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The Forgotten Island OCC

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Think about it. A whole bunch of idiots swinging around a lightsaber that they have no idea how to use. It's bound to happen.

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Which of course means that the ones who are trained have an even better chance xd.png .

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At what? Cutting themselves? I'll let you know, I molener very well.

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Yeah... That seems like the most likely thing to happen.

But... Oh my gosh! There's this baby bunny that lives in my backyard and I got it to eat out of my hand! *tears of joy* finally!

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I KNOW RIGHT?!?! laugh.gif


It felt fuzzy :3

Edited by Ferven

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That was what my Mom was like when she finally tamed our first cat.


Gtg now. Got to learn some new lightsaber stuff biggrin.gif

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Good luck!

And just for the heck of it, may the force be with you!


Edited by Ferven

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Hi, I'm back. I think I missed a lot. can I have a recap?


Edit: that wasn't a question it was an order. seriously? not that many pages... I'm still too lazy... also what happened on the OCC?

Edited by guy person

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Yay welcome back!

What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?

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I'm gonna try and get on the CP as mush as I can now because my computer is having problems and it needs to get fixed

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I got a warning for a joke I had going on in the forum games. Since I will not be able to reply properly, just assume Redwing is asleep and Sparsus is wandering around in the forest looking for "the unicorn".

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On the OOC? Not much, just some chatting. Oh, and Dream said that she's starting school again, so she won't be on as much sadface.


In the story? More arguments with Troulce. Sparsus was married to Redwing, which is stopping his personality from fragmenting into millions of pieces, but this still happens when they're tired. Holmar and Stars were annoyed by Leaf Scales and went to the stream. Alatum and Daralis are sticking together, and Lydia is trying to find the unicorn. That's about what I remember.

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A huge dragon attacked the cave and sparsus fought him with a big log!

Edited by Ferven

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Oh, and Dream said that she's starting school again, so she won't be on as much

I go back to school in two weeks

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I am back!


I have the lone ranger theme song stuck in my head.

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Welcome back! How was training? Think you could kill a zombie?


Omg, I was watching a YouTube video when this fly flew right into my forehead then onto the screen. It scared the heck out of me! 0.0

Edited by Ferven

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I could take on a sith.


I'm sorry, but that is hilarious. The only thing that would have been better than that would be if a spider came down from the ceiling and dangled in front of your face.

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That actually did happen to me once...

I was on the top bed of my bunk bed watching a YouTube video when out of the corner of my eye I saw something brown moving. At first I dismissed it as a fly or something and kept watching the video but after a few seconds it was only slowly moving down. I got suspicious and turned to look at it. Inches away from my face was a tiny brown spider, about to drop onto my right cheek. I didn't waste a second moving out of the way. Anyway, it was horrifying, but funny afterwards.

Edited by Ferven

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If that happened to my friend (Derpy Dave), he would freak. He is the kind of guy who gets the vacuum to deal with spiders instead of a Kleenex. xd.png

Edited by Narath

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I try not to kill spiders. The one that- ack! Freaking fly just landed on my head! That buzzing is terrifying when it comes out if nowhere... Anyway as I was saying, I killed the one that tried to drop on me right away. I didn't want that bugger crawling around in my bed...

But there is this spider in my shower and I hate it so much but I can't kill it. Why? Because I would feel bad that's why.


The spider would have scared me a whole lot more if it hasn't been daytime when it happened. If it was night then I would probably have a heart attack or something. The dark is scary.

Edited by Ferven

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Spiders actually come out of the drains, often in the early morning, evening or at night.


But I love the dark *turns off lights*

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