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When I was in Italy during spring break on a school trip, I made it my personal mission to have gelato every day. I succeeded. I always got dark chocolate whenever I could (70-85% is my favorite).

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I find that any dark chocolate above 75% is to disgusting for my liking.

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Well, maybe just up to 80%. I don't think I've tried anything higher than that in a while.

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I like milk chocolate and white chocolate. Dark chocolate isn't very sweet, at least not as sweet as I like chocolate to be. Also... I never knew that dark chocolate had percentages so I have no idea what your talking about.

I went on a school trip to Québec city this year with my French class. We stayed for three days and those three days were the most amazing ones in my life... <3

Edited by Ferven

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You like white chocolate? Really? Really?! White chocolate isn't even chocolate!!!


The 10 days in Italy were the best in mine. Definitely going there again.

Edited by Narath

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I don't really care about milk vs. dark all that much. I do know, however, that the darker the chocolate the more healthy it is (yep. White chocolate is completely unhealthy)

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I think Dark chocolate is good for your heart or something but it's only good in small quantities.

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White chocolate has no chocolate content whatsoever! 0%! No Cocoa!

Edited by Narath

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Y-yes I do like white chocolate, and I know it's not real chocolate... I just thought I would say that I liked it o^o dun hurt meh plz!

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I don't want to or have to. The 'chocolate' does it for me tongue.gif .

Edited by Shibadruid

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Does anyone want to hear an epic happy song? (It has a swear in it FYI)


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One of the great things about iPhones is that it's really easy to zoom in. That way you can read tiny text easily and clearly

iPods do the same thing. tongue.gif

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*sigh* I'm getting tired of having Troulce fight all the time. Holmar can't do anything at the moment, though.

Edited by Shibadruid

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Yeah, he's not meant to be liked.


The real question is, will anyone ever say anything nice to Troulce? He will never say anything nice if everyone keeps arguing with him.

Well, there's Moon Puff. I mean, it's not like he likes what Troulce has to say for all this but he just kind of respects him. And admires him. No idea why.

Edited by Dream_Dragon

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True, but that's just a drop in the bucket. One hatchling out of all of the hatchlings in the cave isn't going to help Troulce's mental stability.


Edit: *poof* and just like that, Dream's gone again.

Edited by Shibadruid

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I don't feel like writing. x3 I just came back fro school. Also, I take back what I said yesterday. I'm more responsive at night. xP

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*Poof* and just like that, Dream's back again xd.png .


Okay. Though I won't be on at those times for a while. It'll take a couple days to switch from staying up late to getting up early.

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Yep, so it was easy to see your small text.


Someone post!



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Read Fundevogel.


It's a short Grimm's Fairy Tales story.

Edited by Onixthebunny1

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I'll try to fit it in.


Edit: there we go

Edited by Narath

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I'll tell you the story, hold on.


Here's a short version of it.


Two children had grown up together, so that they loved each other dearly and when one did not see the other, they were sad. (Sound familiar?) One day a cook brought many pails of water and Lina, the girl, asked her why. She said she was going to throw Fundevogel , the boy, into it. Lina told him, and said the line we used. They ran into the forest and said the line again. Fundevogel turned into a rosebush, and Lina turned into a rose upon it. The cook did not see the children in bed so she sent three servants to find them, and they returned without them, saying what they found. The cook scolds them because they did not cut down the rosebush and take the rose back. They return to where they found them, but the two say the line again and F turns into a church, and she a chandelier in it. The same result happens, this time the cook decides to go with them. They say the line once more, and F turns into a pond with Lina the duck upon it. The cook tries to drink up the pond, but Lina pulls her head in and drowns the cook. They return home. The end.

Edited by Onixthebunny1

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