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Sweet and Pudding 1x1

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Fury narrowed his good eye at them. "Well, I was here to let you out, but if you're so cozy in here, you're free to stay locked up as long as you want. Lemme know if you want a magazine or something," he remarked, making as though to walk away. Thor groaned and sat up, rubbing his head.

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Loki quickly stood up, disguising the movement as a stretch of his back. He glanced at Thor before turning to face the one eyed man. It had been a long night... perhaps his magic was working again. He had been so focused on not sleeping he hadn't thought to try it. His appearance shimmered before his Aesir illusion covered his blue skin. "What exactly do you want to talk about?" he asked, trying not to seem too eager to talk.

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"The terms of your release. We aren't evil people, even if our methods look bad. I apologize for the brutality of SHIELD's actions yesterday, but we don't deal with threats to our security kindly. Now, if we can reach a compromise, you two will be allowed to leave. Are we on the same page?" Fury asked, glancing between the two men. Thor stayed quiet, since tactics were more Loki's forte.

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"Allowed to leave?" Loki echoed. He glanced back at his brother then looked at the scraps of cloth stained with his blood. He turned and began pacing slowly back and forth, a look of thought on his face. "Yes, continue," he said, motioning with a hand. He would humor the man for now. Keep the threats stored away until later.

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Fury wasn't a fool- Loki and Thor would be on watch for a long time. "You can't have the Tesseract. That stays here. The staff had better remain a staff- the next time you use your voodoo mind control on someone, your ass is getting dragged back here in chains. That goes for any violence- Dont go starting fights and hurting humans. If you agree to these terms, we'd gladly let you go. And, as a show of diplomacy, the offer still stands to patch your wounds."

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Loki paused and considered the deal. He glanced down at his pale hands as mused over the information for a bit. "Hypothetically speaking, what would you do if I took the tesseract and the staff, and my brother and just left? The tesseract isn't just a power source, it's a gateway. I could simply take it and go somewhere you could not find me."

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Fury smirked, sliding his hands into his pockets. "We figured you'd say something like that. Even if you got past our security, we'd find you. SHIELD has its own sorcerers," he answered, then added, "Hypothetically." Thor raised an eyebrow at Loki. Why did they need the Tesseract? It was bad news..

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"I was merely curious," Loki replied with a carefree shrug of his shoulders and a slight roll of his head. "Besides, I do not desire it. Between the staff and the part of it I put inside of me earlier, I am fine without it. It was simply a hypothetical question in case there was a hypothetical force inside my brain that haunts me every time I sleep and threatens me with hypothetical violence and suffering." His face has a smile plastered on it but his tone had taken a darker, grave tone. "Hypothetically," he added then nodded. "I'll accept your offer on both accounts, though. My wounds are starting to itch and having one bed between the two of us is not very comfortable."

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Fury raised an eyebrow, not one to let something like that go. "Instead of being vague, you could actually tell us what's going on," he pointed out, flipping a switch on the control panel. The door slid open, allowing them out. "We can help you know." And, it would put two gods in their debt.

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Loki moved over to the open door, quite happy to be free. "It is merely a hypothetical situation," he replied with a shake of his head. "What's more, patching wounds is easy. Dealings with dreams and magic is a good deal harder. Besides, it would be better if you simply lock away the tesseract and avoid messing with it further. Trying to discover its mysteries at this point would simply alert other life that you are ready for a higher form of warfare."

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Fury narrowed his good eye in suspicion, but knew better than to push it. Loki wouldn't talk if he didn't feel like it. "Suit it yourself. If you'll come with me, we can seal up those wounds properly. Your brother can come with you," he added, striding off with his trench coat flapping. Of course he was going to keep using the Tesseract, they had weapons to build.

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Loki nodded then turned to Thor and gestured for him to exit the cage. "Come, brother. As soon as my wounds are patched and the staff is back in my hands, we can leave." Of course, he wasn't sure where they would go. He didn't want to impose on Darcy anymore but they had no human currency.

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Thor nodded and trudged after him, gazing about the innards of the metal beast. It looked and felt gloomy. Not enough gold. Fury stopped in front of the medical wing and gestured to where a nurse was waiting. "The staff will be waiting at a plane outside, that will take you anywhere you want," he said simply, then left. "That man is not very cheerful," Thor mumbled, causing the nurse to snort and hide a laugh. He only returned a confused look.

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Loki waited until his brother was fairly close before he followed the one eyed man through the ship. He did not offer a thanks to the man when he left but instead nodded to Thor as he sat down on a metal table. He immediately began undoing the cloth scraps covering his wounds, revealing them once more. He did not, however, drop his illusion. His magic was back and he wanted to spend no more time as a Jotun. Now that is mind was not a blur, he did not want to spend any more time in his normal form. He paused halfway through undoing one of the cloth bandages and rubbed at his eyes with a yawn. No sleep in a long time. He was going to hold sleeping off as long as possible. "What do Midgardians use to treat their injured?" he asked, looking at the nurse.

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Thor looked at Loki in concern as he yawned. "Brother, you should get some rest on the flight. Or at least when we get to wherever it is we are going. You look like death," he muttered quietly, putting a hand on his shoulder. The nurse helped him undo the makeshift bandages, grabbing sterilization wipes to begin cleaning out the wound. "Well, we have to let them heal. You'll need stitches on a few of these, new bandages, and some painkillers. Are you in a lot of pain?" She asked, inspecting the more grisly ones.

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Loki glanced at Thor, a frown on his face. Did he really look that bad? Well, he could use an illusion to hide that. Just like his magic was helping him cope with the pain. "I was," he replied, looking back to the nurse. "Magic unconsciously helps me deal with extreme pain and numbs it. Still, they do bother me quite a bit. I would not want to find out what it feels like without the magic there."

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The nurse nodded, getting out a needle to begin stitching up one of the bullet wounds. "I'll give you a pain killer just in case. Are you having trouble sleeping?" She inquired, stitching up the injury. It wasn't that bad, but she decided it needed some stitches. "He will not sleep at all," Thor interjected, giving Loki a pointed look.

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"It is not that big of a problem," Loki replied as he stared back at his brother. A frown settled in on his features as he shifted his sight back to the woman stitching his injury closed. It was fascinating to watch her work and have him a way to avoid Thor's stare. "But he is right, I am not sleeping. But I do not wish to sleep."

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The woman glanced up again, catching Thor's eye and his pleading look. "Well, alright," she said, putting down the needle and beginning to wrap everything in gauze. "Let me just give you that pain killer," she lied, giving him a small sedative. He needed to sleep.

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Loki nodded as the needle was put into his arm. Pain killers would be good. It would let him devote more magic to healing. In practically no time, the sedative hit his brain and began to work. He blinked several times then fell backwards, completely asleep.


Loki quickly jumped up when he found he was standing on the asteroid once more. He didn 't remember falling asleep but here he was. And there was the Other, standing before him.

"We want the tesseract," it hissed as Loki climbed to his feet and stepped away from it. "You will give it to us."

"Tell me why," he replied after a moment. He didn't know how he ended up here but he had magic under his control again. He could fight back. "Why do you want me to give it to you?"

"You know how to use it. Give it to us or my master will make you suffer more greatly than not allowing you to sleep. You will not be able to escape."

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Seeing Thor's expression, the nurse quickly explained, "I gave him a sedative, he'll be asleep for a while." The thunderer relaxed at the news, carefully hoisting Loki into his arms. "Thank you, healer," he said with an inclination of his head, carrying his sleeping brother out of the room. The flight deck was his next destination- though where they should go he was unsure.

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Tony sighed when he finally managed to track down Thor and Loki. He had been working on something in the lab when he had heard they had been let out. After that, he had spent quite a bit of time running around the maze that was the Helicarrier. "Woah there, Point Break!" He called as he caught up to Thor and the sleeping form he was carrying. "I heard they let you out and I thought you wouldn't have anywhere to go. Do you two want to stay at Stark Towers? Plenty of room for you and your brother."

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Thor looked up at a familiar voice, cheering up when he saw who it was. "Ah, that would be most gracious of you, Friend Tony. We accept," he replied, turning towards him. "Though, do you have any means of communication at this tower of yours? There are a pair of mortal women that I wish to call on, they had helped my brother and I when we got to this realm."

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Tony smiled and clapped Thor on the back. "That's great. I can show you two all about Earth. As for the girls, I can get in touch with them as long as you have their names and know what they look like." He smiled as he directed Thor outside and onto the plane. "Stark towers," he told the pilot before sitting down on one of the seats. "What are their names?"

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Thor smiled widely, pleased that his new friend was being so helpful. A true comrade in arms! Following him outside and to the plain, he laid Loki on an empty seat and sat beside him. "Jane Foster and Darcy Lewis. I believe my brother was quite taken with the latter, as she originally found him. I do hope they are not fretting over us," he replied.

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