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Sweet and Pudding 1x1

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Coulson arched a brow at the threat. "I'm sorry you feel that way. But whether you acknowledge it or not, you've become the bad guy. We're just doing our job," he replied, turning and leaving the room. "Barton," he said into his comm., "were leaving. Stay with Romanoff until she's awake, keep me notified " he ordered.

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He was the bad guy? What had he done aside from try to defend his brother and himself. "Your sense of right and wrong amuses me," he replied as the two agents dragged him out the door. Since it was hard to walk on his own and he enjoyed being stubborn, Loki let his entire body go limp so the agents actually had to drag him to the plane. When they sat him down in one of the seats, he lowered his head and closed his eyes, taking small breaths of air in. Whatever they had used to injure him seriously hurt. And he could feel many of the bullets were still inside his arms and legs, causing him massive discomfort and pain each time he moved. Perhaps denying a healer had not been the best idea. "So..." He declared, his eyes flickering open. "Where are you going to put me? The evolution of Midgardians is not enough to keep me in one place for long. Not unless I am dead and that itself is a feat you are ill equipped for."


Clint listened to the comm as he finished putting the restraints on Natasha. "Roger that," he replied as he sat back to observe Natasha.

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Coulson didn't respond to the threat. "We think we have a cage just right for you two," he remarked, standing off to one side. "We're not the people you think we are. And, if you'd agree to it, we'll still patch up your wounds," he offered.


It was a half hour or so before Natasha began to stir. A small groan escaped her lips, petite form straining against the restraints that held her to the bed. Opening her eyes proved a bad idea- light and headaches don't mix. The green eyes narrowed against the harsh assault to her senses, her teeth gritted as she pulled on the ties.

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"Really?" Loki remarked, observing Coulson. "You have never met a Jotun or Aesir before us. How have you assembled something that can restrain us?" He shook his head as he looked down at his wounds. "I would prefer to bleed and stain your belongings with my blood," he replied, sarcasm dripping into his voice. "A bit of blood does wonders for interior decorating. A splash of red on the walls, a bit of blue on the floor. Perhaps I'll do some finger painting in my cage."

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"Suit yourself,"Coulson replied with a shrug, letting him bleed instead of insisting on giving him care. The god could awallow his pride and ask, and stop with the smart ass comments while he was at it. The Hellicarrier was on the horizon, so he radioed in for the cage to be prepared.


"Gotta balance out," Natasha muttered, finally sagging against the bed as reason won out and she stopped fighting the restraints. She could remember what it felt like to be under that influence.. Her whole heart belonging to Loki and his cause. Not for the first time, she had been unmade.

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Clint quickly sat up from the chair he had been resting in and hurried to Natasha's side. "Are you alright?" He asked, watching as she stopped struggling in the restraints. Was she still under Loki's control? Or was Natasha back?


Loki shrugged as best he could with an injured shoulder then closed his eyes again. Almost immediately, he found himself standing on the rock in space again. His body gave a small shudder in response as panic rose up within the god. What was with these nightmarish visions? Was it just an illusion of his mind? Everything felt so real. As the shadows began to twist and move, he was suddenly jolted to his senses as the plane landed. He blinked in confusion as he was lifted up again by his arms. Well, at least he did not have to face that strange being that lurked in the darkness and seemed to know everything about him. "Will Thor share this cage with me?" Loki asked with a frown. His brother was mortal so probably could do with a normal prison. But he wanted to watch over his brother and would not be pleased if they were separated.

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Natasha turned her head slightly to look at Clint. She wasn't sure she had ever been so grateful to see him. "I've got a nice headache going, but otherwise I'm fine," she sighed, pushing away thoughts of Loki and what she would have done for him. "It could've been worse." She wouldve shot him. If Loki had asked, she would've killed Clint without a second thought.


Coulson led the way as the princes were dragged behind them. "That's what we planned on, unless you want that changed," he replied nonchalantly, stopping before a large glass container. The door was opened and the two were dumped inside, handcuffs removed before they were sealed in. Thor was already worrying over Loki.

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Loki shook his head as they approached the cage. An interesting design. Before he had time to ponder it further, his bindings were undone and he was tossed unceremoniously inside of the large, glass prison.

The door closed with a hiss as Loki cradled his injures. He was still bleeding and the jarring motion of being dumped on the floor made his wounds ache. He struggled to rise from the floor, only to slip on his own blood and crash to the ground again. Gods, that hurt! He really wasn't used to getting injured and the bullets really hurt. The hard part was going to be getting the bullets out. He could not just leave them there, after all. His arms wouldn't move very well and even then he had no tools to remove the bullet. After a moment of hesitation and a grimace, Loki took a deep breath then began biting his own shoulder. He was going to get it out one way or another. Or he was going to pass out from blood loss. Either one worked.


Clint let out a sigh of relief when Natasha was back to being Natasha. "You sound like yourself again," he remarked. "I was worried for a while. We should probably head back now, if you're alright to move."

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Thor was already stripping his shirt, ripping it into strips. "Stop, brother. You are going to hurt yourself," he insisted, pulling Loki close and shooing his fingers away. This was one thing where he knew more than Loki. "Please, allow me. I have removed many arrowheads from wounds."


Natasha nodded, waiting for him to undo the restraints. "I'm still.. Off, but I'll get over it," she replied, shifting on the bed. It wasn't usually in her to feel remorse, but Clint had saved her life once. Pointing a gun at his head.. It just felt wrong. "Clint," she began, "I wasn't in my right mind. So. I apologize for almost killing you."

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"Don't worry," Clint said as he quickly undid the restraints tying her to the bed. It briefly crossed his mind that she could be faking but Loki never ordered such a thing so that seemed unlikely. "You didn't kill me, that's what's important. And we'll both feel a lot better after we punch Loki in the gut."

"Hey," a voice called from behind them. Tony was standing in the doorway, arms crossed over his chest. He looked quite annoyed. "I just went back down to the lab and found it absolutely trashed and covered in blood. Blue blood. What did you government guys do?"



Loki grimaced when Thor touched him and pulled him closer. He had put up an act long enough. He just wanted whatever they had shot into him removed and gone. And he trusted Thor enough to let him do it. Besides, biting the wound made him want to throw up.

He shifted his head so he was leaning against Thor's chest, forgetting that in his current, magic less state, his skin was quite cold. "Just be quick with it," he replied, closing his eyes as he prepared for the pain that would surely come. "If I had my magic, we would not be in this mess," he muttered softly, more to himself.

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Natasha sat up and put a hand to her head, grimacing at the lump. Damn, Coulson had a mean swing. "I've got first go," she muttered, glancing up as Tony appeared. "We've been here the whole time Stark, what makes you think we know?" She snapped irritably, in a bad mood. Meaning he should probably back off. "Loki is a hostile, there was probably a struggle to get him detained."


Thor held him in place with an arm wrapped around him. "Hold still," he murmured, carefully sticking his fingers in the wound until he found the piece of metal and pulled it out. What a strange thing to have caused so much damage. Tying the wound with a strip of fabric, he asked, "Are there others?"

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A shiver passed through Loki when Thor began trying to find the bullet. He squeezed his eyes shut and struggled to stay conscious. His had was spinning when Thor finally managed to remove the bullet. He grimaced and raised his arms up, still refusing to open his eyes. "Two in arm, three in legs," he replied hoarsely. This was not going to be fun.


Tony grimaced and shook his head. "I wasn't done with him," he replied irritably. He didn't like when people took things away from him when he wasn't done studying it. "I want him back."

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Thor sighed, just holding Loki for a moment. "Brother, if you pass out, I will watch over you. Stay with me," he said quietly. Then he went to work with the bullets in his arm, carefully pulling another out. The third was a bit deeper, making him wince as he dug for it.


"Then talk to Fury damn it, just go away," Natasha groaned, managing to stand but swaying slightly. Even she was weak in some cases, like getting smashed in the head with a fire extinguisher.

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By the time Thor removed the second bullet, Loki's head tilted backward and his eyes closed. It was simply too much for him to handle at this point and his body had decided to pass out instead of try to cope with the pain. But instead of being blessed with silence, Loki found himself once more on the rock in space. This time, the creature in the darkness grew bolder and stepped out of the shadows to mock him.

"Look at the baby jotun. Can't even take a few bullets, can you? Shame on you."

"Who are you?" Loki asked, taking a step away from the creature. "Why do you keep bringing me here?"

"I am the Other. That is all you need to know until you grow up, little god."


"It's my house," Tony replied with a frown as Clint moved to steady Natasha. "Why should I be the one who goes away? Besides, I want my toys back. I don't like sharing."

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Thor glanced down as Loki passed out, sighing as he supported his younger brother. "Rest, and be at peace," he mumbled, checking that Loki was still breathing before going back to the bullets. Soon he had the last three out, and had bound all of the wounds. He kept Loki in his grip though, keeping the god against his chest.


"Stark," Natasha began, voice taking on a terrifyingly quiet tone, "I am about three seconds from ripping your spine out with my bare hands. Go get him or go pout, but get the censorkip.gif out of our way." She had to lean into Clint's support, but she was glad it was there.

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Tony raised his hands in surrender and quickly moved away. "Fine, fine," he replied. "I'll go get him in a bit. After I finish getting the blood out of my lab." he turned and moved away, intent on finding some robot that would clean up the mess.


Loki stared at the strange creature as it suddenly vanished with a hiss. That thing was way too fast. It was impossible how fast this thing was moving. Cold hands gripped his shoulders as the Other appeared behind him and hissed in his ear. "We desire the tesseract. Fetch it for us and and you can have whatever you want. Fail to do so and you will suffer." There was a blinding light from the hands and a harsh pain. The next thing he knew, his eyes were open and he was staring up at the ceiling of the glass cage again. A ragged gasp escaped from his lips as he flailed briefly in Thor's grip.

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Natasha stared him down until he was gone, then looked to Clint. "Lets go while he's occupied," she suggested tiredly, more than worn out. She needed some time to get her mind straightened out.


Thor was startled when Loki began to flail, and held him tight so he couldn't hurt himself. "Loki, calm yourself, it is me," he said softly, tilting his head so the god could see his face.

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Clint nodded and held a hand up to his comm. "Agent Coulson?" he asked even though he knew someone was on the other end of the link. If someone was not there, that was a problem. "Natasha is awake and we're ready to return. Can you send a plane over?"


Loki's breathing was wild as he tried to focus on his brother's face. His green eyes searched Thor's face as he gradually stopped flailing. His hands reached up and wrapped around the arm holding him in place. He took a few deep breaths as he tried to calm himself down. These visions were horrible. Was he not permitted to sleep in peace? "We must get out of here," he whispered hoarsely as he leaned against Thor's chest. "It won't let me sleep..."

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Coulson was quick to answer. "Sending an agent over now," he answered, glad that at least they had their assassin back. Natasha sighed and resigned to the fact that she had to lean on Clint, hating this weak feeling.


Thor looked very concerned, clutching Loki tightly until he relaxed. He loosened his grip slightly, but still held him close, like a protective bear. "What will not let you sleep? Tell me so that I may find it and crush it," he growled, fists clenching and his body lining with tension.

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Funny how the protective role had changed so suddenly in less than two hours. First he had been protective of Thor, now he was the one being held. He looked down, taking note of the strips of cloth covering the wounds on his legs and arms. His brother had fixed his injures. But he could not fix this problem. He had no idea where the mysterious character was aside from space. "It said it was called the Other," Loki replied as he moved closer to his brother's chest. "It demanded the tesseract or it would make me suffer."

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Thor gritted his teeth and clutched Loki close, and for a moment, they could've easily been years younger. Little Loki, terrified by Thor's stories of Frost Giants, and the golden boy promising valiantly to protect him. It was almost the same now. "He will do neither of these things! The Tesseract is an ancient Asgardian artifact, and no harm shall come to you while I still breathe," he growled protectively, wishing he could shield his brother from the whole world.


(Gonna throw this out here just in case- I don't ship Thorki at all. I still believe its incest and don't support it.)

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((Oh, I don't either. Adopted or not, they are still brothers.))


Loki chuckled softly and shook his head from side to side. "That is a wonderful little speech but I don't think that's going to stop that thing from plaguing my dreams." He glanced down at his injures then decided not to bring them up. Thor was trying his best, after all. "I appreciate your sentiment, though. I'll keep it in mind as I take every measure possible not to sleep."

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(Just checking happy.gif )


Thor growled quietly, but knew there was nothing he could do. He couldn't protect his brother in dreams. Despite his best measures, Loki was still vulnerable. "You need sleep," he protested quietly, but pushed no further. Suddenly something else occurred to him, and he asked, "Brother.. Does it still bother you that we are not brothers by blood?"

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The sarcasm that had been making its way into Loki's voice immediately curled up and died. A frown settled in on his features instead of a mocking smile as he glanced down at his blue skin. It was painfully obvious he was different than his brother when the illusion was not up and even then they looked far different. It was a wonder he did not figure out he was adopted before since everyone in his family had blond hair and his was pitch black. "I think it will always bother me greatly," Loki responded softly. "Perhaps if I had not been lied to since the beginning it would not bother me so. Perhaps if I had known the truth right from the start. But the lies and the stories told about my real kind burn me. I imagine they always will, even if I do not show it." He shook his head and returned to silence, simply staring out at the glass of the cage. How long would it take for him to have proper control of his magic once more? He looked at his hands and tried to conjure up the illusion once more but the power quickly went haywire and turned into a cloud of black smoke instead. Dammit. "It looks as though we will be stuck here for some time," he muttered softly. "I wonder where Darcy is. I will have to apologize for ruining her clothing."

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Thor was silent as his brother replied, closing his eyes. Usually he would stick up for his father, but this time was different. His father had wronged Loki, and Thor had unknowingly played along. Each time he had blown his brother off for his friends stuck in his mind, torturing him. Part of it was his fault. Ignoring his change of subject, he lifted his hand to his mouth and bit down until he bled. Then he held it out to Loki expectantly. "Then perhaps we must become blood brothers on our own. "

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