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Shadows: Whisper | Assassin's Creed

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[You can have Cyrus bump into Aetios. ^^ He was on the street with Artemis, his eagle.]

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Hermes smiled. He sat down next to her and asked, "Really? So you've never been out of the city? You've never left Thebes? Even for the outskirts?" He figured he shouldn't be that surprised, but he traveled all the way from the foot of Mount Olympus to here. Most of it was wilderness. "I mean, if you wanted quiet, why haven't you just looked around until you found it? Find what you want a take it. That's what I like to say." Of course, though. He might be an assassin but he was a thief at heart. He preferred taking stuff from important people. Not killing them. But it was hard to be an ethical thief. Everyone liked to see you as scum. Putting away his rambling mind, he laid down in the grass, staring upwards with Calypso.


Cyrus had enjoyed the mock-tour Circe had provided. She was a good woman, destined for something good. Sophia rode on his shoulders as they walked through the streets, looking around at all the new sights. Taking in the new sounds and smells. It was a different environment than he grew up in. As they walked, Sophia spotted a hawk and fell in love. "Birdie!" She said happily as she reached out to it while they passed. "Sophia, careful." Cyrus gribted as he spun around to catch the balance she almost lost. He saw the man laden with hawk and nodded, "My apologies." He said. But he noticed the man's arm and then his finger. "Ah." He said. He rose his right hand, showing the man his palm, revealing his brand. "I don't believe we've met. I am Cyrus of Sparta. This is Sophia. I'm the arriving master." He held out his hand to shake.

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"I lived in Athens once." Calypso said, her happiness melted away. "When I was little, I thought that there was nothing outside of the walls built by Templars. I couldn't leave, and... I don't want to talk about it. However, I can't just take things. I'm not good enough." She wasn't talking about being fast or stealthy. She just knew that taking things was wrong, and what she wanted didn't matter. What she wanted was always just out of reach. A normal childhood, a happy family, and controllable Eagle Vision. "Besides, there's nothing I want." She added turning her head to look at Hermes. She was lying, but he didn't need to know that. She smiled again, but this time it felt fake. "I'm happy here."

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Hermes nodded as she spoke. He was still a bit confused why she never came out past the walls to get away from it all, but she said she didn't want to talk about it, so he didn't press forward. He smiled when she did, "That's good. You didn't seem so happy back in the city. He sat up and looked over at her, and for the first time saw her eyes. They were golden. "Why are you using Eagle Vision right now? I don't think anyone's is going to jump us out here. Not like we're doing anything wrong, either." It did, however, occur to him that he was wearing stolen jewelry. And unless Calypso put it away, so was she. But that was unlikely to be the cause of any trouble.

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For a moment, Calypso was confused. Oh, he saw her eyes. "Uh... I don't really think I can. It just turns on and off whenever." She smiled again, another fake one. "Its fine. It won't be an issue." She hated lying, but he wouldn't understand. It wasn't 'fine', it was like someone turned her senses up to eleven. It could happen anytime, and it was just easier to hide in the HQ. She shifted a little, trying to get comfortable on the grass.


[Dunno what else to say really.]

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((Still awaiting TMD for Aetios.))


Hermes pulled in his legs so the soles on his sandals were touching each other and his knees were facing out. "That must be awful." He said. "I don't care much for Eagle Vision. Nothing against it, just don't like using it much myself. If you rely on it too much your normal vision isn't as sharp. Can't always be using it. Tires me out." He suddenly snapped his fingers. "Ah!" He said. "That's why you don't like loud places. Because you can't stop your Eagle Vision! Oh man, I hadn't even thought of that. That makes a lot of sense." He felt a bit proud that he figured that, obvious, piece of information out.

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Arcanus was being rather shady... so he shrugged it off and began to walk again. Aetios' pet hawk was being shifty as well, fanning out his wings and squawking at anything that walked by. For some reason, he didn't bring his hood. Or his cloak. This made him angry, and he stalked ahead. He had to bring them often..! He felt bare without any armor on.


But the warmth of the peninsula made him sweat, and all of his facial hair was soon dripping with it. His green eyes sparked with annoyance at the stink and the feeling of being drenched with the horrible substsance. For some reason, women liked it, always giggling when he said that he was sticky... he was no means pure. He had lost it when he was simply thirteen. To a tavern wench, no less. It made him sad, yes, that he had not lost it to someone who would bear him a son, but it usually happened to everyone.


Artemis squawked and Aetios looked up. A small girl had attempted to touch him, but her father apologized and held up his hand. An assassin... Not only that, but a master. Aetios offered him a smile and shook his hand. "Hello. I am Aetios of Athens. Pleased to meet you." Artemis cawed. "And this is Artemis. He seems to like your daughter."

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"It can be useful though. When people are whispering, I can hear them. You know, if I can hear them over everyone else." Calypso said, moving her face to the sky and closing her eyes. She could hear the birds chirping, the faint whisper of people far away, and the wind blowing the grass. It was so peaceful out here, she couldn't imagine the world inside the city anymore. However, she knew that bubbling underneath was death, disease, and ache.


[should be asleep.]

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Cyrus suppressed the urge to stab Aetios on the spot but his better judgement got the best of him. He was an assassin, so he was clearly at odds with Athens. Though, Cyrus not only had an issue with the Templars, he hated the whole damned city and everything relating to them. He wanted to see it burn. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Aetios." He said, shoving his thoughts to the back of his mind and continued, "I think Sophia likes Artemis as well." He looked up at the girl on his shoulders and she was smiling. "Mister Aetios! Can I hold Artemis?" She neglected the fact that Artemis was a hawk and pretty big for a five year old girl. "Would that be alright? And safe?" Cyrus askedm setting his daughter down.


Hermes shrugged. "I suppose." He said. He looked around, taking in the waving grass and the swaying trees. "So what do you do all day? I only see you every now and again. You're always in the headquarters." He said, trying his best to make conversation with a girl who seemed to just want silence.


((When should we move the plot along?))

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[i need something to do with my characters. Now that I look at it, sending my only character that could actually interact with people to the Templar may not have been my best idea.]

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[He's the captain, and he doesn't like going out at all, much less leaving Athens. However, I might actually make an assassin eventually...]

Edited by IceFyr1928

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[i think it's about time I posted.]


Devon chuckled as he looked over the note, and stood up. He patted the messenger on the back as he walked out of the office, his guard forming up around him. He set off for the newly discovered site, a wide grin on his face.


A long walk and a climb later, Devon stood in the antechamber to the ancient temple, an underground building obviously dedicated to Hades. He entered, pushing open the thick wooden doors, and heard gasps from his men as they entered. It was a fascinating space, a large, aching ceiling dominated the entryway, which branched into a large, circular room that seemed carved directly out of the rock. A large dome towered above, but Devon noticed none of that. His eyes were locked on the altar, where the object of his lifelong dreams lay, calling to him.


Devon began the slow walk up to the altar, and slowly lifted the Ankh from its resting place. He felt the power within it stir, and Devon's grin grew even wider. He then began chuckling, which became full fledged laughter, tinged with a nearly undetectable bit of insanity.




Arcanus left the city of Athens at a dead run, and when a gate guard tried to stop him, the man got a face full of steel. Arcanus jumped over the corpse, and still he ran, his message flying ahead of him on the much swifter wings of a carrier pidgeon. The letter that the bird carried read:


Helena, they have found the Ankh. There are plans to seize the city already in motion, and Thebes is the next practical target. Get everyone out of the city, and head north. I will meet you outside the city.



The scrawling lettering, which was a direct result of him writing the letter in a hurry, may have been hard to decipher, but the intention was clear. Get the heck out of dodge.

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Aella was visiting the pigeons, ensuring messages were sent, contracts seen and ultimately filled, and to be out of the HQ. The Assassins were nice, but loud. Looking up to see a new pigeon arrive with a hastily written note. Aella was downstairs and gathering Assassins and trying to locate the Mentor and other leaders. They needed leave. Now.


[On break.]

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Typhon looked up from resting in the shade of an olive tree. Aella ran past him, seeming to look for someone. "Aella!" He called, running after her. "What's the matter?"


[broke my thumb. D>]

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Cyrus had been walking about. He'd gotten his hatchet sharpened and bought Sophia a small knife, and on the condition she was careful, he'd teach her how to use it properly, then in the coming years, how to fight with it. She strolled lazily home, unaware f the impending danger. Cyrus walked into the headquarters and sat down in the common, pulling out his own knife and had Sophia bring up a chair. He was going to show her how to widdle with a knife. He even had a little block of wood to show her. He began to demonstrate, and she watched, fascinated.


((If you so need Hermes, place him wherever.))

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"News from Athens. We need to leave immediately." Aella paused to give Typhon the letter. "This just came in. The Templars have the Ankh." She was still a new master, not quite ready for the responsibility. She was a leader to these people now. She would never admit it, but she was terrified.


[busy. Just had some downtime from work.]

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[uh... She was out by the pigeon coops. I accidentally teleported her or something… :/ Whoops.]

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Yeah... Anyways, if you have her swing by Cyrus, he'll help. Since she's terrified, it might be a good idea to get him involved.))

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Typhon read over the letter and frowned deeply, a strange feat for him. Ankh... "What exactly is the Ankh?" he asked, walking at the sand brisk pace as the pretty woman next to him.

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"I'm not sure, but it sounds bad. Look at the note, that wasn't written with a long amount of time. If the Templars are looking for it and have it, it simply cannot be something that would help us." Aella reasoned as she briskly marched back to the HQ. Maybe a more experienced Master would know…


[Going to work.]

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Cyrus looked up for a moment as Aella and Typhon came in quickly. "Is something wrong?" He asked. He told Sophia to stop a moment. Why were they I'm such a rush?


((AP work <.<))

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