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The Forgotten Island OCC

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Actually, no. Time is a dimension just like the three spatial ones that we live in. End it here, and it disappears everywhere. Time is slowed by mass, but that does not cause light to go any faster than the constant 'C'. 'C' is the speed of light through a vacuum without any mass whatsoever nearby.


Edit: I know my theoretical physics.

So do I.

And it's theoretical, so you can't state anything as absolute truth.

If that is the case then we cannot measure the speed of light, because we are within a galaxy, which has mass. Therefor, according to what you said, unless in the vacuum between galaxies man cannot measure the speed of light. Though I suppose I worded that wrong, it was three in the morning for me.


EDIT: I have more on Sparsus and Redwing. First off, they are not married officially, but that is almost impossible for the dragons at this point in time. However, at least by some definitions, marriage is a bond between two persons that makes them as one person. Which brings me to my second point, Sparsus and Redwing are the essentially the same person, albeit not equal. Redwing is part of Sparsus and will die if he does, and if Redwing were to die Sparsus would have the part of him that had her ripped out of him and split into three personalities, two of them dangerous. And then I would make sure someone other than Troulce kills him.


EDIT 2: I am trying to get Sparsus a description based on this RP, and I said in it that he has a along temper, I got this as a feedback on it: Abstain: What's a long temper?

Edited by MasterWeavile898

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And then he woke up and walked back towards the cave when Alatum kicked Sparsus.

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Well why didn't you correct me when we were writing that? I didn't see that Onix posted at all.

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(OOC: I thought Onix woke her up?


EDIT: And apparently it's a him.)


"Sparsus!" Redwing cried happily, "You know, the presence?" She was giddy and she hugged her friend, then she felt Sparsus call her something, "What's a wife?"

I did.

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Another lonely wolf howl.


Did I mention the picture for my avatar is me? I told you I'm part giraffe. I'm holding an onyx gem.

Edited by Onixthebunny1

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Man is it quiet today. Someone make a post!


I want it to be as busy as it was when I didn't have wi-fi...

Edited by Onixthebunny1

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Iktria has nothing to do, and Lydia left Sparsus and Redwing, someone could walk up to them, they are just standing next to each other chatting.

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Hey Shiba, since your waiting why not have Troulce run into Cindiri? o3o I'm bored.

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God knows I've triiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiied.


0023567467, how do you remember all of those numbers? And have the patience to type all of it?

Edited by Onixthebunny1

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I'm guessing it's something mathematical, like one of those lines where all the numbers in the line are just all the previous numbers added.

Edited by Narath

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I just realized I haven't eaten anything since... Breakfast.

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It has the same amount of numbers as a phone number (002-)356-7467 I know several phone numbers, it is not that hard.

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Yeah, I'm on my iPhone and I clicked it and it asked me if I wanted to call that number o3o

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