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Shadows: Whisper | Assassin's Creed

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[Your first is a woman. >P

Lol no, everyone knows it's Nutella!]


"Attack in broad daylight?" Circe paled. She sort of wishes that she had said nothing to him about him staying behind. She had hoped that he would say that she shouldn't go alone, that he would go with her, but it didn't go according to plan. "... Who shall will pick for the mission?"

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((No, my first is Star Wars. Clearly. xd.png

Nutella is fifth.))


"Well, Circe, did you hear of the fall of Troy? They used a great wooden horse as a peace offering, yet men hid inside. They came out at night and opened the gate for their army." Cyrus said, "What if we tried a similar approach? Of course, we don't have a great horse, nor do we have an army. But if we loaded the cart we have with foodstuff and hid an assassin under it all, then put a tarp over, drove the cart over under the guise of provisions for the Athenians? They could sneak through to the hostages and cut them loose. So recruit whomever you please. I'm placing you in charge of this operation. I recommend you get someone who can lie.


((Where's ice? It would be great if he was here for this.))

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[Just PMd him. xd.png]


Circe blinked at Cyrus. "Me? In charge?" she blushed. Heading a mission made her shudder. All of the lives in her hands... "I've heard of the Horse of Troy... Perhaps this will work out." she looked down at her feet and sighed. "I'll speak to Hermes. He runs his mouth but he's a great liar. Don't you think?" Circe wringed her hands and looked at Cyrus.


[Wanna skip to the mission?]

Edited by TwilightMoonDragon

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What do you want me to do? I've been kinda lazy this week, and tomorrow it's gonna get worse, we're going camping...]




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[i'll start the mission. ^^]


The small tarp lifted a little as brown eyes peered outside. She had gotten Hermes to drive the cart, the horses in front huffing and snorting as they dragged the crops they had picked behind them. A part of a tassel top flicked into her face, and she snorted, shaking her head. She didn't like corn. Or olives. Well... Maybe olives. They made their way to where the assassins were being kept, and she slipped out when it was best. Scrambling around a corner, she hid there until some Templars walked by. Just a little more... She could tell she was close.

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Hermes drove the cart in without suspicion. He parked up near where the assassins were held and watched Circe get out. He got off the cart and appeared to be unloading the crates and bags. The food had been taken from stands in the market district. After it was out, he covered the wagon and made sure no one was watching. Slowly, he made his way towards where he'd seen Circe. He had a little more range of motion, being a male that dressed a little up from his socio-economic role on a regular basis and having been seen by guards as he was led into the encampment. He stood by Circe and told her, "Alright, now what?"

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Circe looked over her shoulder and grinned nervously. It was at this time that she got cocky. But she knew that she was in danger. Especially... "... You go, and grab a helmet from there. If you put it on, maybe you won't seem like an assassin? Red and white aren't just assassin colors..." She told him. "After that... Join me there. See that cart with the bars? The steel ones? I think the assassins are there."

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Devon looked on from the secured room above the square. The steel-barred wagon that was traveling through only contained one assassin, and the hundred guards hiding in the shadows would quickly overpower any that tried to save the wretch.


So it seemed like his plan was going perfectly, as the other assassins were already long dead. They had had no information to give, so once he got wind of people WNTERING the city, he dropped the public execution, beheading them himself.


On his wrist, where there had been just one, there now sat three hidden blades, Wolverine style! where they would make the perfect hidden weapon. His researchers had yet to figure out how they were inserted into the finger, but Devon thought his method was better. That way, the more he killed, the more blades he would have. He would not be limited to just one, like the assassin scum...


[Have fun!]




Arcanus had finished scouting the nearby village, but it was not up to standards. Chances were, the guards would sack the small city when they passed through, and then set it ablaze once they had taken everything of value.


It was pointless. The closest city that would house them that was even remotely nervy was Delfi, and that was still a seven day walk.


Gods, why did Greece have to be so damn big, and yet so small?

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Circe took that as Hermes understood what he had to do. The cart really wasn't that out in the open... And she was pretty sure that no one could be watching from above. No one had wings! Of course, Circe wasn't used to tall buildings, only small wooden shacks. She streaked to the cage and peeked in. There they were! They all looked at her with hope in tneir eyes, and she smiled, pulling out a bit of wire and beginning to pick the lock.

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[i WAS waiting for Duss to post, but I guess that isn't going to happen...]


"Go," Devon said, and a mere second later, guards swarmed the square. One hundred versus one? The odds were nearly impossible to beat. However, that was the way Devon fought. They were at the cart in seconds, and they commenced attacking the female assassin attempting to rescue the decoy.


Devon had plans for that woman, not all of them nice enough to write down here...

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((Oh, yeah, sorry. I seemed to be distracted by, like, eight games today. And yesterday I was really busy.... So...))


Hermes had acquired a helmet, shield and spear. He looked like a proper Athenian soldier. But as he mad his way over to Circe, guards assailed her. Thinking fast, he rushed at her like the rest. He got to her fast and grabbed her by the arm, rashly. "Assassin censorkip.gif*!" He said gruffly as he winked through the helmet.

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Circe growled as she spun around. A hundred Athenians surrounded her, and she unsheathed her sword and hidden blade. They gathered closer, and closer... And then someone grabbed her arm. Circe looked up, and saw the eyes of Hermes. She grinned, but she fought back. "Let me go, you damn Athenian!" she cried. "Let me go!"


[Duss, Ice and I have a plan. >P You don't have to edit your post or anything, but just letting ya know2

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Hermes kicked at the inside of her knee, aiming to make her fall. "Get down!" He shouted. He didn't want to hurt her but he had to be convincing, "Now!" He didn't know how this was going to go, but he was in character now. He hadn't seen prisoners but maybe he could get some information. If he did find his brothers, all the better.


((Alright. So I'm along for the ride.

Guten Nacht.))

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Aetios was still bleeding from his nose. He was deeply afraid it had been broken... But he highly doubted it. His nose wasn't twisted in a weird way... He walked to Cyrus's hut and knocked on his door. "Master Cyrus..." Aetios called, trying to spit some blood from his mouth.


[Guys! I will be heading home on Saturday. So... Almost done with the vacation!]

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Cyrus looked up. He was looking over a map of Greece when Aetios knocked, "Come in." He said. He rolled up the map and asked, "Is there something I can help you with?"


((I'm sorry to leave such a short post, but I need to go do AP work.))

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The man stepped into the hut and blinked at Cyrus. He saluted the master. "No, Master Cyrus. I was simply going to request if I could stay here for a bit." Aetios was a bit overwhelmed by the blood that was gushing from his face, and even then it pattered to the ground in small droplets. "Have you seen Typhon?"

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A commanding officer in Devon's quite effective army shouldered through the guards, and pulled Circe back to her feet. He had two other soldiers manacle her, and then turned back to face Hermes.


"Don't overstep your bounds, soldier," he said coldly, fiercely glaring into the young man's eyes, "lest you be charged with cleaning the chamber post for a week." That was essentially the lowest task possible, as even most slaves weren't stuck with the disgusting chore. However, as he was turning around, he noticed something. The man's right ring finger was gone.


"Manacle him. He is no soldier of ours..." The soldiers obeyed immediately, grabbing him from behind. To not follow an order from the wizened captain was to practically sign a death warrant. It was not wise to get on his bad side...


"Tell me, sir," he started once the heavy iron circlets were securely fastened to the man's forearms, "What is it that happened to that finger of yours? Answer quickly, I don't want to have to deal with forestalling yet another execution..."

Edited by IceFyr1928

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Suddenly, her knees buckled under her. Circe yelped as she was thrown onto the ground. Okay... That wasn't even close to the line that Hermes had just crossed. She would yell at him when she got out of this situation... The leader of the Templars stepped out, and she was hauled to her feet and shackled. Yes... Hermes, if he escaped... He would be able to save all of them. But before he could walk away, Devon found him out and shackled him as well. She stood there, wide eyed, frowning, and the beginnings of trembling began to show. Oh no. No no no. She remained quiet.

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Hermes was about to apologize to the captain but he was shackled. Staring him down with the upmost pseudo-respect. "Sir. One of those censorkip.gif*** assassins thought it would be a nice prank to remove it from me. During a patrol I was outnumbered by six and they took it from me, Sir." He said, flatly, confident, as if it were true. No part of him spoke fear that he might be found out. Partly because he thought he was better than the man in front if him. Partly because it's entirely possible he was a sociopath. "And, Sir. I apologize for my behavior a moment before. I want to make all of them pay, Sir. It won't happen again."

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[Not Devon, TMD, just some guy higher up in the ranks.]


The commander shook his head, and said, "Mighty sad coincidence, that is. Good story though. Next time, try and keep your story believable." With this, he grabbed Hermes's hand, and pressed firmly on a spot on the palm of his hand, causing his hidden blade to involuntarily extend. The commander spat on the ground in front of Hermes, and said to his soldiers, "Get them into the cart. We've got somewhere to be. Double time, men!"


Both Hermes and Circe were loaded into the caged cart that had been unlocked mere moments before, and the door locked again. Before being loaded in, though, the twin assassins had been disarmed, save the hidden blades, which had been stuffed full of leather to prevent them from extending. In all essence, the two had thought only been captured by the clockwork prescision of the only army that fashioned themselves "Assassin Hunters".

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Hermes shrugged. He let himself be taken and disarmed. He gave the guard a dirty smile when he reached to grab the knife on the inside of his thigh. It made the man uncomfortable as he walked away, which made Hermes laugh hysterically. When he was loaded into the cart he got comfortable. He sat up against the back and propped his feet up on the bars adjacent from him. He turned his head to the commander and said, "I give you props, Athenian. My story was a stretch, but it would've fooled a lesser man. I've been spoiled by the stupid guards about here. Next time. Next time I'll give you a good one. It'll knock your sandals off." He started to whistle a happy, jolly tune. A huge smile was on his face. He couldn't be bothered to be concerned with this! He was the great Hermes! Son of the very same God! Well... Not really... But some priests thought so,

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Circe screamed angrily as she was thrown into the cage, and ripped of her hidden blade. That hurt much more than it should have... She slunk down to the floor of the cage and wept. How was she supposed to go and please Cyrus? Or the Creed? Hermes seemed to take it well, getting comfortable... She gazed at him, and shook her head. "You don't take anything seriously, do you, Hermes?" she asked him.

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