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"...I just didn't want you to get scared."


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She smiled in relief and even teared up a bit even though she just finished crying a lot just a few minutes ago. "Thank you for worrying about me." She nuzzled Kalana's leg lovingly. "Thank you for deciding to be my Mommy..!" She cried even more happy tears. Through those very tears, she managed to say, "Hahaha... I'm a cry baby... I'm your cry baby..." She cried herself to sleep, with a very peaceful expression on her face.


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He and Feather gathered as much fish and berries they could catch and find within a short amount of time and flew back to the cave. "Maybe the scent of food could lure the bear away..!" A strange thought occurred to him and he spoke it out loud. "What if we couldn't lure the bear away with food? What if we could summon birds and have them fly away with the bear! It would be funny to see their funny faces as they tried to lift up the bear! We should forget the food idea and try the bird plan!" Without waiting for a response he quickly forgot his own words and followed his original plan.


Weakened from exhaustion and blood loss the bear's attacks had slowed down but were still powerful enough to knock someone out. It was getting getting pretty tired of this fighting. It just wanted to go on its merry way. It thought that little prancing thing would've been a nice snack while she gathered food for her growing cubs. Her stomached growled, so that must mean her cubs must be so hungry too... Sniff sniff. She may not be able to see, but she could smell the delicious aroma of berries and the scent of the raw fish just freshly caught- never mind the fact that it seemed it was being held by someone else's scent. Deciding that this was a bad place to ever return to, she ran- or more like stumbled charged- towards the food in hopes of eating it and maybe bringing some to her family.


They made it so that the bear would follow them to a far enough place and they stopped whenever it seemed that the bear slowed down. Although Feather had tried to convince Hibiki that they had gone far enough, Hibiki just was having too much fun plus he thought that there was something further in the forest. And he was right! They somehow ended up at the bear's cave. They quickly dropped the food at the entrance and allowed the hungry bear and her family to eat it. Hibiki then lead the both of them to a fairly dense tree as they watched -from a safe distance- the bear family eat. Favian had always told him to keep a distance from animals like bears, which he obeyed- Wait, who's Favian? He quickly tossed the thought aside. He didn't want to alert the mother bear by the sounds of talking so he used telepathy instead. <That bear is pretty banged up... Feather do you know healing magic..?>


((sorry 02, had to post Hibiki because we want the bear situation over and done with now.))

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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Kalana nuzzled Rien before gently pushing her off her her leg. She lay him down and pulled out some moss to make him a bed and rolled him on top. She wasn't sure what Rien ate, so she caught a few bugs and lay them on a piece of wood next to him. Then she squished a bird to kill it, since she didn't know how to snap it's neck or slice it's arteries, and put it next to the insects. Adding a few flowers for the nectar and a wet ball of moss for water, she sat down next to Rien.

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Herrero was shivering. Usually, he didn't mind being blind or deaf, but now he was a bit paranoid after falling into the pit.

W-what if another one gets me?

He thought, horrified. He couldn't trust the outside anymore, because he would probaby die. He needed someone to talk to. Well, sure, he could smell, but he didn't know everyone in the cave.

Following a certain scent, he tried talking to the hatchling, Mountain Mist, telepathically.

Hello. I'm Herrero, Mister....?

He didn't know Mountain Mist was a girl, being blind and deaf, so he just assumed she was male, like most of the other hatchlings he talked to. He knew he probably would have to stay in the Birth Cave forever, and he COULD go outside, but he was still frightened. Maybe he would get it over it, who knew?

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Mint decided that Erikiteru wouldn't be able to find her, so she slipped past him outside. There had been someone that she wanted to talk to: Herrero. When she found Herrero, she immediately started speaking, not even registering the fact that there was another hatchling there.

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Rico chuckled and went to swipe at him again, but fell to the ground unconscious. His blood began to pool, and his body twitched every so often.

((Wow... this is my best work yet sleep.gif))


Jean scrunched his face up, then huffed a breath of fire at the big goldfish. "Thanks jerk!" He hissed as he dragged Michiru behind a big rock. They were kinda safe where they were, not that he knew he could breath fire, but not entirely. Jean-Pierre picked up some absorbent grass and soaked up enough water for it to act like a sponge. Jean then placed it against Michiru's forehead in an attempt to cool her down. "You'll be fine Michiru, as long as I'm around that is" he chuckled, keeping an ear open for the bear.

Edited by LegendOfKorraFan

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Herrero turned away from Mist, though of course through telepathy he couldn't exactly map out where one was.

He couldn't smell anything new, either. Confused, he tried speaking to the thing.

Yes? Who is it? I can't smell you!

He wasn't going to ask if they mysterious voice was a snake, because snakes don't use telepathy. Or do they? he asked himself.

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Lucifer didn't move as Rico fell to the ground. He snorted and headed back up into his cave. He plopped himself down on the nest and placed his head on his paws. He didn't need to feel bad about leaving Rico. He deserved it. However, after a few hours of laying down, a storm started to form. Thunder could be heard in the distance and rain was starting to sprinkle down from the clouds above. Lucifer's tail twitched as he watched rain trickle down from the sky. Maybe he should move Rico to the entrance of the cave. He didn't get a bed or any medical attention, but he would get out of the rain. Slowly, Lucifer got up and walked back over to Rico's body. He grabbed his scruff and began to pull him up the hill and back towards the cave. Lucifer didn't care when the Black Marrow's head bumped into a rock, nor did he care about the fact that blood was streaming out of rough looking wounds. Lucifer dropped Rico once he reached the mouth of the cave and sniffed. He was out of the rain, and that was all that he deserved. Lucifer walked back to his bed and crawled into the moss. He sat silently as he watched the rain pour from the sky.

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"My name is Mint. You won't be able to smell me. I used to be just like you: I couldn't see. But I could hear, even though I couldn't talk. I also couldn't move. Ya wanna play together?!"

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Herrero frowned.

But why can't I smell you? What do you mean, USED to? Also, I can't play. What if a snake gets me?

Wasn't Mint still alive? He wouldn't know, since he didn't hear Favian announce her death.

Miss Mint, aren't you alive?

He asked her telepathically, confused. He had talked with Mint a few times, and she never played, but now she wanted to?

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"No, I'm not alive, and no, a snake won't get you. I promise."

Mint ran around in a quick circle, as if encouraging Herroro to play with her.

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Why aren't you alive? I thought you were alive! How can you be so sure a snake won't get me?

Okay, now was she sarcastic? Mint couldn't be dead!

If you aren't alive then how can I trust you? What if you're like that demon spirit that was inside Roseanna, and you're going to get a snake to bite me?

He asked, scared. If Mint was dead, then how could he trust her? Besides, he couldn't see her.

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Mountain heard a telepatchic message, but didn't know who had sent it. How dare they call her MISTER! She was a girl! She huffed and sat on the nest, wriggling around. She cast a glance over the cave, noticing blood on the floor. 'Someone had a really bad nosebleed or something' she thought. She had, by mere ignorance, not seen the bear and didn't know what happened.



Mist watched as the bear walked away and plopped tiredly on to her nest. She decided to take a quick nap.



Sierra had also seen the bear walk away. 'Finally! Fighting that thing was starting to get boring.' She thought. She was somehow still full of energy. She looked around at the hatchlings. "Anybody want to play with me?" She called.

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Skip jumped out of the tree and ran over to Sierra. "Sierra! That was so cool! You stood up to that bear like a BOSS!" He exclaimed in excitement. "I wish I was as brave as you!"

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((No, it said that he was talking to Mountain. And you called Mountain Sierra))


Sierra smiled at Skip. "Thanks! Wait, what's your name?" She asked. She didn't think that he might be evil and mean, she automatically assumed that everyone was nice and good.

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Spira felt cold. And tired. Really, really cold and tired. Favian... Wait. Favian. Was he okay? What had happened? "Favian..."she whimpered. SHe opened her eyes as much as she could. There was a blob of purple with a smaller pink blob on top of him. Favian![/i'] she thought. She tried calling out to him again, but the effort forced her to close her eyes again.

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Sitting in her nest was boring, so she decided to go o the forest to explore. While she was exploring, she saw a strange white striped flower. She walked over and poked it. Up close, it was actually a dragon.

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Favian sat down with a sigh. He could tell by the much more quite atmosphere that the bear was gone. No more roaring, no more shouting, just silence. It was quite nice really. Clem climbed down from his back and curled up at his front paws. Favian didn't know how such a small and delicate thing like Clem could stay awake after such a day. Favian decided that he should take a small rest and stay put until someone needed him. The small voice calling out for Favian didn't reach his ears. However, it did reach Clem's ears. She raised her head and looked around. She almost gasped as she saw Spira on the ground. She jumped away from Favian's front paws and hopped towards the injured blue hatchling.

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((How does one "hear" a telepathic message? It's not like a radio signal where you can intercept it. P.S I'm character-locked ;___;))

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Kalana heard footsteps behind her. THere was... a penguin-ish dragon right next to her by the time she turned around. "Why hello there. What's your name? I don't believe that we have met before. You are an interesting species, quite different from the rest of us. When did you hatch?"



Spira was sure she heard tiny pawsteps close to her which she suspected to be Clem. She struggled to stay awake.

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"I hatched when...um, hmm, I don't know exactly when. After I hatched I saw this good smelling pudding guy, and he was even squishy like pudding!" She said "My name is Mountain Mist! But I like to be called Mountain. What's your name?" She said

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"I'm Kalana. I guess I'm older than you then. Are you hungry? Thirsty? I have plenty of food here, so you can have some. But not all. It's for Rien."

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