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Shadows: Whisper | Assassin's Creed

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Ah, a brother? Typhon straightened, looking at him with a wary expression. His jaw grew taut, and then he looked at his hand again.


"Fine. I won't cause the girl any trouble. But if you stab us in the back, I'll make you watch us torture your little babe before we finally decide to kill you."


With that, he turned on his back and led him to the Creed.



Yep. Auto correct. >_>]

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Calypso held it in her hand, the strange red necklace. Her mouth was slightly open as she tried to figure out what exactly it was. Her golden eyes flickered over all of it, trying to understand something. "Is it covered in blood? Why is it so red?" She looked up at Hermes with a questioning look. It wasn't a mock look either, this had been a real question. "Killing mortals isn't something we do right?" Each question was just so innocent sounding, like a small child was asking instead of a woman who was covered in blood.



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"They're rubies." Hermes told her. "It's not blood." He wasn't thrown by that, but the mortals comment confused him. Unless she was making a joke about his name, in which case, he didn't mind. He had been told a few times that he might be half-God. But whatever. "Go ahead and keep it. The real fun is in taking it. I don't keep my loot that often." H said as he put on the necklace still in his hand. Just to try it out. He skied at it. It was so valuable. But it was so easy to take. Oh well. The stupid would forever be at a loss. "What have you been up to today, anyways? Go on a grand adventure?" He waved his arms when he said 'grand adventure'.


Cyrus only said, "I'd love to see you try." As he lifted Sophia. She asked, "Papa? Is this who we were looking for?" He nodded, "Yes. Though I wish this one was smarter. Either way, he is a brother." Sophia was very aware that he didn't mean blood relation. That it was a Brotherhood of men and women, almost never truly related. Much like she wasn't truly related to her Papa. "So, brother. I might as well get your name. I am Cyrus of Sparta. This is my daughter Sophia. Who are you?" He would not be entirely surprised if he had a negative reaction to 'Sparta'. Many people did. He did not care. Those same people were cowards. Any man can achieve combat prowess. The Spartan army simply needed to teach ethics as well.


((Good morning.))

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[sTUPID DRAGON AND KILLING MY PARTY- *throws Xbox out window*]




This man was dangerous, he knew. Typhon could tell that he would protect that tiny gremlin to his last breath, however, that was a weakness. A big one. Templars can go and take her away from him to drive him crazy. Or maybe worse. His bare feet made soft noises against the ground as he walked, and he crossed his arms over his chest.


"I am Typhon of Cyadonia."


So this man was from Sparta, eh? Most curious... Typhon glanced over his shoulder to see if the man was still following, and he heaved a sigh. "I'd keep that girl under check in the Creed. Some of the assassins could be most... Intolerable. I knew a few who would gladly take your daughter on some sort of wild horse race." One of which might me myself...


They walked more and soon they came upon a old, shambled building. Nature had started to conquer it, for vines started to crawl up the sides of the building. It was a nice place, shaded by olive trees. A small female dog barked at them, and Typhon have it a sharp kick in the ribs. It squealed and ran off, yapping. "Well, this is the place. Small, eh? Our Creed isn't big here. The bigger branches are on the islands, because we don't want the Athenians to find out. Well, step inside and see for yourself, and I'll get you a cup of ale."

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Cyrus said nothing to Typhon on his comments about Sophia. Those here would soon get it through their heads that he was the only one he trusted with Sophia. Yes, he would gain friends eventually, as things go. It changed little. He wasn't much impressed with the headquarters, but at the same time was, it had a life about it. A history. It wasn't just a building. He said to Typhon, "Rain check. I need to speak with the Mentor here. I'm sure she'll be interested to know of my presence." He said, setting his daughter down. "Stay close." He whispered. If he was a simple assassin, the world would go on if he didn't meet the Mentor. But some of the reason he came so far was to fill a position as master. A rank he held with some pride. He hadn't sent word ahead of himself, but word travels faster than a man on foot.

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(Dragon Age? Or another game with a dragon?)


Zero went to the stables and went right to his sister's stallion. It was the only beast he could right without the fears of being bucked or rejected. Besides, he wouldn't get in trouble for riding it. The thing was half his, since he'd always helped his sister tame it when she needed another person, despite his fear. So the young man mounted it without a saddle and looked over at Kaethe. "We will go to this place for pomegranates. Ready yourself, I pray you..."


Helena looked up as a man and a small girl entered their headquarters. Her eyes immediately went to Thais and Kallisto, who took her son's hand tight and narrowed her eyes at the man in challenge. So what if he had a daughter? Her family was in potential danger and she was prepared to kill both of them with the fury of a threatened parent (again; they were still covered in blood from their fight with the Templars). Helena, however, smiled at them in reassurance and approached the new people. "Hi! I'm Helena, the Mentor here. Welcome to the Thebes branch of assassins! I'm sorry that our meeting can only be a brief one, because I have a person waiting to meet me elsewhere, but I shall not spare you a welcome. I've heard word that Sparta has transferred a Master to us here. I do think that you are he, for your body is toned and scarred from training there. If you wish to ask if you may take up your position there here, the answer is yes." Looking down at Sophia with a smile, she giggled slightly. "We have another pair, parent and child, here. Over there is Kallisto with Thais, her son. Your child and hers may get along if you would like some interaction between them. And, my brother is out right now, but he's very gentle. I sometimes laugh, because he is still so fearful from past tortures. But... That's beside the point. Do you have any questions or concerns? If you wish to speak about our Creed in more detail, we may when I return. Would that please you...sir?"

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Cyrus was caught a bit off guard at Helena's hospitality. It was not common in his experiences, but he greatly appreciated it. She spoke of prior engagements and he said, "Of course, Mentor. Don't let us keep you from your schedule." His voice was filled with a respect he already had for her. He had expected the Mentor to be old and hostile. Perhaps that was because he'd only seen that in the past. The clincher was that Sophia beamed at the attention given to her. That made the soldier's heart melt a little, seeing her smile. "It was a pleasure meeting you. I don't have much else to discuss beyond what you've covered." Sophia gave a polite courtsy to the woman her father was being so court with. She only saw it rarely. But she really liked seeing her father's softer side. Cyrus glanced over Helena's shoulder to Kallisto and Thais. He tugged at his good in silent greeting.

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Helena smiled and nodded. "Good, then. Please make yourself at home and feel free to ask anyone for assistance. They should be friendly. If they're not..." The woman smiled a little. "Well, I'll fix that right away." Looking down at the girl again, she curtsied back. "It was a pleasure to meet you both. I'm sorry for our meeting being so short, though. Hopefully I will find favor in your eyes and be forgiven." With that, she left and looked around with Eagle Sense. C'mon. Blue, blue blue... And then an inn caught her eye. Of course. Entering the establishment, she asked the man there about a man who'd just gotten a room. Someone with tanned skin and black hair. He directed the pale woman to Arcanus' room. Knocking on the door, she let out a short assassin whistle so he'd know who it was. She didn't know what he'd changed his name to, but she knew he had, because she'd looked for him a while when she returned from her torturing and that was the information given to her. A pity really, because he was a skilled man. Could've beat her to Mentor, she reckoned. Most definitely.

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"Ooooh, you ride bare back, don't you! Some women might think that's a turn on, Zero. Better he careful."


Kaethe grinned broadly and shot off on her mare. She galloped long and hard, through the streets. She felt the wind in her hair and the warmth on her face. She loved Greece. She wanted nothing more than to live here forever. She rode, and rode. They rode up a mountain pass lined with miss and plants. They passed apple trees and olive trees, and the smell made her mouth water.


Finally, they came upon the pomegranate grove. There were only three large trees, and Kaethe hitched her horse to a stake there was on the ground. She had put it there when she found this place. From here, one could see the whole of Thebes. With a slight swagger, she walked to the trunk of one of the trees and climbed up it. There, shaded by the leaves, it was cool and crisp. "Smells delicious up here. Come on, Zero!"


[Yes, Dragon Age II. >_>]

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Zero chuckled a little with a lowered head at Kaethe's comment. Yeah. If he wasn't so repulsive a person, perhaps he would already have a wife. But all he wanted was silence and peace. That was too much to ask, though. He knew that already. When they reached the place where the pomegranates grew, he commanded the horse to stop, but didn't dismount. He walked the horse to the tree that the other apprentice had climbed and looked up. Yes. The smell was nice. He reached up to pick a pomegranate from the tree gingerly. He knew that one had to crack it open to eat it, but lacked a knife. Looking at it, he sighed slightly. Slamming it against the tree trunk, the outer shell cracked enough for him to pry it open with his hands. He was pretty strong attack-wise, but he didn't like seeing the faces of his enemy and didn't like feeling the pain of up-close battle. It made him weaker. A weaker fighter, a weaker person, a weaker assassin. But he got his job done so he could return home and read in silence.

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[it's even worse in Skyrim, especially when you get ambushed by a skeletal one when you're still level ten. Last time I go exploring without leveling first...]


Arcanus opened the door, and said, "It was unlocked." He then went back to sit on the bed and added, "It has been a while, Helena. I heard you made it to Mentor. Congratulations on that." He stretched his arm, and was once again reminded of the piece of sharp metal in his forearm, which replaced where his ring finger should be with a flex of a muscle.


Arcanus looked at the hidden blade, and mused, "This piece of metal can be your best friend at times, and your worst enemy at others. Do you know how many times I've been jumped because of it? How many villages I've been chased out of? It's as if the Brotherhood is some form of devil spawn, the way I was treated." He was mainly talking to himself, which he had grown accustomed to, though he was also informing Helena. She was still just as pretty as before, if not more so, but Arcanus held back. He'd gained a control not many men had over his travels.

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(xd.png Wow.)


Helena listened as he spoke. "Yes. All of that is true. But, tell me...what do you call yourself now? I heard that you abandoned your old name... Alex..." She narrowed her eyes at him. "And why have you called me here. It's not just to discuss my promotion and the costs and benefits of a Hidden Blade." She leaned against a wall with his arms crossed. Despite her hospitality toward Cyrus and Sophia, Arcanus was someone she knew better. She was harsher towards him because he'd left the Creed. Left without a trace, tried to erase them from his history. It was a slap in the face. He spat at the Creed and shamed it by leaving without so much as letting them say goodbye. She was still bitter. Coming back without a friend there. Returning from torture with only a brother and a fiancee to be around her and one of her friends had left. People alienated her and it was hard to work to the top. So she justified her anger with the sadness and loneliness she'd felt upon her return. "I'd appreciate it if you'd stop beating around the bush. Your travels around Hellas have perhaps made you forget my demeanor."


(Hellas=Greece. That's what they called their country.)

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Arcanus shrugged, and said, "I have not forgotten you, Helena. You are still the same fiery person as back then. You want the truth? Very well."


Arcanus sat on the bed, crossing his legs, and took a deep breath before saying, "I no longer go by my creed-born name. I am called The Wanderer by most, though the ones that have come to know me call me Arcanus. I have returned to ask you something. Do you know the situation in Athens? There are assassins getting executed every day merely for being who they are."


Arcanus let this sink in for a moment before continuing, "Let's face it. You need an inside agent. One that won't be caught by the Templar. I am suggesting that I take such a position. If I am caught, big deal, I loose my life. I am in no way tied to your assassin ideals, so they cannot hope to get any information out of me, yet I can get information to you."


"Helena, they are close to finding one of the Pieces of Eden."

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Helena narrowed her eyes. "How do I know that you aren't already working for the Templars, Al - Arcanus? You have already betrayed us once before. And what would you ask for in return? You wouldn't just do us a favor like that. Not after you left with such a passion." But, even with all the doubt, she somehow knew that he was telling the truth. Why would he lie to her? He knew that if he found out that he was two-timing her, he'd be brutally murdered within the day. So she sighed a little. "Forget it. I'm on-edge still. Go on. Tell what you want to tell..." Closing her eyes, the woman ran her fingers through her hair. "Oh, and just so you know, if you ever feel the need or yearning to return to the Creed...suppress it, because I'm not takin' you back unless you make it up, and that's likely not to happen."

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Arcanus shook his head, and said, "See, that's the thing. I left the Brotherhood for good reason. I am not asking to come back. Not at the moment. It is a fair trade, actually. I get you information, you let me back in, under my terms, of course." He stood up, and said, "Now if you will excuse me, I must be leaving soon. Do you accept the terms?"

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The man came up to the tree and plucked a pomegranate from its branches. Kaethe watched him with careful blue eyes, and smiled broadly. He was a gentle giant... She could tell how he fondled the fruit. As he smashed the fruit, she held on to the branch and looked at him some more. Ahh, delicate Zero, sweet Zero.


"You know, you could have asked for my hidden blade. I mean, it would had been easier to cut the fruit." she slit the pomegranate in half and split it. The russet seeds in it shone with a shimmering layer of pulp. Licking them up, she looked at Zero suggestively. How she loved to tease. Even Zero... "I love the seed of the pomegranate. So sweet... But so bitter, huh?" she grinned. "Lighten up, Zero! You know, be like the sun... Smiling, bright! Your hair is blond and yellow like the sun..."




Circe was watching the interaction between Helena and another man. When she walked away from him, she walked toward him, more interested in Sophia. Bowing toward the other assassin, she straightened and smiled softly at him.


"There have been a lot of babes here in the Creed as of late." she stroked Sophia's hair back and smiled softly. "I'm Circe."


[short, sorry.]

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Cyrus cringed a little when Circe touched Sophia. It wasn't big, but if she had been watching she'd see his tighten up a little. He didn't, however, say anything to her. "Hello Circe. I'm Cyrus of Sparta, the new master. This is Sophia." He said curtly. Sophia grinned as her hair was brushed back. "Hi!" She said, happily. "It's wonderful to meet you." She held out her little hand to shake, much as she'd watched grown-ups do. Cyrus had a question, though, so he asked, "Do you know where the empty rooms are?" He'd had his own in Sparta, but bunking it out with the troops wouldn't be the worst thing to happen to him. "I don't mind so much for bumbling around lost."

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Helena narrowed her eyes at Arcanus. "No. No one manipulates me. If you wish to return, you will return without an unfair bending of the rules. I don't rely on you, Alex. I don't rely on anyone. So you either give information in exchange for a fair return, or I tell my brothers and sisters to kill you on-sight if they see you. Now, I'm not a cruel woman. I'm not. If you do return, you will receive a ranking which is en par with your skill. But I will not let you have any power over me. I rule Hellas with an iron fist that will not be buttered down with false promises. So take your leave and think. My terms are non-negotiable. When you realize that you need me more than I need you, you may send word to me." Turning to the window, she sat upon its sill, prepared to take her leave. "So long and goodnight, my friend." Jumping out from the window, she started off on the long way home to avoid being followed.


Zero nodded in response to Kaethe's comment. "Yes, my hair is blonde like the fire of the sun that Helios drives across the sky and my eyes are blue like Poseidon's oceans, but my soul is dark, like Erebus' shadow. And these... The fruit of the dead. You are mocking the gods by eating them. Persephone's garden grows these... They are bitter with the fair goddess' hate for her captor, Hades. And they are sweet to lure in the desperate spirits to eat them so they may never return to the world of the living." He muttered out the mythology, which was a key part of Greek life. "I pray to the gods that our mortal defiance will not anger them. Let Zeus and the Fates show us what our purpose here is and let us not wander astray."

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"Oh. Blood would look bad on a necklace. It would stain." She stared at it, tilting her head to the side. She'd never had a necklace before. It was pretty. Mimicking Hermes, she placed it around her neck and placed her hands in her lap. "Oh, I killed some Shades today. It wasn't much of a grand adventure as sitting around and shooting them full of arrows." There were new voices in the entrance. Something about a Master? They had Aella... Helena, but she didn't count apparently, she was the Mentor, not a master. Maybe this one would be quieter. Aella was always so loud, she yelled and punched. "Do you hear them?" Calypso asked moving to a spot where she could escape easily. Strangers were mean and more often than not, loud. They stomped around and were mean and smelled funny. "I don't want more people... Make someone here a Master, I don't want anyone new!"

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Circe noted his tensing of his muscles, and pulled away. She loved children... Their babbling, and chasing, and laughing... Sophia was a wonderful little girl. She smiled down at the girl some more, before taking her hand, and looked up at Cyrus. He was a handsome man... He would take care of his daughter.


"The extra rooms are on the second floor. Sometimes we keep them for the people who are visiting. Other times for simple storage." Circe smiled softly, tipping her head to the side. "But find the room closest to the ones that are taken. Usually those are the ones that are the nicest." she frowned then. He seemed... Almost disturbed. "I hear you're from Sparta?"




"That's scary."


Kaethe lapped up the rest of the seeds of that fruit, and tossed the skin to the floor. It was true. The gods did not love the humans, and they made the human face simply for... Entertainment. To laugh at affairs and to chuckle at their mishaps. Sometimes Kaethe liked to believe that the gods, deep inside their hearts, loved their people. She chuckled and shook her head. "Zero, my dear, dear apprentice... I have eaten pomegranates before. I have not wandered astray. Perhaps the gods merely made that story up to keep their holy pomegranates to themselves."


Kaethe yawned, showing her reddened teeth. "Simply taste this fruit. It is merely scrumptious. The taste of it makes you want to bask naked under Helios' sun." she did that often, but that was when she was by herself. Her daring nature would want her to take it further and do it with a friend, or maybe with a partner. Ah, well, her time would come...


[i feel OLLLLDDD.

I just realized that I'm older than both Zero and Kaethe.]

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Zero sighed and looked down at the fruit in his hands. "The gods will curse me," he muttered as he held it up to his mouth, chewing the beads of juice, seeds and all. "And why would you do that? Then you are less protected from the Templars. Your clothes are your armor. I know. I have been naked. Baking out in the sun for hours, head hanging in shame. I had been ridiculed, poked, and stoned. I only take off my armor to bathe and to sleep on a hot day." He paused to eat more of the pomegranate. "When I go to the brothels, many come to me, yet I just want to be home. I just want to leave and go away. Yet they try to make a man of me. Though I am called a man because of my feats, I am not because I do not seek what the rest of them do. It is a humiliation. To my family. To everyone. And yet..." He stopped. "I suppose the gods have already cursed me," he murmured.

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((I'm only older than Thais and Sophia >.>))


"Thank you." Cyrus said, happy to know where he could find a bed. She asked about Sparta and he said, "Yes. I was in the army shortly before joining the Creed." He had little to say about the whole city. "It's not much special." It was warm, like everywhere. Everyone looked like everyone from everywhere else except they all seemed to be more fit in Sparta. They all worshiped the same gods, though some more than others. The army was filled with censorkip.gif***s and tools of corrupt politicians, though. He didn't speak ill of it, because there were good men. Just fewer than those who weren't. He guessed he hadn't said as much as Circe expected about it so he asked, "And from where do you hail?" He asked as he took Sophia's hand and led her towards the second floor rooms.


Hermes shrugged. "Yeah? You didn't hear? Some spartan wanted to come here. To Thebes of all places! Hah! Fool." He said, not realizing there was a child and that he might be protecting her. Hermes noticed her reaction to the newcomer. He stood, fingering the gems on his necklace and took it off, pocketing it, as he walked closer. "What's wrong with new faces?" He asked, picking his ear with his pinky finger and rubbing it off on a passing table. "New faces means new treasures. More stuff to take and more laughs to be had at their expense. Besides, we could use some new leadership. I mean, I don't even have a master right now."

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"New faces mean more pain. More screaming and yelling. I don't want screaming, and I don't wanna be hurt. I don't like new faces. New faces means new pain." Calypso played with her fingers twisting them, wringing her hands, anything to keep the painful memories away. "New faces like to touch, new faces don't know boundaries. Don't like being touched, don't know, they don't know and I don't want to hurt other demi-gods without reason. Makes leaders upset." She once broke a guy's arm after touching her. She didn't ask who it was or even why. It was conditioned reflex. Four years of torture only saw other people as sources of pain. Hermes was okay, though. As long as he remained outside of her fairly large bubble, then everything would be fine.



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Zeus, this man was more depressing than she thought. Biting into another of the fruit, she swallowed and looked at the red that was covering her fingers. It made it seem like she had just killed someone... Oh well... Kaethe blinked lazily at Zero, listening to him. Going to brothels simply to stay in peace? Who in their right mind would do that? Everyone knew that men looking for a women stayed in brothels... And it was not rare that someone her age would go as well.


"Home is where the heart is." Kaethe said softly, resting a hand on her chest. "And I want to lay in the sun because it makes me feel warm. Kind of like ale does, but it feels nicer and you can rest all you want."




"I do not know from where I hail."


Circe followed Cyrus, giving him a sidelong glance as she walked. "My family left the place when I was still very young. I am simply known as Circe the Mother, because I get along with children very well."



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Zero shook his head and chuckled. "You are a virgin to pain, Kaethe. Quite naive. But that is a gift, I think. You don't feel the beatings every night before you go to sleep. Bruises that have long been healed still appear, like ghosts, haunting and waiting." He tossed the half-eaten pomegranate to the ground. "Are you quite finished yet?" He was feeling insecure up there in the mountains. Though he was close to the sky, where he could always find refuge in Zeus' arms, he feared the earthquakes of jealous and angry Poseidon or the vengeful Hera would sweep him up if he displeased them. The man turned his horse around and started towards home. "When you return home..." His voice was shaky and hoarse. "Please leave me alone..." With that, he clenched his feet into the horse's belly to make it speed off, ruffling his hair as he rushed to leave their conversation behind. He didn't want to be with anybody for so long. He just couldn't... Just couldn't...

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