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Shadows: Whisper | Assassin's Creed

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((I think Zero might benefit from a talk with Cyrus. Possibly, he's the only one who would understand the pain he'd suffered.))


Sophia grinned at Circe. "I'm a child! We'll get along great!" She said, stating the obvious as children do. Cyrus walked down the hallway as he said, "It doesn't matter much in our life." He told Circe. "If anything it's a formality. Titles nobility give us to keep track of us all. You may notice I don't introduce Sophia as 'of Sparta' like I do myself. I want her to make a name for herself, not be tied to the allegiances of her birth place." He peeked into a open door to find a simple room, vacant as it had no sheets on the bed and no decor more than a chair and table. "I think this room will do just nicely." He took off his pack and unhitched his weapons. He re-equipped everything but the pack and hung his shield on his back. "In the end it's not where or how you were born. It's not even what the Gods think about you." Sophia wasn't listening closely, even if the conversation was not for her. She was looking out the window in the room at the bustling city. "It's what you died for." She completed the phrase she'd heard many times, out of instinct.


Hermes had spoken with her long enough to know what she meant a when she said 'demi-god' and 'shade'. He particularly liked being called 'demi-god' because it inflated the ego the priests had given him long ago. "So don't bother him." Hermes said. "If you don't bother him, he won't bother you, right?" He shrugged as he spoke. "Besides. This guy is a master, right? I imagine he has better stuff to do that bother the rest of us directly." He sat right back down in a chair and kicked his feet up. "Either way, he went upstairs. Wanna go do something?"

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Zero put the horse in his stable and made quick time of going into the library. When he arrived, the man sat down in a corner and tried to cry. But he couldn't. So he just put his head down and tried to breathe deeply. It was all he could do to hold himself together. He couldn't deal with people again... Not so soon. Maybe not ever. Then a little boy stumbled in, not saying a word. Upon seeing Zero with his head down and feeling the troubled man's sadness, Thais sat down next to him and put his head down too. They stayed like that for a long time until Thais heard his mother calling. Standing up, the four-year-old patted Zero's back and left. And then the man was alone again.


(Mkay, Duss.)

Edited by Mousia

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"Did nothing before, people still... bothered me." Calypso was no twisting her fingers, not exactly to breaking point, but the stress was making her twist them until they hurt. "Any ideas on what we should do? I don't want to be here... don't want so many... voices talking. It's... rude to eavesdrop on other Demi-Gods." She repeated some advice from her parents. "We uh, could go out and get something to eat..." She said, not meaning it in the 'date' sense, but rather just the 'eating' sense.


[Gotta make dinner]

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Hermes tapped his chin with his fore finger and thought a moment. "I could eat." He said. "C'mon, let's roll." He stood up and walked to the door, opening it and stepping out. He eyed either end of the street as if making a hard decision and suddenly pointed right. "Thataway!" He said as he marched off, feet going high with every exaggerated step. "Got anywhere in mind?" He asked over his shoulder. He kept walking as he waited for her response. A group of escorts caught his attention briefly as he passed the alley the were occupying. He gave them a formal salute and a wink. One approached but he, very regally, waved a hand, "Maybe later. Got other company somewhere back there." He said, flinging a thumb over his shoulder towards Calypso.

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"That is a better choice than anything."


Circe smiled softly, and bowed at the master. "... Perhaps you would like to eat? Or drink?"



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As if on cue, Sophia's stomach rumbled. She turned to Cyrus with a pout, who laughed a hearty laugh. "I think that's a yes." He said. He turned back to Circe and asked, "Would you mind leading us somewhere? I haven't been in Thebes before." He spoke through a smile, rare thing to most people. When he was separated from Sophia you might think he hated life.



Edited by Dusset

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Calypso jumped up and followed behind Hermes, nervous and still jittery as ever. When he asked if she had anywhere in mind, she shook her head. Suddenly she saw escorts, and hid. She didn't like them. They liked being touched, being... treated like that. She clutched the back of Hermes' robes, hoping to be protected from them, as though they were venomous beasts. "Don't like them. They're bad, they do bad things..."



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Arcanus chuckled as he watched Helena make her exit, and despite that she was already long gone, he said, "You have yet to change a bit these past nine years, Helena. It will be good to work with you again."


He then lay out his cloak on the bed as an added layer, and closed the window, locking bothe it and the door firmly. He fell into a light sleep with his hand on his sword, a habit he had fallen into over The Wanderer's travels.




Devon shook his head as he paced the large room in which his office took up. "Two dead," he said, "and five injured? This was obviously an amateur attempt by some street rats that think themselves their own branch of the Brotherhood." The other man in the room, a burly swordsman that had been just promoted to chief of the guard, nodded his assention obeidiently, awaiting orders. Devon complied in the next sentence, adding, "I want the streets clear of those vermin. Make sure that they are unwelcome, and get the public involved. I'll have my lieutenant... persuade some of the more influential nobles to bring it up in the next governmental meeting. Dismissed." With a snappy salute, the chief of guard left, and Devon sat at his desk. He was slowly tightening his hold on the city, and soon the government could do nothing to stop him from taking the Ankh and becoming the most powerful emperor that the world had ever seen...

Edited by IceFyr1928

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Circe smiled softly when Sophia's stomach rumbled. She was so adorable... One day, she wanted a baby like that. She wanted one that would laugh and giggle at funny things. Circe looked up at Cyrus and smiled back at him. "There's a tavern that, if you sit far away from the drunkards, you'll find delicious food."


She walked out of the room, smiling all of the while. She walked down the steps that led to the masters' room, and into the common. There, men were laughing and drinking and eating slabs of meat. "If you don't want to waste money, you can always come here." she told him with a smile. "Though, when it comes time for winter... Food is scarce." her smile faded then. "There are a lot of starving people then."


She walked back out into the streets, humming a tune. She walked down the block and into a small, shambly tavern. There, there were drinking and drunk men as well. "Here we are." she told Cyrus and Sophia. "I come here often, so there's no trouble here."

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Hermes kept walking, not bothered by Calypso grabbing his robes. "Oh they're fine." He said. "They're nice and the ones who aren't, aren't very popular." The escort had long since left him alone and returned to the alley way, which was now in their rear-view. Hermes stopped moving and sniffed the air suddenly. "That smells great." He said, almost absently. He started to determinedly follow his nose towards the source of the smell. Soon, he rounded a corner and found small restaurant tucked away in the space between to very large buildings. He peeked inside and asked, "What'dya think? Here good?"


Cyrus followed Circe out and Sophia followed him. He frowned when she said people went hungry in the winter. What? That was terrible. It wasn't like he came from paradise where everyone was plump and happy, but he'd never truly seen hunger. That would be a challenge to face during that season. The two followed Circe to the little tavern. "Quaint." He said sarcastically as he passed a drunkard. He continued true until he found a uninhabited table. "This isn't so bad, actually." He admitted, looking around. A server came over and he requested, "A steak, an ale. A bowl of soup and some milk for the girl."

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Calypso followed Hermes, hoping that they wouldn't run into more escorts. When they arrived at the bakery, Calypso nodded. It did smell good, if she could ignore the other smells...



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((So... My new copy of AC3 showed up today... (I used to be on sequence eight but had to restart)

Then I downloaded Terraria from Steam...

And that's why I haven't existed for the day.))


Hermes smiled. "Alrighty! Go grab us a table, I'll grab some grub." He said, walking into the store. He picked up his gold pouch and felt it's weight. This wasn't really a very rich part of town. Best to pay in silver. Not draw attention to oneself.


((Uhm... Short because Assassin's Creed III?


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Finally got to NY in AC3... Suffering from liberation glitch in North section of Boston...

Hope you feel better, TMD.))


Cyrus rubbed his sleeve against his mouth in lack of a napkin, and smiled. "For a dingy tavern that was pretty good." Sophia grinned as she downed her milk, holding firm with both hands to the glass. Cyrus looked across the table to Circe and said, "Thank you for showing this place to us." He dug into his pouch and placed the pay on the table. "Let me get the tab, it's the least I can do." He stood up and shoved the chair back under, "Now then. What do people around here do for fun?" He asked, rustling Sophia's hair. "There's got to be something around here."

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Circe smiled at the two new people that were joining their creed. Yes, they would certainly be useful... Sophia was young, but since she was Creedborn, she would be able to start training very, very soon. Circe knew that there were other apprentices that needed positions... She stood up and wiped the back of her sleeve against her lips. "Well, people usually ride horses around the countryside."


Horse riding was her favorite sport. You could go as fast as you want when there was no one around... But in the streets the guards would yell at you. You could run someone over, and that would prove fatal. Circle smiled again.


"Maybe we should just go to the market. There's strange things there, from strange people to strange foods. You would love it there. Maybe Sophia could see a doll that she would like me to buy?"


[Thanks. Surprisingly it was just allergies. ^^]

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Calypso quickly moved to the one farthest away from the other people. There were so many voices overlapping each other in here... She sat down in the chair and covered her ears and closed her eyes. If she could just... force Eagle Vision off... She used every trick that had ever worked before, but still, when her eyes opened they were gold. The voices were still loud, and she could see every crumb on the table. She slammed her face down and tried to block out the noise until Hermes came back. She tried to stop herself from crying though, then people would be staring at her more and that would only make her more uncomfortable.

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Hermes returned with two skewers of meat and some bread. He came back to Calypso's head down and covering her ears. He sat down without saying anything a moment then spoke, "Hey. Wanna get out of here? We can head out into the fields where there's less noise. Eat on the go." She'd taken the table farthest in the room from everyone. She was an odd duck but he didn't want to prod. "I mean, this place isn't really all that interesting anyways. Kinda lame." He cocked his head to the side and offered the second skewer of meat.


"That sounds good." Cyrus said. "How does that sound to you, missy?" He said, turning to his daughter. "Let's go!"


((Writer's block with Cyrus.))

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[At some point I need to post as Aella...

Maybe tomorrow.]


"It's just loud here. So many people... they're all talking. It hurts my ears." Calypso tried to explain. "I would really like to leave for somewhere quieter please…" Saying this as she moved to take the skewer of meat that Hermes was holding out. She held it for a moment and then decided to eat it. It tasted okay, but it was overpowering due to her Eagle Vision. Everything was, unfortunately. Calypso stood up and prepared to leave. She was glad Hermes wanted to leave, because any longer and she might have started to hear other conversations. Someone wanted gyros, but their friend was saying it was too expensive. Table across the restaurant was a couple on some anniversary. "Lead the way." Calypso never left the HQ these days, not unless it was on a mission. Everything was just too loud in Eagle Vision, just too overpowering.

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Hermes munched on the goat as he led Calypso out of the cafe. She was a shut-in if he ever met one. Everyone had their thing. He made a b-line for the edge of town once he was out, taking short-cuts and alleys the whole way. He finished his food and chucked the stick in a garbage pile. Shortly, they were out of the city and into the countryside, just within the city limits. "Here we are." He said, making a grandiose gesture with his hands, displaying the country as if she'd never seen it. After a minute or two more of walking he couldn't see the walls of Thebes anymore. He spun around on his heel and said, "Well? Is this better? Just wind and myself making any noise out here. Oh, wait, there's a river fifteen minutes up this path, but that's besides the point." He grinned, figuring he'd delivered.

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Arcanus stretched as he awoke from his "night's" sleep, though it was still early afternoon, and began gearing up. He was finished within a few minutes, and left the inn.


He took a longer route than he would have to get out of the city, but that was due to some unfinished business. He found the richest un-robbed noble he could find, and slipped a letter into his pocket among some jewels. If he guessed correctly, which he soon discovered as he saw a shadow pass by him, then the assassin that had robbed the noble would see the letter to their mentor and deliver it.


His message delivered, Arcanus left Thebes, his walking staff clunking along the worn path to Athens.

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[Anyone want to interact with Typhon or Aetios? If so, start? I'm going to a mall that has bad reception... You can just put them anywhere. :3]

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((TMD, I interacted with Circe, albeit shortly.))

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((We could just drop it for now and I could have Cyrus interact with someone else.

Oh, FYI, leaving to a party at 7ish.))

Edited by Dusset

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"It's so big! It's so quiet!" Calypso yelled, running around for a minute before collapsing into a laughing mess. "I did think that somewhere like this existed. I always though it was nothing but concrete and stone. Nothing but voices and darkness back there." Calypso said, more to herself than anyone else. For a moment, she was smiling, face to the sun, forgetting about Thebes and it's troubles.


[On break.]

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