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Shadows: Whisper | Assassin's Creed

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"We're stalkers of the night, Circe. If you saw everyone, they'd be doing something wrong. If you look through Eagle Vision, you might be surprised." There were only light conversations carried on the wind. Only loud person in the area was Hermes and even he was speaking relatively softly.


"I don't know if this is our new home, but I don't think it is." Hermes told Calypso and he jumped into the cart and directed the horses to old barn. "I think this is just somewhere we're hiding while it blows over. But you can't tell me it isn't nice and quiet here. Just how you like it, right?"


((Good morning all. I'm very sleepy.))

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"I know all about Eagle Vision." Circe said. She looked at Cyrus and motioned toward a still standing shack. "We should rest there."

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It wasn't long before Aella and Typhon arrived. "It's about time." She said, stretching out and shifting her bag. This place was in ruins, burned and barely holding itself together. Some guild of warriors. They were hiding out in a ruin.


"We'll see. People are loud, people are noisy and bad and do awful things." Calypso said, watching the others settle in. She wondered what things would be like now. What relationships would emerge, or even if anyone would walk out. "It could be, a lot of things happen without warning."



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"I'm sure." Cyrus said. When Circe said they should settle down in one of the buildings, he nodded. "Might as well." He walked over and opened the door, even though it fell right off the hinges. Stepping in, he found it used to be a home of someone or other. He checked the view from the windows and was happy to see the entrance to the town. Something he wanted himself or someone else to keep an eye on. "I suppose this will do." He said. He sat down at a table when the chair gave out below him. Okay, not sturdy enough. He settled for the floor and unfurled Sophia and his bedrolls. "I don't imagine they Athenians will check here for us. I'm positive that's why they're coming here, to rid Thebes of us." He needed to speak with Aella or Helena, he hadn't since he sent the former to find the later. If they knew something he didn't, he needed to hear it.


Hermes got off the cart and tapped his chin. "You know, this barn is a bit away from the rest of the buildings, would be a bit quieter. If you wanna stick here in the barn for the night, I'll stay around." He offered.

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"I know." Typhon looked around, and shoved his hands in his arm pits. "... Are you afraid?" he asked her softly.


Circe walked into the home with him, and looked around. "You know, I don't think they'll even think of coming here..."


[sorry, vacation.]

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When Helena reached the place where she figured they'd be, she activated her weak Eagle Sense. It showed her that her allies were present, but not before flickering out and giving her a bad headache. Ah. No matter. At least she'd found them. Letting out a long bird whistle, she approached, satisfied that she would not be attacked from her semi-far position because she'd "introduced" herself as an assassin. As she got closer, she saw that they had windows (though, because of the material and texture, it was hard to tell from a distance) and a doorway that had lost its door somehow. She wasn't sure who was inside, exactly. Her memory of the figures that her Eagle Sense had revealed to her were already becoming vague and shaky. She wasn't even sure if she'd seen anyone anymore. Shoot. Stupid Eagle Sense. And her head killed. What she wouldn't give to lie down for a while, even if on the cold, hard dirt. Ah, almost there. C'mon, Helena. Just keep going a little longer. You have to be strong, or else Aella will ridicule you again. Her thoughts neither helped nor hindered. Just distracted her from the pain a little.

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"It doesn't seem likely." Cyrus said, his sense slowly returning as he became desensitized to his memories. "I'm glad we have the little village. I didn't want to move the whole Creed terribly far from Thebes. But we can only just see it in the distance." He placed his short sword and shield leaning against the wall and the rest of his weapons were hung off his pack. If something happened he wanted to be able to grab something quick.

Sophia, however, wasn't paying much attention to Cyrus and Circe. She was looking out the window and saw Helena. The only interaction between her daddy and Helena had been very nice, so she liked the Mentor woman. When she walked into the outskirts of town, she decided to go get her. "Papa. It's Ms. Helena!" She said as she walked out of the front door and towards her. Grabbing her hand in her little ones she said, "Ms. Mentor, come with me!" She started tugging her back to the little shack Circe and Cyrus had taken up residence in. Most of everyone seemed to have claimed something in some form.

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Helena smiled slightly as Sophia began to take her back toward the little building. "Alright, little one." Since Sophia had come out to get her, the Mentor suspected that Cyrus was in there, due to his over-protectiveness of the girl. And since he hadn't come out to greet her himself, she guessed that at least one more person was in there that he was interacting with. Yes. Seemed about right. One of the gentler assassins, like her brother or Circe. But her brother didn't speak much, so it was either Circe or some other assassins that hadn't sprung right to mind. Or perhaps it was more than one. Could it be the sickly ones that left a little before? It was all up in the air. But the little girl did shed some light on the inhabitants of the building, and for that she was grateful. When they did reach the structure, Helena peaked in and found that her suspicions were correct. "Thank you, Sophia." She knew that Cyrus would want to hear about the Ankh, but she wasn't sure if Circe should as well. Sure, the woman had her uses like all the assassins, but she wasn't necessarily trusted with information kept between masters. Yet she would feel rude asking her to leave.

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"Afraid of what? Some group who thinks that they're rough and tumble just because they have a mystical stick?" Aella joked. It wasn't in her job to be afraid. Generals put on a brave face when they went into war. And so would she. "Don't worry, they're just cowards with something beyond their power. Everyone's still alive after all."


Calypso looked at the barn. "Yes. I think I'll stay in the barn for the night. Uh, thank you for that Hermes." Calypso said, nervous. She scanned the camp again, nothing but blue here. She twisted her fingers nervously, looking out over the countryside.


[sorry, got some stuff I wanna do. Might post more this week...]

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Circe frowned and thought. She thought about the assassins being found by the others... But... Suddenly, Helena walked in, and she saluted. "Mentor." She murmured respectively. "I trust that your voyage here has been satisfactory."


[i hate posting short... But better than no posting at all.]

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Cyrus glanced up to see Helena. "Mentor." He said accompanied with a curt nod. He smiled at Sophia, she was a smart girl. "I'm glad you're here. We need to speak." He said, staying in his sitting position. "I haven't gotten much of any word on our situation." He only knew as much as Aella had told him in the brief moments they had spoken. "Circe, if you could only give us a few minutes. I'm sure you understand." She had his trust, but this was not common assassin privy. While he asked her, he offered a light smile, not pronounced. Something a superior had once taught him to quell the troops. It served him well.


"Oh yeah, sure." Hermes said, scratching the back of his head. He was a bit red but he knew she couldn't see it so he let it through. He couldn't quite pin why he was red. But he felt his heart speed up a little. He only felt that when he stole... The rush. That's why he didn't bother to conceal his crimes when he didn't need to. It was such a feeling. "I wouldn't want you out here all alone." He wasn't so sure why he said that, either. He knew well enough she could take care of herself.

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[i'M BACK NOW!!]


Devon cursed as he gazed upon the small throng of assassins that had been managed to have been caught. From on top of his horse he counted seven, which displeased him greatly. That elusive man, Arcanus, had said that they would all be in the southern sector. Of course, now that he cast his mind back, he HAD been an assassin. Whether or not his alibi was true, chances are he tipped them off. So here he was with seven prisoners, and nothing of note to show for his victory.


He shouted the order, and the prisoners were led off th where they would be publicly executed after being stripped of their hidden blades, a painful process, and tortured for any and all information they could give.


Devon shouted another order, and he and his guard of ten rode to the center of the city, where the city hall had become his residence.




Arcanus was never one to be left behind. He had followed Helena in, and dispersed when she had said. He didn't run into any issues on his way out, mainly because gloves covered his missing finger, and the guards were too busy raping and pillaging and burning the city that he had called home from his early years.


He would rendezvous with the Brotherhood later, for now he sat on the side of the road, casually eating a loaf of bread from his pack. He would see the fate of his city, and maybe even change it in some ways.

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Helena smiled softly at the woman. "No need to be so strained. I am just a woman, after all." She sighed slightly and knelt down staring into space, eyes intently focused on absolutely nothing. Her thoughts raced, yet it was as if they were someone else's. She couldn't hear them anymore, just faint whispers in the back of her mind. It was almost funny. How her mind had emptied so quickly. But, before it could really be observed, she burst into thought again and she rubbed her eyes a little. She only heard part of what Cyrus said, but managed to piece it together. She spoke quietly, though it wasn't likely that people on the outside would have been able to hear her. "Well, now. That person that entered with me and Sophia was a man named Arcanus. He was a brother a while ago, before I became Mentor. Even before the coup. When I returned to the Creed, he was already gone, but he contacted me not long ago to tell me about the Athenians who plot against us. He agreed to work as an inside agent for us, though I am still keeping a close eye on him to make sure he doesn't reveal our secrets. He knows more than one would think he would. But he has informed me that our opponents are in possession of something called the Ankh, which appears to have divine healing capabilities. Needless to say, we must take it into our own hands and be sure that we seal it away so that no one else can find it." She ran her fingers through her raven-black hair, its loose waves contrasting sharply with her unusually pale skin. She was not a coveted thing of beauty in Greece, for they favored blondes with light eyes and tan skin. Ah, how she was jealous of those girls in childhood. But she grew to appreciate the hand she'd been dealt as she aged.

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Cyrus listened intently. Alright. Nothing stood out to him until he heard Ankh. "Really?" He asked. "They're in possession of the Ankh?" His eyes widened and he scratched his chin. "That's... Not good. I don't suppose you've heard stories about it? No, I don't suppose things like that get to many assassin children in Thebes. If they have that piece, they could fight a war with ten men. Just heal them over and over again. They would become invincible. No man should own that." He was concerned. It didn't sneak it's way into his voice often, but it had. "Some say it came from Egypt. It's why their Empire was so grand. It's how their immortals became immortal."

Edited by Dusset

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Circe looked at the new comer, Arcanus, and frowned. The ankh..? "Revival? That's what it does?" her brown eyes widened. "... But where did it come from? Surely man could not have created it..."

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[Replied to Typhon, by the way TMD]


"I'm not alone..." Calypso replied to Hermes. He was acting a little funny, and she thought she heard something speed up. Was that his heart? She tilted her head to the side, letting her hands fall to her sides. "I've got the horses and can whistle for someone." She sounded so innocent, like she was expecting no trouble. In reality, the sky felt like it was crashing down all around her. "But I'm glad you're gonna be out here. You're really nice." Calypso could feel the necklace Hermes had given her under her clothes, shifting as she turned. "I'm gonna try and get some sleep now, good evening Hermes, may your namesake watch over you." She smiled and walked inside the barn, propping herself against the nearest wall. It wasn't like she expected to sleep much anyway. Might as well get started on barely sleeping early. It had been a long day, the walk taking a lot out of her, as well as the on and off again Eagle Vision. It had been more flickering again today, which was worse than just on. Her green eyes just stared into the space beyond the barn, the tiredness within the green pools apparent now. At least it was quiet again...

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After watching the sacking of Thebes for quite a few minutes, having killed quite a few guards already, Arcanus turned, heading north. His walking stick clunked against the beaten path, and the Wanderer continued on his way.


His destination was quite clear, he was heading to a northern city where he would then scout out the area, and perhaps even find somewhere to rebuild the Brotherhood. There would be many things to replace, as the Athenians had no doubt burnt the headquarters to the ground and pissed on the ashes, but when one was as well connected as Arcanus, it was not much of a problem.


Of course, what was the problem was that seven o their brotherhood had been captured. Isaac, Matthew, Karis... Though he had only known some of them as young children, it pained him to think what they were going through as he walked.

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[sorry Rain!]


Typhon smirked down at her. "... Well, I guess you're a master... So you have to remain strong, no?" he looked around. It seemed that Circe and Cyrus had gotten a shack, but every other was just ruins.

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Hermes nodded. "And your patron, to you." Hermes replied. He tended the horses for a few minutes, letting them out of the harness and getting the rest of gear off. Tying them to a post, he gave them enough slack to graze the grass in the barn but not leave it. Crawling into the back of the cart, he laid down, stretching out. He laid until dusk, doing much of nothing. His mind raced so his body didn't sleep. Why did he offer to stay here, with her? Why did his face get red earlier? Why did he give her that ruby necklace? He only had an answer for the last one. He always ditched most of his loot. But why did he give it to her? Soon, he fell asleep. It wasn't easy to clear his mind that night. He wasn't particularly tired and he kept focusing on various noises. Maybe he'd get a message in his sleep.

Edited by Dusset

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"Pfft. We escaped to fight another day, didn't we?" Aella said, looking for a place to stay for the night. She didn't want to deal with Cyrus, he was an unknown. Not to mention she had the feeling it would rain or something soon. She didn't want to catch a cold just because of some bad weather.


She was there again. The dusty hall, filled with nothing but the choking particles swirling around, the one where she'd be escorted to that room. She fidgeted in her sleep as she tried to shake off the strong arms of the faceless Shades who were pulling her towards the door. She remembered exactly what was waiting for her on the other side... but her feet only scrabbled at the floor, disturbing the dust already settled upon it. "Please... no..." She mumbled in her sleep, shifting to try and wake herself up.


[No problem TMD.

It's late and I still have some chores to do.]

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((Don't know if you wanted a reply, but I'm bored and I'm squeezing for posts.

Plus I'm waiting for Moose to post as Cyrus.))


Hermes heard a scratching that his mind didn't piece into a dream. He woke up and heard it continue. He drew the knife from the inside of his thigh and crouched in the cart. Peeking over he didn't find anything. Switching into Eagle Sense, nothing. Stopping his breathing, the gift faded and he stood up, sheathing his knife. He glanced over the edge and saw Calypso. What did she say? He hopped out and stood over her a moment, unsure if he should step in as ot was becoming increasingly clear she was having a nightmare. Hermes knelt next to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, Cal. Wake up, huh?" He said, shaking lightly. No man or woman wanted to face what their mind could conjure up. Only a man's mind knew what that man's greatest fear was.

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[Rain, wanna skip to the morning?]


[Duss, Mouse is on vacation. xd.png]

Edited by TwilightMoonDragon

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((I feel dumb. Should pay attention to sigs more often.))


"I am unsure, Circe." Cyrus said. "But it was just a children's story. Only Gods can return the dead to the living." He sat in silence for awhile before saying, "Look, the Athenians can have Thebes for all I care. Some of you might, but it's not important. If they think they've killed the brotherhood, then they have another thing coming. We have to find out where it is. If they truly have a tool of the Gods, then we need to take it from them,. We have to hide it from everyone." Suddenly, an assassins walked through the door, looking urged. "Mentor. Master. We took a head count, seven are missing. We think they were taken when they escaped." Cyrus sighed. "That, that we do first. You never leave a man behind. Especially not a brother."

Edited by Dusset

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[Wow, Duss, you're very lazy, as you said before.

*sets out plate of cookies~*]


[Holy snap! Cookies worked!]


"Seven of our men?" Circe got up, clutching her fists and staring at the assassin. She was neither a mentor nor master, but... She knew that they shouldn't leave anyone behind. She looked at Cyrus and nodded in agreement. "I will go." Circe told him, turning toward the master and glowering at him, determined. "You have a daughter to take care of, if this is dangerous enough and requires a sacrifice. You are also a master. But I am not loved and I hold no high position."


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((They're my fourth greatest weakness.))


Cyrus wanted to go, he needed to, save his fellow assassins. But Circe was right. He had a daughter and this might be a trap. The worst thing he could do was leave he parent-less. Her biological ones were already gone. "Alright. We'll gather a few assassins. We need a certain set of skills, so no green recruits. And the Athenians aren't all stupid. The guards of Thebes are, but these men aren't. They'll expect us to make the most rational move. To attack in the shadows of night. To strike when they can't see us, as we always do. This is high-priority second to the safety of the creed now. So we're going to do the irrational thing. Attack in broad daylight."

Edited by Dusset

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