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Sweet and Pudding 1x1

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Loki lifted his head up at this news and quickly climbed to his feet. He could fix it? He quickly moved to Thor's side again and stared down at his brother. "Thor," he said hopefully. "Thor, you need to get better. You have to wake up. Please." If this didn't work, he was ready to smash Thor's head on something blunt until the spell broke. That was what worked for him, after all.

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Silence. And then- "His vitals are improving," Natasha cut in, watching the display Jarvis had put up. It seemed his heartbeat was speeding back up again, back to a normal rate. The thunder god inhaled sharply, blue eyes flying open as he drew in ragged breaths of air. By the nine, his chest hurt. "Loki?" He croaked.

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Loki let out a audible sigh of relief when the vitals improved. That... that had actually worked. He resisted the urge to throw his arms around his brother when he awoke. No, clinginess was for Thor. But he did clasp Thor's hands in his and smile down at his brother. "You must never do that again," he ordered. "You scared me half to death. I thought I might have to give you a concussion to bring you back."

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Thor tried to smile, but he was incredibly confused. "I do not understand what has happened.. Do you still wish for me to leave?" He asked, expression clouding with sadness. All he knew was that Loki told him to go away and then he passed out, and everything hurt for a while. Now here he was. Coulson crossed his arms, watching the display in silence.

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"By all means, never," Loki replied quickly. He stared down at his brother, sadness filling his own eyes. He had almost lost Thor and it would have been his fault. "You must always stay by my side. Don't ever leave me. Promise you will?"

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Thor was startled by this request, but nodded nonetheless. "Of course brother," he murmured, sitting up and pulling him into a hug. That was actually a command he would gladly fulfill. He loved Loki dearly.

Coulson cleared his throat after a moment. "Now that you've got Thor back, we'd appreciate it if you returned Agent Romanoff to her previous state."

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Loki took little time in returning the hug. It wasn't until Agent Coulson spoke that he released his brother and pushed him away to stare at the agent. A frown crossed his features as he glanced to the staff Natasha had brought then shook his head. "I cannot," he replied. In less than a second, Hawkeye had an arrow trained on him.

"You can and you will," he replied. He was tired of this bull****. Loki quickly took a step back, red eyes widening. What was with the sudden hostility?

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Almost as soon as the bow was out, a pistol was aimed at Clint's head. Her gaze held no remorse, the order to protect Loki humming through Natasha as she stared him down. "Lower the weapon," she stated calmly, knowing the gun would go off faster than the bow if it came to that. "You need to find a way then. Taking someone's free will is wrong, and selfish. You don't need her, so let her go, or we'll be forced to detain all three of you," Coulson threatened.

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Clint refused to take his eyes off Loki as the god moved backwards and away from his brother. If the arrow did shoot, he did not want Thor getting caught in the crossfire. "Not until he gets rid of the spell," he replied, continuing to train his arrow on the blue alien. Loki quickly shook his head.

"I told you I cannot," he insisted as he glanced at Natasha. His staff was nearby but he could not so easily reach it. Perhaps if his magic was working... damn Tony Stark and his sweet alcoholic beverages! But either way, Natasha threatening them back was not helping. "Do not harm them," he said quickly as he held out a hand to stop her. A stalemate would get them no where. Besides, it would only end in many people dying and he did not need his brother to see that.

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Natasha narrowed her eyes until they were angry slits, lowering the weapon. "Need there be such violence? Your woman is not harmed!" Thor interrupted, still sitting onthe table. Being brainwashed as well, he didn't understand what was happening. Coulson sighed, wandering off further into the lab while they argued. "Sir, they're not going to leave. It would be better to kill them now before they call in reinforcements," Natasha insisted.

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"If we kill them, even more will just show up," Loki deadpanned, as if killing them had seriously crossed his mind as an option. "We're outmanned, outarmored and I'm fighting back a headache the alcohol gave me. Let us not add scrubbing blood off the clothing Darcy gave me to the list of reasons why we should not just kill them." He shook his head as Clint continued to train the arrow on his chest.

"We just want her back to normal. So fix her or we take you in, understand?"

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"Are you deaf?" Thor growled. "He said he cannot! There is no way to undo what has been done!" He didn't want to kill anyone either -why was this woman so violent?- but the mortals were making things difficult. Natasha looked like she was about to interject on her own behalf again when a fire extinguisher connected with the back of her skull. She was out like a light, crumpling to the ground without so much as a noise. Behind her, Coulson set down the fire extinguisher and mused, "I believe you mentioned cognitive recallibration."

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Loki took a step away from Coulson when he suddenly hit Natasha over the head with some blunt, red object. The surprise was evident on his face at the action. "Well, yes," he said, staring down at the limp form on the ground. He looked over at the archer as he lowered his bow and frowned.

"Now what? Should we take the tesseract and the staff back to prevent this from happening again."

"You may not," Loki replied, red eyes narrowing. "The staff is mine. You are permitted to watch over the tesseract for now but you cannot have the staff."

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The moral of this story, children, is that agent Coulson should not be trifled with. "Then you should've done that an hour ago," he said simply. It wasn't that he wanted to hurt her, but he was an intelligent man, and if a magical god said there was no other way, then there was no other way. Seeing the upcoming fight, he turned to Clint. "Agent Barton, take Agent Romanoff out of here. I'm sure Stark wouldn't mind lending a room," he said with a glance in Tony's direction, then added, "Restraints, just in case. Now, Mr. Laufeyson, you've given us no reason to leave the staff in your possession. You use it for your own purposes, which included brainwashing one of our top agents. Tell me why you think I would let you keep the staff after that."

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Clint nodded and quickly lifted Natasha off the ground. Tony led the two of them out of the room, leading the two agents, Thor, Loki and Coulson. Loki's eyes narrowed as he suddenly grew hostile with the idea of them taking away his staff. "Because it is mine," he replied, lowering his blue head slightly. "And if you continue with this silly notion that I will stand by and let you take it, I will resort to force. Which, considering I cannot control my magic enough to conjure a basic illusion, is not very wise idea on either of our behalves."

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Coulson held up a hand as the two agents drew weapons. "Actually, the Tesseract isn't yours. You were in pain, so we let you borrow it. I think you've kept it long enough. Hand over the staff, and no one has to get hurt. You will be allowed contact with the Tesseract and nothing more. And you really should free Thor before I have to do it for you," he deadpanned, drawing his own weapon. Thor sat up straighter, clenching his fists. Not knowing what a gun was, he figured he could crush these puny men.

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Loki held the staff closer, refusing to hand it over. "If you touch my brother or my staff, I will attack you," he warned. "I think it would be best if you abandoned the thought now," he muttered. "You are all of you beneath me. If you try to trifle with me or my brother, you will be the ones that suffer."

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Couslon narrowed his eyes, and then at some unspoken signal they were firing at Loki. They did aim for extremities though and not main body parts where he could be fatally wounded. He personally shot at the hand, trying to get him to drop the staff. Thor gave a bellow and launched himself at one of the agents.

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The first bullet struck him in the shoulder and sent him reeling backwards. He gripped the staff for support since he nearly collapsed right then and there. Whatever the Midgardians were using to attack him, it was fast and hurt like Hel. A thin, golden barrier managed to appear between him and the bullets but it quickly shattered after two bullets struck it. He couldn't focus enough to get a stronger barrier to form. Another bullet promptly struck him in the arm holding the staff, causing him to nearly drop it. Loki managed to raise the staff and fire a burst of blue magic from it at one of the agents before he actually fell, holding one of his legs. The staff fell to the ground beside as Loki struggled into a kneeling position, visibly shaking. The staff... he couldn't let them get the staff.

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The agents scattered as the blue energy exploded among them, the one and Thor still grappling. He was quickly knocked out, but more flooded in the room to restrain him. It took three agents on each side to keep Thor down, who was snarling curses and threats. Coulson kicked the staff to an agent who picked it up, gun trained on Loki's head. "Come quietly," he ordered.

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Loki grimaced as he held a hand to his shoulder. Come quietly? Really? He looked up at the gun trained on his head before lowering his head again as if in submission. Only a second passed, however, before Loki suddenly reached out and stabbed the agent's foot with a half-formed throwing knife. He was starting to get desperate now that his magic was failing him. If this went on, he was probably going to stab someone with his horns.

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Coulson staggered back with a hiss of pain. Okay, that wasn't going to work. Plan B. he moved back and pressed the gun to Thor's head instead, who bucked wildly but couldn't free himself. "Stop then, or we'll kill him instead. I don't recall Thor having protective magic like you," he said calmly. Of course, they wouldn't kill Thor, but Loki didn't know that.

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Pure rage filled his face when his brother was threatened in his place. He looked between his brother and Coulson before he turned his gaze to the floor and closed his eyes. He tried to raise his arms to accept restraints but he could not thanks to the wound in his shoulder. Instead, he loosely crossed them behind his back. It still hurt but it was doable. "I surrender. Please... Do not harm him."

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Agent Coulson waved the others forward, Loki's hands being secured behind his back with zip ties. The same was being done to Thor, though he still had to be restrained. "Leave my brother be!" Thor snarled, still struggling. A pistol whip to the face stunned him into silence. "Come on, were taking you back to the Hellicarrier. Your wounds can be treated there."

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Loki grimaced as his hands were secured and the plastic bit into his skin. When Thor was struck, a growl escaped from his lips. They were making a dangerous enemy here. And every action was only making him more pissed. He grimaced as the agents that had bonded his hands ushered him to his feet, only for his legs to give out. He grimaced as they pulled him to his feet. He turned his head to stare at Agent Coulson, his eyes narrowing. "I will accept no aid from someone who tries to harm my brother," he replied coldly. "You'd better just lock me up somewhere and not come near me. Because you are now my enemy and my enemies tend not to live very long when the underestimate me."

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