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Sweet and Pudding 1x1

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Tony shifted slightly so he could grab the phone in his pocket. "JARVIS?" He asked, speaking into the thin device. "Find the phone numbers for Jane Foster and Darcy Lewis. Have Pepper call them and invite them to the tower."

"Right away, sir," the AI replied, it's voice coming through the phone. Tony put the phone away and smiled. "Done and done. They should be at the tower soon, depending on where they are." He looked at the sleeping form then pointed a finger at him. "Speaking of your brother, how is Sleeping Beauty? Didn't he sleep last night? He looks exhausted."

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Darcy was sulking. It had been several days since she last saw Thor and Loki, and not so much as a peep had been heard. It hurt to think that maybe they'd forgotten about her, even if it was a selfish thought. Sure they were gods, they had things to do, but that didn't mean they couldn't send a message or drop by once in a while. Hadn't she saved Loki's life? Scratch that- she hit him with a truck, but she did help him through hard times! "Answer the phone, Jane," she moaned, hiding her head under the pink pillow on her bed. Everything sucked right now.

Thor bowed his head gratefully. "Thank you, Anthony," he sighed, thinking of the woman who he had spoken with. He didn't get far in his thoughts however, for his mortal friend interrupted them. Sighing, he replied somberly, "He is.. not well. He claims there is a being that haunts his sleep. The healer gave him a.. sedative, I believe it was called, in order to get him to rest. I worry for him."

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"Why are you more annoyed about this than I am?" Jane asked as she walked to where the phone was. "I mean, they were the answer to all of my research! And now we don't get any word from them." She sighed and picked up the phone. As she listened, her eyes quickly grew wider. "Of course we'll come," she said quickly before she hung up the phone and practically ran into the next room. "You'll never guess who that was," she said, a smile on her face.


"It's just Tony," he replied quickly as his eyes flickered to Thor. They quickly returned to the sleeping form, though. "He's probably just having nightmares. That whole banishment thing probably hit him hard. Give him some time and he'll get over it."

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Darcy mumbled a reply, probably something crude but muffled by the pillow. She barely looked up when Jane returned, groaning in response. "Was it a unicorn?" She mumbled sarcastically, trying to burrow further into the bed.


Thor looked at him uncertainly. "Tony.. I am not so sure. Loki is skilled in the arcane arts, there may very well be someone who haunts his dreams. But he needs sleep. I do not know what to do, I cannot protect him from this," he sighed.

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"No," Jane replied, not even trying to keep the eagerness out of her voice. "It was Tony Stark! Well, actually it was Pepper Potts but she was calling on behalf of Tony Stark. He wants us to go to Stark Tower in New York City! He's sending his own private plane over!"


"What, you can't snap your fingers and make your skin turn a different color?" he snapped his own fingers for emphasis then shook his head. "No matter what sort of nightmares he is having, he has to sleep. Even I sleep sometimes."

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Darcy groaned again and slowly sat up. "Who cares? It's just some dumb rich guy," she mumbled, hugging the pillow to her chest. It could be argued that she was love sick, but she'd probably punch whoever declared it such in the throat. All she wanted was to lay in bed and pout.


Thor shook his head, not seeing the sarcasm. "Nay, I am not like him. But I do agree, and while I feel bad for allowing the healer to force him asleep, I am glad that he is getting rest."

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"Not just some rich guy," Jane corrected. "The rich guy. He's Iron Man! And if he wanted you to come too. I'm not going to let you sit on your ass and mope all day long." He walked over to the bed and tried to lift Darcy up by her arm. "You're coming with me and we're going to meet him. So get up and come with me to the airport."


"Don't feel so bad about it," he said with a smile. "Besides, it was the nurse, not you who did it. He'll be pissed at her, not you." He glanced down at Loki when the god's body twitched slightly in his sleep. "Wonder what he's dreaming about now..."

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Darcy sighed melodramatically but got up anyway. "Fine," she grumbled, raking her fingers through her hair. "But I don't have to like it." Just because she didn't have the privacy of her room didn't mean she wouldn't mope.


Thor nodded, though his expression remained uncertain as they gazed down at Loki. "Whatever it is.. I imagine it cannot be good," he sighed, leaning his head back and closing his eyes.

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"Awesome," Jane said with a smile, trying to be optimistic. She pulled Darcy outside to the van and climbed inside. "Get in. I'm driving us to the airport so you can keep moping about your long lost love."


Tony frowned but decided to stay silent until the flight was over. Thor didn't want to be bothered anymore or so it seemed to him. They could drink until Loki woke up. Or Thor could sleep and he could tinker with Loki's staff. Either would be fine.


((Do you have something planned or should we skip again.))

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That brought Darcy to live. "He's not my long lost love!" She bristled as Jane forced her into the van, crossing her arms and narrowing her eyes. He wasn't! Jane was full of it. At least she got to go to New York.


((Yeah lets skip))

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Loki stared at the purple thing standing in front of him, holding him against a rock. Even in a dream, the pain he was feeling felt real. The Other stood off on the side, smiling.

"This is just a fraction of the power my master holds," the Other declared as Loki stared at the purple man. "Remember that now that we're giving you a second chance. We will not be so merciful next time."

Loki awoke with a start in a very comfortable bed in the dark. He quickly sat up and placed a hand around his neck where Thanos had been holding them. He struggled to catch his breath as he slowly realized he was no longer dreaming. He was awake and had been laying in a very comfortable bed. Where... where was he?


"Look, we're almost there!" Jane said as she looked out of the window. This was probably the coolest trip she had ever been on. The plane had been fantastic and now they were driving in Tony Stark's private car. Or one of them, at least. They were almost to Stark Towers. She could see it rising up in the distance. "Do you see it Darcy?"

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Thor was only lightly drunk. It became very clear that he would have to drink everything Tony owned to actually get hammered, seeing as he seemed to retain his normal tolerance from before he was mortal. Currently he was prodding Dummy with fascination. "What is this beast?" He asked.


Darcy had to admit this was just a little cool. And hey, Tony Stark was a womanizer right? Maybe he'd sleep with her and she'd forget all about that pale, beautiful god. She resisted the urge to bang her head on the window for that one. "Yeah. It's freaking huge," she muttered, looking up at it.

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"That's Dummy," Tony replied as he took a sip of his own drink. He had been taking it much slower than Thor had since he was expecting the girls to show up any minute now. If he was drinking like Thor, he'd be passed out on the floor. "It's a robot. He always makes a mess, though."


Jane smiled as the car pulled into the garage and the door was opened. "The elevator is over there," The driver said, pointing to it. "It will automatically take you upstairs to where Mr. Stark is waiting." Jane grinned as she quickly jumped over to the elevator and waited for Darcy.


Loki grimaced as rolled out of the bed and crashed to the floor. Slowly, he dragged himself over to the nearest door and pulled it open. It seemed to be a bathroom but it was hard to tell in the dark. He grimaced as he pulled himself in and almost immediately fell to the floor by the toilet. He pulled himself into a sitting position and pulled his knees to his chest, his entire body shaking. Even though everything had just happened in his mind, it all felt so real. He just wanted to hide in a corner until the horrible memories went away.

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"A robot," Thor mused, knocking back a beer and setting it down to continue prodding Dummy. "What a strange name for a strange beast. Have you not chamber trained him? Perhaps that is why he makes messes," he asked, patting it on the head.


Darcy had to admit that this was a fancy building. "Did he say what floor?" She asked Jane, staring at the multitude of buttons inside the elevator. She wondered absently if it was like Willy Wonka's and they would zoom all over the place.

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"Robots don't pee," Tony replied instantly as he took another sip of his beer. "It's because I made it when I was younger. I never wanted to get rid of it for recycling purposes. Although if it continues making messes, I'll turn it into scrap!"


"Uh... no," Jane replied as she stared at the buttons. The doors closed and the elevator immediately moved upward.

"The elevator is programmed to take you to the floor automatically," JARVIS said as his voice was projected from the top of the elevator.

"Woah," Jane breathed as she looked up. "Who are you?"

"My name is JARVIS. I am Mr. Stark's butler. You are here but feel free to ask if you need anything." The doors opened, revealing Tony Stark and Thor.

"Ah!" Tony said, looking at the elevator as he nudged Thor's shoulder. "Look, they're here!"

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Darcy jumped as a voice came out of no where, startled. "Oh wow.. Wish I had a robot butler," she sighed wistfully. No more laundry, ever. It was a simple task, but it didn't mean she wanted to do it. Looking up as the doors opened, she was startled to see Tony Stark (damn he looked good!) and Thor. But where was Loki?


Thor raised an eyebrow at Tony. "I do not understand.." He mumbled, glancing up as Tony patted his shoulder. He perked up at the sight of the two women. "Jane Foster! Lady Darcy!" He greeted, sweeping them both up in an embrace.

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Tony smiled as he followed Thor over to the two girls. He opted not to join in on the hug, though. "Hello, ladies," he said, flashing them both a smile.

"Woah," she said, patting Thor on the shoulder. "Nice to see you too, big guy. But how did you get here?"

"They're staying here," Tony said with a smile. "Any other questions?"

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Darcy squirmed out of the hug to face Tony. Thor, when he realized he was awkwardly holding Jane, set her down and smiled apologetically. "Welcome, Miss Foster. I am glad to see you are well," he declared.

Darcy crossed her arms over her chest, trying not to look so eager. "Is Loki here too?" She asked casually.

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Tony nodded with a small snort. "Course. Did you think I would only let Bugs Bunny stay and not Daffy Duck? He's in the second room down the hall. He was sleeping when we put him in there."

"Sir," JARVIS interjected, his voice coming from above them. "Loki Laufeyson as been in the bathroom for the last twenty minutes, sitting in the darkness."

"Why didn't you tell me that before?!" Tony said, nearly dropping his glass.

"You seemed preoccupied... sir."

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Darcy was already scrambling out of the room, only going faster when Jarvis said what was wrong. Entering his room, she slowed as she reached the bathroom. "Loki?" She whispered. "It's Darcy.. From before. Are you okay?" She called. It was dark but she was afraid to turn the lights on.

Thor's eyebrows went up. "Is he quite well, house spirit?" He demanded.

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"Unless this is normal behavior, I'd imagine not," JARVIS replied.

Loki pulled his knees close to his chest, effectively hiding next to the toilet when he heard someone open the door. He did manage to recognize the voice but only buried his face in between his knees. "No," he replied hoarsely as he raised a hand and rubbed his throat. "Not okay."

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Darcy threw caution to the wind and flipped on the lights, kneeling in front of Loki and putting a hesitant hand on his knee. "Hey, it's okay. It's just me. You don't have to tell me what's wrong, just try and calm down," she murmured, not wanting to push it by hugging him.

Thor was struck with indecision. "I wish to help, but I do not feel that I could do better than Lady Darcy. Friend Jarvis, will you tell me if he worsens?" He asked wearily.

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A terrible thought crossed Loki's mind the instant the lights were turned on. What if... what if he was still sleeping? The dreams hadn't felt like dreams at all so what if this was just a terrible illusion? Some other way of torturing him? He glanced up at Darcy when she touched his knee. What if she was fake too? How could he tell what was a dream and what was reality? "Stop," he said, quickly climbing to his feet and moving away from her, deeper into the bathroom. His back was pressed against the glass door of the shower. "How do I know you aren't just some illusion meant to torture me?"


"Certainly," JARVIS replied. "He does appear afraid of her for some reason but his condition has not worsened past confusion."

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Darcy frowned, raising her hands in self defense. "Woah there pal, illusion? I'm the real deal," she snorted, gesturing to herself and more importantly, her chest (she was a bit busty). "If you still think you're dreaming I could tase you," she offered jokingly, patting her pocket. She was slightly hurt to think that he thought she wasn't real, but chose not to voice it.

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Loki did not take the threat-no matter how joking her tone was-lightly. He struggled to move backwards more but when that failed, opted to slide down to the ground and curl up in a ball again, his hands covering his head this time. Was this a dream or reality? He couldn't tell. Was Darcy actually Darcy or was she just some illusion? "Are you?" he whispered softly as he hid his face from sight.

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