type thing." He looked at the confused look on Loki's face, his smile growing larger. "Oh, you don't know about Disney, do you? I think your first lesson about Earth should be watching Disney movies. You and the big guy would probably enjoy them."

"Sorry, what's a Disney?"

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Darcy rolled her eyes, glancing over at Loki when he became confused. "Disney is a company, they make kids movies that usually have a moral to them," she explained, getting the feeling that a lot of things would probably confuse him. "That's actually a good idea. Do you have the lion king?" She asked Tony.

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"Movie?" He echoed, the explaination not helping too much. Was it like a story? But how could you watch a story?

"The Internet does," Tony replied as he motioned to the couch, urging them all to sit. "JARVIS, pull up the Lion King on the TV."

"Right away, sir. Should I have dummy pop some popcorn for you as well?"

"Why not? Might as well make the experience complete."

"I'm still confused," Loki said as he stared at the TV. What was the black box?"

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Darcy had never had to explain a movie before. This was going to be interesting. "It's ah.. A moving picture, with sound. It tells a story, with characters and music. This black box called the television displays it," she tried to explain, flopping down next to Loki.

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"Lights, JARVIS," Tony said and the room was plunged into mostly darkness. The box flickered as Tony sat down on the other side of Loki with a large bowl of popcorn. Suddenly, the custom loudspeakers began blaring music that seemed to fill the entire tower. Loki practically jumped into Darcy's lap as his eyes widened in fright and alarm as the Circle of Life began playing.

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Darcy couldn't help but laugh at Loki's reaction, putting an arm around him. "It's okay," she told him, then lunged across his lap to steal a handful of popcorn from Tony. Thor was seated on the love seat, making room for Jane with a friendly smile. This new contraption was startling for him as well, and he kept looking around for the source of the music.

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Loki stared at the screen in awed silence, not moving from Darcy's lap. Jane sat down next to Thor and watched as Scar appeared on the screen for the first time. When the lion's intent became clear to him, Loki stiffened. The character seemed remarkably like he had been prior to his banishment and revalation. He squeezed Darcy's shoulder as he became uncomfortable watching the strange story.

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After a moment, Darcy put her arms around him, since he seemed to need the support. And he was in her lap. "It's just a movie," she murmured to him. Thor looked oblivious, laughing uproariously at Simba's antics.

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"I do not like this tale," Loki replied softly. But he watched anyway, refusing to let go of Darcy while it played. "I do not like Scar. He should not be mad at his brother."

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Darcy shrugged, gauging Loki's emotions carefully now. "Sometimes, people think their thoughts and motives are justified, even if they aren't," she said softly, giving him a little squeeze.

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Loki nodded and watched the film continue. It was the death of Mufasa at Scar's hands that was the final straw for him. Completely silent, he removed himself from Darcy's lap, walked behind the couch and sat down there. He covered his ears and closed his eyes, refusing to have anything to do with the movie.

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