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Shadows: Whisper | Assassin's Creed

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"I take plenty seriously." Hermes retorted. "You need to take things a little less." He always thought escape was an option. He didn't want to let the guards know that, though. They might get tense. "I mean, really. You're acting like this is the end. Like our chapters are over." He continued. "If you think that every time you run into some trouble, you'll die of stress! So dry your eyes and smile. You've gotta learn to laugh at the face of danger, literally." He lowered his voice a little to say, "It unnerves danger when you do that." He was't a fool. He was well aware of their intentions to kill them both. Well aware of his sorroundings, too. But if he let himself worry, he might fail in getting away. In his mind, he already escaped.

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Her brown eyes rested on Hermes for a bit longer before making sense of what he just said. Circe was always fretting, always struggling to make it to the top. And at times like this... She just didn't know how to feel. Should she break down and cry? Should she scream and kick till the end? Hermes was smiling and grinning and whistling. "I highly doubt you take anything seriously." Circe said, looking out of the bars. "You just are great at lying..."

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"Why thank you!" Hermes said as she told him he was a great liar. "Your warm, cuddly support is always such a great aspect of the day!" The second half was more sarcastic than anything. "If you don't think I can take anything seriously, and I'm obviously in a good mood, why don't you take a page from my book and give a shot? Just stop caring about things you can't change." Her pessimism was starting to harsh his mellow. "That is, you know, if you truly think I don't take this dire, dangerous situation seriously." He gave her a frown and then returned to smiling and whistling. Why was she so jaded?

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Everything seemed to be going fine, though the guard who had been stupid enough to attempt to remove Circe's hidden blade had been backhanded by the commanders steel greaves, and tossed into the wagon with the two assassins. He kept his distance, as superstition can create true horror. The man actually believed that assassins were like dogs, to kill was one's second nature. It had the desired effect.


The wagon arived at the main forum uneventfully, past that, and the contingent of guards mainly let up. Thirty-five men remained, not including the commander, to escort the prisoners to where the first steps of their captivity would take place.


The guard was sent immediately to the dungeons, and was screaming and fighting the entire way until one of his escorts got smart and conked him upside the head. The limp body was taken away, leaving the two assassins to be escorted to the main chamber.

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Circe was led around, frightened. She had trembled and frowned as Devon and all of the soldiers led them, especially the guard that tried to take away her hidden blade. She watched as he was drgged off into the dark. "... Athenian scum." she breathed under her breath.

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((I dunno.

But I'm sorry for not posting. In Canadia. Return Monday. I will do all the forums stuff then, but I'm not on the computer for very long at any point.))


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[i as stranded on a desert island the width of my body with no hope of survival or saving. That's where I went.]


The two assassins were led through the antechamber, and entered the forum proper. Devon was sitting on a simple throne, but what made it stand out was that it was structured with bones.


Human bones.


The assassins were shoved to the ground, and the guards retreated a few steps. Devon looked down at them, and said, "You were brave to try that maneuver, young man. I congratulate both of you on your gumption. Although, you most likely should have checked your surroundings a bit more, it is very dificult to hide a hundred men in one area." He chuckled a bit, and gestured to the commander, who had joined Devon belt to his throne. He then said, "I can see that you've met count Drake already, so we will skip the introductions."


Devon leaned towards the assassins, and said, "You will tell me everything you know about the Brotherhood. Now."

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((Oh. Cool.

I have a bit of time and thought I'd slip a post in.))


Hermes stayed quiet the rest of the way, but he still looked happy. They came up to a man on a throne of human bones, which reminded him of tribal imbecils. "Oh, my. How many femurs are in that arm rest?" He asked aloud. "And how many clavicles in that head rest?" He mused for a minute more before answering Devon's question, sorta. "Look, mate. Here's the deal. The brotherhood is an organization of contract killers that fight bad guys, steal from the rich, and give to the poor. We like shadows, and there're thousands of us. We don't like those Athenian guys terribly much. They're kinda cutthroat, nothing against the citizens though. Just the government and armies. Between you and me there's this prick who just slaughtered Thebes. Nobody likes him terribly so." He was using his hands to gesture and was sarcastically speaking as though he was breaking it down for a third party. "That answer your question, chum?"

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[Vacation's over!]




Her knees were skinned so, so much... She was dragged most of the way here, not wanting to give an easy time. Her brown eyes were bright with hatred and anger, and her brunette hair was matted from the guards pulling at it. Her face was pale, however, out of fear, out of... Well, you know.


It was then that she knelt before the bone throne. The man that caught her sat upon it, looking like some sort of tyrant... He was crazy, she knew. That look in his eyes...


"Now that you know what our Creed is about..." Circe said in a tone that could have melted stone. "I do hope that your soul goes down to Hades. I'm pretty sure that he'll love toying with you."


Circe was a sassy assassin, angry, fiery... But loving, tender, soft with children she loved. With men that she loved.

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(I'm back too. Due to family health issues, I may not post as often as usual, but I will be around, lurking and reading.)


(Could I get a recap? I'm playing catch-up and I have much to check. xd.png)

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[Oh, I'm sorry. :<


Circe and Hermes went to help free the assassins that were captured. They in turn were captured and are speaking to Devon.]

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((I, also, and back. I come braving far off foreign Canadian lands to bring you posts, and glory.

AKA, posting will return to usual.))

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(xd.png Just didn't post 'cause I've got no idea what to do now... Thais and Kaethe could interact, though.)

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(Shoot. Zero. I'm an idiot sometimes.)

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Zero leaned against a tree, eyes closed and arms crossed. He was resting, though not sleeping. And perhaps that was the soundest rest he'd ever had. The horrors didn't haunt him so much when he closed his eyes that time. Only some phantom pain coursed through him every so often. Whistling with the breeze that teased his hair, the young man sighed. He'd have to do some strength training to keep his muscles toned, he supposed. What use was a powerless assassin? Then he'd be even more of an in-the-way person. More than he already was, what with his shyness and foolishness. He constantly felt as if he was a bother and many agreed with him in that regard. Unfortunately.

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Kaethe was... Frightened, to say the least.


When she heard that the Athenians were coming, she thought that it was a good thing. She thought that the whole brotherhood would stand up, strong, and face the Athenians with a brave heart beating as one. But they were hiding. And when they were hiding, it made her frightened. For if people hid, what other choice was there? What other choice was there, to face an enemy that was ten times the size of their army?


That was why she was looking for Zero. Maybe if she teased him, she could feel more at home. When she spotted him near an olive tree, she walked up to him and smiled. "The olive tree suits you, Zero." she told him. "You are at peace, and the olive symbolizes the very peace you are at."


She grinned at him, flashing bright teeth, and blue eyes looking for his reaction. Maybe she could ask for a nap under that tree with him later. She loved naps. Oh! And horse back racing. And cliff jumping... And poking at snakes... That was fun, too! Or maybe some mountain cat hunting...

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Zero shrugged. "It's goddess Athena's creation, the olive tree. My sister's patron. It symbolizes more resilience and wisdom than peace, if you consider its maker and its properties, to be honest. But that's beside that point. I'm much more suited to the dark skies of a storm conjured by my own patron, Zeus. I suppose you'd think it was the other way around, but no." He shrugged again. "I suppose you are one of Apollo, given your archery skills. Or perhaps even Persephone for your pomegranate preference. Doesn't sound too far off, does it?" He paused a little. "But perhaps I am jumping to conclusions too much. I'm sorry."

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Kaethe grinned at Zero, heaving a sigh. "It's Apollo. Got it right on the first try." she ran her hand through her black hair, grinning more. "Your's is Zeus, then. When I think of Zeus, I think of someone bright haired, big, and strong. Like you."


Rolling her eyes at him, she crossed her arms and flashed teeth at him once more. "Tell me, Zero. Did you ever love a girl?"


[Not much to say...

And I have a new Siberian Husky named Athena! So, Socrates, Athena, and Princess. xd.png]

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Zero chuckled. "It's because I am the type of person to enforce order and law. Has nothing to do with my appearance." He almost started, though, at her last question. Did he ever love a girl? Hm... He'd have to answer that question carefully. "Depends on the kind of love you mean. I love my sister because she's family. I loved my mother for the same reason. But I gather that you don't mean familial affections." He opened his eyes and gazed down at her with a slight grin. Zues also had a thing for women... "Let me answer your question simply." He put one arm around her and pressed the other apprentice close. Craning his neck so their noses touched, he smiled a fuller smile. And without further hesitation, the constantly shy boy shed his timid nature and kissed her deeply, almost a polar opposite of his normal self. His heartbeat was steady and loud, pounding with intensity as adrenaline flowed through his being. Positively the dangerous kind of person, but it was hardly his choice. Once he felt himself slipping out of the comfortable arm's length distance, he was a completely different person. Which was why he often distanced himself from most at social gatherings. But Kaethe was near impossible to keep away or to resist.

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Kaethe wasn't one for romance, but she sure loved picking the awkward kind of questions. That was why she specifically chose that one, the one that would make Zero fluster and falter, at least that was what she was hoping for.


But his strong arm wrapped around her, and pulled her close. Kaethe's pale face flushed as Zero bent closer, smiling. And at that moment, she fell for his deep blue eyes that represented the sea she knew at heart, and his broad, white smile.


And his deep kiss, and his taste.


Kaethe was shocked when he kissed her, but the warmth that started at her face spread down to her chest, then to her stomach. She never kissed a man, and never dreamed of it... yet there was this closeness that spread within her, something that told her that Zero was hers.


The archer and the storm bringer, Apollo and Zeus. That was what they were, right? Was Zero not the clouds that shielded her from the hot sun at this moment? Was he not the rain that fell upon her lips?


She wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders, not wanting to let him go. He brought her comfort in this harsh time.

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