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Shadows: Whisper | Assassin's Creed

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The thread was yanked, and hard. Circe winced as Aetios put a stitch in the whiplash wound that was not healing properly. It hurt more and more, but she had to keep still. On her bare back, his fingers stroked her spine assuringly, not harassing her or anything of the sort. It was something for comfort, as if saying that she had to keep on.


Devon had done so many things to her. He humiliated her in front of the city, shoving her in horse crap and making her stand up and stand there in front of the crowd as she struggled not to cry. And then he beat her when she said something out of line, and whipped her and... Made her get in bed with him. In the distorted part of her mind, she believed she had developed what was later called Stockholm's Syndrome, but she shoved that to the side as soon as she came back.


The thread was yanked again. Harder this time. She bit her lip until it bled, and, Aetios, knowing this was the deepest wound, tried to fix it as soon as possible. "If you become tense, it hurts more." he said in his calm voice.


Circe bit her lip until it bled. Aetios thought he was superior and more important than anyone... And he had a thing for women. But he was not like Typhon, who went around every day.

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Cyrus left Sophia with an assassin that he'd sufficiently terrified, enough to assure she could kept safe. He walked into where the returning assassins were, Hermes had been treated and looked like someone painted him with stitches. At least he was sleeping through it. Passing him, he walked to Circe, who had made a positive impression upon him, and thus he was concerned. "I think she can handle a little pinch every now and again." Cyrus said as he came to sit beside her on the opposite side of Aetios. "She wouldn't be here if she couldn't." He inspected her wounds and said, "You could be worse for the wear."

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"You really think so?" Aetios sighed as he snapped off one end of the thread. Circe should have been yelling and cursing at him at the moment, instead she was looking ahead. The pain that ran up her body was unlike any pain that she had at the moment, and the pain that was in her loins was extremely bothersome. It gave her stomachaches, and headaches at the same time.


Her brown eyes raised toward him, her lips were pursed. There was an angry fire in her gaze, toward Cyrus. What did he mean that she could have been dealt worse? What else could there be?


"Gee, thanks. I guess that worse would have been death, no? But for me, that would have been better. You do not want to know what happened. I was raped, and tortured, and thrown to the side, shoved in horse censorkip.gif, and laughed by the whole city. My people, Cyrus. My people laughed at my face... the people that I defended! I-- ah!


Circe yelped when Aetios dug the needle into the last wound and roughly began to stitch it up. She knew it was a way to get her to shut up, but now, she glowered at Cyrus.

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Cyrus didn't snap at her like he wanted to. He would have roared a storm down upon her but he stayed shut. No, he didn't do that. But he did say, "Damn." He stared her in the eye. "You act as though only you've been through that. As if you're special and everyone should feel sorry for you. I don't. I don't feel sorry for a woman who can't handle a little torture and mistreatment because I can't rely on that woman in a pinch. I came down here to offer my grievances in good faith to you, but I think I'm already done. Because you're one of several thousands of people who suffered and are suffering just the same. I don't care what you've been through. I care how you come out of it." He stood up and started walking towards the door, fed up with Circe for now.


((Don't you snap at the big dog, Circe.))

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Circe was shocked at what Cyrus said. Well, she wasn't that shocked. She wasn't expecting sympathy from a Spartan. She got up, yanking the needle from Aetios and ripping it off herself. She pulled on her clothes and stomped over to Cyrus, blocking off his path. "I will come out of it." she told him. "And don't you DARE say I'm special. Don't you DARE say I'm better than anyone." she shoved him. "Because I'm NOT.


[Watching Rise of the Guardians.]

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((Think I took a pass on seeing that movie when we got it from netlfix.))


"I was saying just the opposite." Cyrus replied. "But I'm happy to see you finally realize that you're no better than me or that apprentice you were captured with." He didn't give the shove much thought, but continued, "What you went through is horrid. You need to know that if you expect sympathy from anyone for it, you won't receive it. If you work and live to the best of your ability, almost as if it never happened, then you will receive sympathy for the transgressions against you." He wasn't one for imparting wisdom upon people, but he was one for making his point heard. "I came here as a friend. Don't think you can act like this to a superior, regularly."

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[it's really good. Like the Polar Express.]


"You know, if you don't act so superior, maybe I won't act this way." Circe said, angrily. "I mean, aren't Mentors and masters supposed to go and relate to their assassins? Their heads are not supposed to be higher than the rest. They slump as low as their soldiers."

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"I don't hold myself in a higher regard than you, Circe." Cyrus told her. "I don't think of myself as better than you. I can't speak for Helena or Aella, though. I do, however, expect respect for the work I put into gaining my position as a leader. I came to Thebes to fill a leadership role, not to be a pal of every assassin I come across. I'm harsh, blunt and have no toleration for insubordination. I run a tight ship, whether or not I'm at the helm." He stepped around her and said over his shoulder, "Do get better, though." He walked off, heading to enjoy a little time without his daughter. He loved her, but he needed to unwind a bit.

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Circe looked after the Spartan, her dark eyes narrowed. Now that her anger was subsiding, she felt the horrible pain of just yanking the stitching thread off of her back. She ground her teeth, and screwed shut her eyes. Great... Just great. At least the Spartan told her to get better. She would have nasty scars, though... A hand rested on her shoulder, and she looked up to see Aetios. He was looking down at her with those dull green eyes. "Don't mind him much." he said, walking out of the small shack. "He isn't Helena."


And then she watched Aetios leave, his long and skinny legs making him stride over the grass like a soaring eagle. Circe raised her gaze to the ceiling of the thatched roof, and walked to Hermes. He was passed out, and had as many stitches as her. What was she to do? She then walked to her sheet and began to sing the song, Simonides. The song of Danae and Perseus. "Oh, son, what unbearable pain I'm in..." she sang lowly, looking at her hands. For what was she to do? She could not walk around with this pain.

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(Yeah, Cyrus! Tell her what's on your mind!)


(Just gonna interact with myself 'cause I'm bored. Anyone can jump in.)

(And, TMD, we have to advance Typhon and Helena...)


Kal looked down at Thais, who had been amusing himself by watching the clouds pass in the sky. She trusted him to go to people that could protect him if he came across anything suspicious while she was away. But they were together then and they both felt safer that way. "Mama... You can't train me... I heard Master Cyrus and Mentor talking about how Sophia can't be trained by her father..." Kal smiled sadly. "That's right. When the time comes and you are ready, you will receive a mentor and that won't be me. But I will always protect you. I will live and die for you. I hope you will remember that." The boy nodded solemnly. "I know. We're family. Not like Father." Kal smiled and looked out at the sky. "I'm just glad that I gained you out of it. For all the suffering, you were worth every teardrop and spat of blood."

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[Aetios and Helena. I made the mistake of saying Typhon. xd.png

He walked away from the healing shack. ^^]

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Calypso was barely visible when they returned. They looked miserable and beaten. Just outside of the shack she waited. She stood there with her dagger, hoping to try and protect them. Even if the guards weren't here, she had to do something. She pulled out her necklace and held it between her index finger and thumb, hoping that it would provide company somehow. Nervously, she looked inside, expecting to be shouted at. It looked like Hermes was passed out and Circe was singing to him. She walked inside, sheathing her dagger but keeping her hand on it. "Are you guys okay?" She asked, barely audible. She golden eyes flicked back and forth between the two of them.


[Going shopping.]

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((TMD, when I said Hermes might as well be painted with stitches, I meant it. He was brought to the edge of death several times. They couldn't get at his mind so they made up for it by doing more than beating him and giving him a few scratches.))


Hermes was deep in a dream while events outside his mind fell mute on his ears. He was in a snowy field... Or was it a cloud? He was somewhere fluffy, and a bit cold. He stood up and started walking, trying to find an exit he subconsciously thought was there. He never found one.What he did find, was a cliff. Or was it the edge of the cloud? Either way the depths of the fall were great. Something slammed into his back and he fell, but he spun to see what t was, and it was himself. But it wasn't, it was Hermes the God, not the human. Before he could make sense of things he woke up with a deep gasp and sprang forward into a sitting position as fast as his body would allow. He looked around rapidly, worriedly, but calmed down when he figured out where he was. Falling back to a laying position, he noticed for the first time he was in he company of Calypso and Circe, and he was badly injured, and recent events flooded his mind. His body ached. "What'd I miss?"

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(Jeez. What's with you? xd.png I ask which one it is and you say one, and then I get the opposite answer later. This is really confusing... But we need to advance that couple.)

(I'll start it off.)


Helena was in her makeshift private chamber. The mirror there had a crack sloping down the middle of it and was a little dusty, but she used it anyways. Looking at her own reflection, the woman turned, observing the details. She sighed. The person in the mirror wasn't her. Not yet. It was full of happiness when she smiled, a beautiful dark princess of death and blood. But the real her was empty, filling itself up with laughs and the information that people gave her. It wasn't making her truly full, though. So she slammed her fist against the mirror, causing it to shatter and stab into the side of her right hand. So what? She didn't need the stupid thing anyway. And her hand would heal. Plucking the shards of glass out of her skin, she licked the blood away, ripping a piece of her blanket off to slow the bleeding. Entering the common area, she poked Aetios' shoulder gently. "Got bandages?"


(Duss... You do know that it's pretty much impossible to withstand that much mental distress, right?)

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[i said Typhon first by accident. xd.png

Sorry, Duss...

And Moose, maybe Hermes is just... Well... IDK. xd.png]




Aetios walked around, watching Artemis soar above him. The Creed acted exactly like the birds of prey. Their hoods somewhat shaped the features of an eagle, or hawk. Their flowing robes and their ways of stalking and swooping. They stayed above the heads of their enemies. Silent. And when they striked... It was one strike, from above. Slick, rapid. With mercy. That was the code of the assassins. Do not harm innocents. Hide in plain sight. Do not compromise the Creed.


He raised his green eyes to the woman, the dark haired woman that he was pleased to call Mentor. He raised his fist to his heart, but then he looked at her hand. It was bleeding. "How'd you do that?" he chuckled, pulling some bandages from his pack. Gently taking her hand, he began to bandage the cuts. They were lacerations... Something that had happened with force. Even with the cuts on her hand... Her skin was soft, and somewhat smooth.

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((I addressed concerns about Hermes in PM.

Can't give away all my secrets to everyone.

Need RD to post, though...))

Edited by Dusset

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(I like it, Duss.)


Helena smiled and looked up at the sky. "Oh, you know... Just broke a mirror." She chuckled slightly. "The person who I see in the mirror isn't me, so I just wanted her to stop taunting me. Although... In hindsight, hurting myself in the process was dumb." The woman shook her head a little, grinning at her stupidity. "You know... People look up to me and take my word as law. But I'm just the same as them. I sometimes wonder if I'm even a good Mentor." She babbled a little, almost forgetting that Aetios was even there. And then she remembered that he was and ran her left hand through her hair. "But you don't need to worry about that. Just the ramblings of a tired woman."

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"Are we not all tired?"


Aetios tucked in the bandage. The hand was wrapped up nicely, and he raised his eyes to her again. She sure was pretty... But he wasn't about to leap on her and ask her if he could have her. No, it was the process of coaxing and flirting and courting. Aetios looked up at his hawk again. Artemis had flown high into the sky until he could hardly see him. The red tailed hawk always stayed close...


"Perhaps you should make another of the assassins master. You only hav two. Aella and Cyrus, correct?" he tipped his head. "I don't know about you, but I think I'll make a great master. I won't disappoint you. Not in the least."


A wry grin slipped across his face. Aetios seemed quiet and solemn when no one was around, but when women came... "Not to mention that you'll need a strong Athenian to stand beside you, my dearest dove..." he flicked a piece of hair away from he face and grinned softly.

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Helena chuckled softly. "Ah, you'll have to try harder than that, my friend." She was careful about the words she used, especially picking out "friend". The woman extended her healthy hand out to the man's shoulder and gave it a slight squeeze before withdrawing herself. "You do realize that I'm done with this, right? I'm done with people chasing me. You want me or you don't, but you'd best make a decision, because I don't wait around." Oh yeah. She talked herself a big game, but she didn't live up to it. What she really wanted was someone to make her feel again. Really feel. Anything at all, just...something. And she wanted someone bold enough to break through every wall she'd built. Someone that knew what was good for her instead of her having to say it outright. And perhaps the only person that could be that way for her was dead. But...maybe not.

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Aetios was surprised at what she was talking about. But... "Of course I want you." he stalked around her. "You're young, and beautiful... And smart, and intelligent..."



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Helena rolled her eyes. "Flattery is something I'm quite familiar with. But you'll need to do better. You have to show me something concrete. More than words." Yep. She could be considered scary for how direct she was. But perhaps that was the test. To see if they were scared away. To see if her act was enough to shoo them away. And, indeed, many had been scared off, citizen and assassin alike. But it bothered her none. If they couldn't deal with her and adapt to a difficult situation, they had no right to go farther than where her wall allowed. Only the truly worthy would be able to march right through it, fearless. It was like the story of Excalibur. Only the worthy one would be able to pull the sword from its resting place in the stone. But...Helena hadn't heard of it. Oh no. Of course not. But it was similar nonetheless.

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Aetios grinned. "Really?" he asked, walking behind her and grabbing her waist. "Something concrete? Something that's true?" He grinned, tugging her closer. "What would that be?"


[i'm celebrating my grandpa's B-Day today. Will be somewhat inactive and short posts.]

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Helena raised her eyebrows quizzically. "Gee, I don't know. You tell me." She felt the wind blow her hair back off her shoulders and tickle her face gently. She wasn't sure is Aetios really knew what he was getting himself into, but she sure hoped to the gods that he did. Because he wouldn't be able to escape her darkness then. Her madness. Her illness. And she'd look at her reflection in the puddle and see a twisted representation of herself and laugh. Because the nightmares would return if she did that again. If she let herself belong to someone else. She was just used too many times. Just mutilated and cut too much. And she saw the people who'd been in there for their who lives. With burned and rippled skin from not being able to heal the right way. Some with rotting eyes and some with no fingers. She heard them screaming and she them writhing in agony and...the nightmares. Being with someone...would bring it all back. But...maybe he was worth it?

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Aetios grinned at her. "Come on. You have to tell." Aetios really wanted for her to tell him. There was a wry look in his eyes and his hands traveled to her sides. "Please?"

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