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I am always on, I slept for the first time in three days last night.

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I think my parents want me to get a job ASAP, but I don't know if I want a job yet. I can be a super lazy person...

Weavile, that's not healthy. Get some sleep man! Why are your parents letting you stay up?

Edited by Ferven

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3 days? Wow. I could barely give up one night of sleep.

I have been working since I was five. Stupid parents...

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Since you were five?! D: whaaaaaa?!

You poor child...

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Both of my characters are waiting on Dream's characters, which may take a while.

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I lived on a farm with an ass for a dad. What can I say?

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Yay a farm! Do you have chickens?


And Shiba, you can still post. I mean heck, if a real dragon flew into your house now and started attacking your family you wouldn't wait for the person you are talking with to reply before running... Would you?

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He would probably wait if he was waiting on us to reply.


It's not that type of far. We grow hundreds of varieties of vegetables.

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I probably wouldn't but Troulce can see that Sparsus has the fight (mostly) under control. That and he really doesn't like people who don't follow the rules.

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Awwwww I'm disappointed -^-

You should get chickens.



And good point there.

Edited by Ferven

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We had cows for a while. One year we had two cows that were not quite fully grown. We named the fat one Eglon, and the other Ichabod. We ate them at the end of the year sad.gif , but they were really good because we fed them our fresh organic produce. The next year, we got three cows (they did not even have teeth yet. (it is fun to have a toothless cow suck on their hand. They think it is an udder or something. (AAAAAWE!))). We name the fat one Barney, the one that was mostly black Carl, and the one with the most white Lenny. They too tasted good. All our cows had good lives, and will be missed.

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BTW, you can call me MW or Benjamin or Weavile/Weav/Weavil/Weave/Weevale/Weavill (I get a lot of non Pokemon fans who do not want to call me Master.) if Master is uncomfortable for you. (It is certainly not helping me with my pride issues. xd.png)

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*says with Golem voice* yes master!



Edited by Narath

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It's a this face D:

With big eyes D8 for added horrified-ness

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Onix! You're back! Welcome.


Edit: aaaah. I thought you were saying you wanted to date MW... Or maybe you did say that, but are just covering up now...

Edited by Narath

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Holy snapapple, sorry for not posting... I had run away from errands.


Had TO run away from errands... Dumb iPod.

Edited by Onixthebunny1

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*Bursts out in laughter*


Does anyone even recognize the names of my first two cows, or recognice the reference of the last three?


Edit: Np.


And who are you swearing at?

Edited by Narath

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I'm swearing because people are saying I want to date a dead cow... So I'm swearing at a situation, it's expressing my thoughts on the matter -3-

Edited by Ferven

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Ichabod, yeah. The last three... I hope that's not the reference I think it is. D8

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