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Shadows: Whisper | Assassin's Creed

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Calypso was watching Circe and the others. Aella was angry again, probably due to another argument between her and Helena. Calypso tilted her head to the side while watching Sophia and the others. She moved back to her bunk, finished packing and slung the bag and bow over her back. She slid her dagger into place and was ready to head out. Leaving home... again. "I'll miss you." She said to a wall. "You made me a home. Like always I have to move on, but... I'll try not to forget you." She stated, being very serious about her conversation with the wall. The building itself was her only solace when she... when she was freed. She left to go join the others, standing there until the cart arrived. Calypso hoped where ever she was going was going to be permanent. She was tired of places changing on her.


Aella nodded as Cyrus spoke. North, scouts, a good plan. She sighed, they were running like cowards. However, they had children here. They were a clan of warriors she had been told. She'd been promised warriors and was given a bunch of elders and children. She didn't even want to be here. If the Templars would take her, she'd go. She'd fulfilled her promise, but the Templars didn't understand that women could fight too. So she remained here and pretended to care about their Creed. She fussed over pigeons and sent out messages, she argued with Helena, and she only cared when it came for her to strike. Templars were such easy targets. She spit on their corpses, a small rebellion against others who prayed for them. She could go to Tararus for all she cared. She didn't care. She only wanted to kill. That was what Assassins were for after all.

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*wriggles thumb*]




Typhon was furious when Cyrus ripped him away from the traitor. Aetios was bleeding heavily from the ridge of his nose, thank the gods. Though it was not broken, his punches were very infamous, especially when he was drunk. Raising his blue eyes to the other woman, Aella, he walked over to her and smirked. "I will walk with you. My foot has been aching for a while. Probably wrenched it somewhere."


His encounter with Aetios still left him flushed in the cheeks, and his stormy blue eyes watched Aella closely. She was very pretty, he thought as he clenched his bloodied fist. And a master... he needed a woman. A woman he could love and be with, and bear his children. Like his descendant [whom he didn't even know who he was or where he was to be born, or when at that matter...] Casio Portabello, he made it known to himself that this woman was to be his.


"You don't mind if I join you?"

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"Land Ho!" Hermes shouted. He was standing with one foot in the hay and one on the driver's bench, fists clenched and at his waist. He had a pirate hat on, at least four sizes too big for him. Gods only know how he got it. "Slow the rowers! Batten the hatches! Check the starboard rigs! We coming into port!" He shouted, not knowing what any of it meant. He had to keep adjusting the hat that was too big, it kept falling forward into his face. The cart slowed and the other two assassins ran into the headquarters to get the rest of their gear. The were on the move soon enough. Hermes didn't have much, and had all his things in a satchel that hung over one of his shoulders. He saw Calypso as he sat at the front of the cart, grabbing the reigns. "Howdy, Cal. Hop on up. You can help me drive the sickos out of town." He said. He patted the part of the bench next to him.


Cyrus smiled at Sophia. She had a great soul. He turned to Circe and his smile didn't dissipate. "Thank you for the sentiment." He said. He heard Hermes and said, "Looks like the cart is here. They're gonna get the two who can't walk up in there. You need to get that boy out of town. Sophia and I are gonna wait 'till everyone is out. We'll see you up there."

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"Tsch. Whatever. When I pass you, don't expect me to wait for you. If you want to take the cart for your foot, go ahead. I'm not waiting up for you." Aella said, barely acknowledging his statement. She took a leather strip from her pocket and tied up her black hair, keeping it out of her face. She looked down and noticed his bloodied fist. Huh, looked like he got in a fight. "Tell me you didn't hurt anyone too badly, we need to keep everyone awake on this walk." She replied with venom. She was at least in control here. She could remain on top and deliver orders and not worry about whoever else was in charge. She was it, well... Cyrus was here too, but without a third Master, they were on their own. Helena would only scold and then try to help. Was it too much for the hag to shrivel up and die?

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Circe nodded when Cyrus said that she should take the boy. She took his hand and began to lead him away, murmuring encouragement. She understood him because he was new... But he had to grow out if it.


"Nah. Hermes is too loud." Typhon looked at the man. He was yelling and had a seaman's hat on his brow. He shook his head and sighed. "... Well, let's go."


[Placement test... >____>]

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[woah. Knew I should have checked that...]


Calypso heard yelling behind her, Hermes and the cart. He offered to let her join him, and she mutely nodded and climbed up. As she settled down on the bench next to Hermes, smiling a little at his hat. "Where did you find hat goofy hat? Steal it off an unsuspecting seaman?" She asked curious.


Aella rolled her eyes at Hermes. Loud, as usual. If they were lucky, no one heard him as he bellowed out to the whole world. He probably stole the hat too. "Yeah. Can't blame you for that one." She replied to Typhon. With no further statement, she started moving North. Hopefully they would miss the Templars as they left.


[Going to work]

Edited by RainDash

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Hermes grinned. "I found this puppy on the scalp of a fairly large captain. He was real angry when I snagged it. You should've seen his face." The men who were to ride in the cart were carried out by other assassins. Hermes got down and lifted the hay up so they could get under it. "Alright, mateys, if you think we're in trouble, knock twice on the deck." He said in mock-pirate. He got back up t the reigns as the two assassins who carried them in made way. "Yar! There be land to find and treasure to plunder! Onwards!" He whipped the reigns and they were off. It was smooth driving until a party of guards thought to stop them. "What are you hauling there?"




"Why two farmhands? We're in a drought, shouldn't one of you be back drawing water?"

"My wife here wanted to come into town and see the markets. Now is that all the invasive questions you have?" Hermes lied without pause or stammering, just like it was the truth.

"Move along."

Hermes whipped the reigns again and they were off. "Morons." He said to Calypso.


Cyrus watched the cart head off. He walked back into the commons, "Is anyone still here!? You're late to leave if you are! Go!" He turned to Sophia. "Ready to go?" She nodded. "C'mon." He said, picking her up. He pulled his hood down and made sure his pack was on correct and his shield was hanging on the back. It was, and he had everything, so he headed North.

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[sorry, came back from having a snack. ^^]




And so they headed out. The Creed drained out, the white and gray and black and dark navy cloaks scattering all through the city of Thebes. Typhon glanced up at a shriek; Aetios' bloody hawk was circling around, somewhere in the distance. Probably that was where they were supposed to go... Had Aetios reached there already? Or maybe it was someone else's eagle. Or just a stupid bird. However, it was making quite the awful noise...


"... What will happen to the rest of the city?" noisily wondered Typhon with a quirk of his dark blond brow.


He didn't know if the old goofs knew that the Athenians were coming. The women would be raped. The men and sons killed. The daughters... Would have the same fate the daughters.

Edited by TwilightMoonDragon

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((I hope that was a typo, TMD. Look at your OOC.))

Edited by Dusset

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(I'm gonna look the other way for that, but I'd suggest editing your post, TMD... That was so blatantly awful a typo that I couldn't tell whether to laugh or to scream...)


Zero had his hands in his pockets and sighed as he took a road that went south, then looped back northward. He sighed and thought about the torture again.

"Just tell us where they are and you'll get your bread and water today and tomorrow." They stayed silent. Zero was going to get the whipping, but, Helena pushed him aside with an angry force that he'd never felt from her. He was forced into a wall and got a bruise on his shoulder, but her screams of agony were far more painful. She wrapped her arms on her chest in a feeble attempt to maintain some sort of decency as they made her naked and vulnerable for the punishment. When she returned, she had her rags of clothes in her arms and her back glowing red with marks from the strap. Zero shielded her with his body as she put on her clothes again and he cried for her. But for every hundred tears he shed, she shed one. He admired her strength, even as they felt whatever innocence they'd clung to as young people wither and die right there in their cell. A grown man would cry even at the sight of such miserable creatures. Well, a sane one...

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[i did. Sometimes my phone does that. Snack turns to that. >_>

... I just found out that my brother was messing with my autocorrect. Shouldn't happen again.]

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[Darn, I missed it. I can guess though... xd.png ]


Calypso was dangling her feet off the edge of the cart, not really paying attention until the guards spoke. She kept her eyes on her feet, and her feet still. She was rigid with fear, too scared that the slightest breath would give them away. She had her hands folded in her lap, lest the guards see them shaking. "D-d-don't think that you'll get away with it every time." She managed a smile. "But these ones are dumb, aren't they?" She wasn't curious as to why he chose wife, but she was happy they hadn't randomly searched the cart. This wasn't like the last time they tried to escape...

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Hermes grinned. "You looked like you saw Cerberus itself. You sound like it, too. You need to relax. You're with me, no one is faster than Hermes. Guards are dolts. I'll get away with it every time no matter what." He boasted. He weaves the cart through the streets and ditched the hat on a pile if trash. The joke was over. Out of the gates, he headed North. On of the assassins who had rode with him to get the cart directed them to an abandoned, burnt out village, just a half-click out of Thebes. Once there, Hermes smacked the cart to let the passengers know it was safe. "Looks shambly." He said, surveying the sorrounding village, he'd parked in the middle. "But I guess it won't be searched since it's already been sacked. What do you think?" He asked Calypso as he jumped out to help the two get out of the cart and into a building. Several assassins were hidden among the roofs, right in plain sight.


((Placing Cyrus, not full posting as him.))


Cyrus had made it town uneventfully. No one wanted to bother the large man wielding spartan weaponry. Sometimes he even intimidated guards. It was both a nice and a terrible gift. Walking into the village, he looked around. The cart was here, and it appeared most of the creed was here. Good.

Edited by Dusset

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Kaethe walked behind Zero with her hands in her pockets again, but remembered Cyrus's command. To leave the Creed without anyone. Well... Except if one was injured of course. That was why she turned and walked back another way. Zero was a friend to her, someone who would help her when she was worried... But now she was worried that he was angry at her. Maybe he didn't like her when she ate the pomegranate?


She walked some more, soft skin boots stirring the dust on the road. She guessed that she was lucky. Some of the assassins were barefoot, and their feet were calloused and dry. Sometimes they bled. But she had boots, soft ones that tore and ripped at anything, but easily replaceable.


"Hold up."


Kaethe looked up at a group of Templars. They walked toward her, clad lightly in armor that they probably stole from an unsuspecting victim. They smirked and smiled at her, and made a circle around her. "What's the girl doing all by herself in this part of the city? Didn't her parents tell her that this is one of those sections?"


"Let me pass!" she said, determined.


"Oh, we'll let you through..." the Templar nodded to his men, and they grabbed at her arms. Kaethe screamed as she was forced face first into the ground, the two Templars holding her down. The third was doing something, but he was unusually silent. Only did she know what was happening.


"Help!" she screamed, but she knew that, as her mouth was covered, no one would care for a woman. This happened every day. Savages... They thought women were dispensable.

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Zero noticed when Kaethe left from walking behind him and sighed. He waited some before following, though leaving her a good amount of space behind. It wasn't like he was trying to be creepy, but he knew she was reckless and the guards were rowdy. Besides, he was freshly paranoid from his memories and that wasn't pleasant either. At the muffled call for help, it took everything in him to just keep walking and not react until he got close. Casually extending his hidden blade, the man stabbed one guard in the back. Only when he fell did the others notice. Two against two. "Kaethe. Get up." His voice was quiet, echoing with challenge. "And... As for you two... Die working eternally in the fields of Hades, because none of you dogs has any hope of reaching the place of heroes."

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Kaethe was expecting the worst. They would use her, and she would be thrown to the side to be killed. That was why she had closed her eyes and pretended to be in a happy place. One where there were horses and cows and all that one would do was eat olives and drink expensive wine.


Suddenly, there was a voice behind her. A soft voice that made her eyes snap back open. Zero... He was like an outcast, wasn't he? No one spoke to him much because he was different...


"Assassin..." one of the Templars growled as both of them released her. Kaethe bounced to her feet and unsheathed her hidden blade as well. It was craggily and scrappy, and the blade had fallen off several times. She hoped that she could fight without it falling off...


Kaethe lurched forward, slicing at the guard, but all it did was rip one of his shoulder pads off. He grunted, turning away from Zero and unsheathing his blade. She trembled then... She never trained with a master...

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"Fine, then. Step aside." Taking out one of his smokebombs, the young man sighed and threw it down. In the close quarters, it filled the space. His body was long adjusted to the smoke and he moved through it easy. Hastily he "sheathed" his hidden blade in one of their necks. He knew that the reason he was at his rank was because he was really a pacifist at heart. He wouldn't fight or kill or no reason. Only when one of his own was threatened would he retaliate. But he was no novice to fighting. They'd been trained from young childhood, his older sister constantly testing his strength, endurance, and speed. It was a tiring existance, but they'd both benefited because of it. Even so, with the constant skirmishes, he'd never beat his sister. Not even once. Never even gotten close. He expected that it was just a cruel game for her amusement, despite their closeness. Though, in his thoughts, he didn't notice the cut on his arm from the guard's blade. No matter. That pain was nothing. It was just a matter of stopping the bleeding so the other guards wouldn't find the rest of the assassins up north. "Kaethe, I'd consider some accuracy training." Meanwhile, the remaining guard snuck up behind the blond man and held a knife to his throat. "Go ahead and kill my body. My soul's already been killed by you censorkip.gif***s." The answer seemed to jar the man enough that he hesitated, and in that time Zero slipped his foot behind the man's leg and tripped him. Once the man had fallen, Zero put a foot on his back. "Care to finish this one?" All the while his voice maintained the startling calm that it usually did. It was soft and quiet and he seemed to be indifferent and aloof. It was considered another attracting quality, but his outlook on many things repulsed others, which was good for him.

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Suddenly, there was smoke everywhere. Kaethe inhaled it and coughed, wheezing. The smell of blood hung stagnant in the air, and all she smelled was the disgusting life fluid and smoke. Coughing some more, she looked up in alarm and saw the second Templar fall to the ground. The third had his sword raised to his throat, but in no more than a millisecond passed before the Templar was on the floor.


"Me, finish the Templar?"


Kaethe looked down at the Templar again. He was shivering, the coward. But his face... His face held all of the dread that he had been hiding when he was fighting the assassins. Kaethe looked down at her blade. She never had a master... And the thought of shoving the blade into his neck frightened her.


The sight of blood, the feel of blood... She never wanted to see any of that. She never wanted to see it... But her parents and her came here and she saw all of that... Her eyes remained on Zero. How could he keep so calm..?


"You can have him." she whispered softly. "... Just... Don't make him suffer."

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Zero nodded. "Fine with me." He picked up his foot briefly and then slammed it down again. His spine was broken suddenly and forcefully. He died instantly, just as Kaethe had requested. "Dogs are beyond my forgiveness now. You might still see them as people, but they're monsters to me. I saw the horror on your face. That's my least favorite part of this job. The faces of the people I kill. But there are some things that I have to do. For my family. Come on now. We shouldn't hold everybody up." He wiped the blood off his face and looked down at his arm, almost having forgotten the gash on it. Covering it with his other hand, the man bunched the fabric over it to soak up the blood. "Oh well. Guess we'll have to buy fabric to make a new robe later," he whispered to himself. "..." He couldn't really find the words. "I'm sorry for being so harsh to you... I sometimes get carried away. And I shouldn't have been so blatant... It was unpleasant for you..." He bowed his head in shame. "I haven't yet learned the assassin's grace. That's what my sister says. I think she's right."

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Circe rode slowly into the town. The boy was sniveling behind her, his arms wrapped around her waist. She slipped off her horse and looked around. "This place is all burnt." she said, softly. "How many people died here..?"




"It's alright." Kaethe said, softly. She began to walk to the small burnt village.


[Going to bed soon.]

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"Enough." Cyrus said, answering Circe's question, rhetorical or not. "It's a travesty that this happens, but that's what the brotherhood is here for, right? Stopping stuff like this." He walked over and continued to say, "But for now, their past pain gives us safety, if only temporarily." His eyes were distant and he wasn't really focusing on what he was saying. This village reminded him so much of the horrors he'd seen when he rescued Sophia. Every now and again he saw people dying as if he was hallucinating, but he knew better than to think it was reality. Sophia had only seen him like this once before. She held his hand, not for her comfort, but for his own. He was fine, he could lead well enough. He was just pretty out of it mentally when he wasn't focusing on the task at hand.

Edited by Dusset

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Aella headed out with Typhon, barely glancing at him when he asked what would happen to the town. "They might burn it. Ransack it. Take the women. Different with everyone I suppose. Can't really say what these guys will do." She didn't really care or need to know.


"It's not suspicious, I guess." Calypso said, still wondering how long it would be until they abandoned this one too. "It would be a good HQ. It could be sturdy... again... someday..." She just kind of moved inside, not really walking, but going to hide inside of the old sad house. "It smells like sacrifices do when you burn them... nasty and bad." She stated, kind of skimming the walls and holding tight to the straps of her bag. "I liked the old one better.... but I don't like fire and death either..."


[should be going to sleep.]

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Circe looked at Cyrus. "Sometimes it helps to think like that." she said. "... Where is everyone? There's just the cart..."


Typhon frowned down at Aella. "Perhaps they'll do all of those things?" he said.


[You can move them there Rain.


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