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Good old brothers Grimm, making such wonderful stories for children.


Edit: I hate being ADD so much!

Edited by Narath

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Wait... I thought ADD just meant you had a short attention span?

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Attention Deficit Disorder does make you have a short attention span, but it does do some other stuff to. It sure as hell doesn't help with patience.

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Ah, okay. I knew that it affected other things but I don't know patience was one of them. I actually have ADHD, I think it's like ADD but with hyperactivity too. It also tends to make you very impulsive, which stinks.

Oh, and food coloring is bad for people with ADHD (but I don't care I like food coloring so I eat it anyway ^^)

Edited by Ferven

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*sigh* great. My laptop died. I have to reinstall the OS.




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That stinks


I was just at the doctors and they were all like 'you shouldn't be staying up so late on the phone!' And 'you need to have your phone taken away and locked in the kitchen at night' and I was just like 'nooooooo not my phone ;~; '

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Hmm. I have a way around that: don't get caught using it so nobody can tell the doctors xd.png .

Edited by Shibadruid

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My mom caught me using it at three and got mad at me. She says that she is going to start taking it away from me or that she is going to put parental controls on it (which has never worked out well)

So then my mom told the nurse practitioner and she started talking about how not getting enough sleep is bad and then she and my mom were talking about how it's becoming an addiction and all that...

Then my doctor walks in to say hi and the nurse practitioner tells him that I stayed up until three using my phone and then he started saying that my mom needs to take it away from me and lock it in the kitchen...

0^0 gah!

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Um, I think I am going to stop being on so late now. (i woke up at 11:00 this morning BTW! Yippee!)

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You stay up till 3? That is kinda bad. Try and go to sleep a little earlier than that maybe. Also, If this is what you do most of the time, you should show your mom and maybe she'll be a little more lenient because you are being creative.

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Never worked for me. tongue.gif


I stay up late usually, but I'm probably going to change to getting up early, seeing as my characters always get tangled up with Dream's. xd.png

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Same here... Blah


Anyway, I guess your right about not staying up so late. I'll try to fall asleep sooner.

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I aim for around 12:00pm at the latest.


I'm going to be leaving in about an hour sad.gifsmile.gif

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A person who learnt from the choreographers from Star Wars is giving free lessons every Wednesday at 7:00-8:30. The lessons exist biggrin.gif , but the sabers don't sad.gif

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That's still awesome. While it would be cool to use a real light saber, I think the world is better off without that kind of weapon.


argh, there's a fly walking around my room mad.gif

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Apparently, one of the guys that goes to the lessons saw a chart that said what most people would do if they had a lightsaber. Guess what most people said?

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