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Shadows: Whisper | Assassin's Creed

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Dan, who had turned to Florence, saw something out of the corner of his eye, and cursed as he looked over. He then said into the earpiece, "Bogies coming in from your six. Repeat, bogies on your six. And there's a lot of 'em...."


[sorry for the lack of posts. My Pokécommunity profile recently got cracked, which caused me to have to focus on retrieving and fixing things on there.]

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(I'm a bad person, amn't I?)


Lily looked around at the report from Dan. Abstergo agents, huh? Well, maybe if they placed the bombs to destroy the Pieces, it'd take out the Abstergos too... Nah. That was too risky. It was best to take them all out and then blow up the Pieces. So she cocked her gun and waited, anticipating the rush of battle. She was mildly aware of others doing the same, but she didn't particularly care about them. All that mattered was destroying the Pieces to defeat Abstergo and living out her life with Sam in a peaceful and quiet place where fighting was but a thing of the past. Deep down, though, she knew that fighting was what he heart really desired and that was all she was really good at. Maybe she'd go on another tour... She knew they'd take her back, even if it was just to train soldiers in foreign nations. At least it wouldn't be a seemingly impossible battle that had been raging for thousands of years. The assassins versus the Pieces. An epic battle of epic proportions. Ah, the irony of it all...

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Lucy heard the voice in her ear. Dan was saying that there were Abstergo agents coming at them from behind. Pulling out her Desert Eagle from her waist, she spun around and smirked as the Abstergo agents skidded to a halt in front of then. They were scrawny, small, but having Parker on their team made up for it. Even then, he towered over them. "Parker," the man blinked at her, and Lucy tossed him a case. "You know what to do. Five minutes." he grinned and rushed off, and Lucy blocked the way as the Abstergo agents tried to run after him. It was too late. Abstergo had lost... And they had won. Cocking her gun, she shot two of them in the head, and one in the chest. Three out of... Fifteen down. Even then, they might run away and warn more people. Or run from the bombs. Parker would rush out, and say he was done... And everyone would make a run for it. Or die, of course. There was no stopping this explosion...

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Lily didn't want to do it. She knew what the action would reap. But if she did not tense her finger up as it rested on the trigger that caused death and brought a small amount of infinite pain (for some infinities were larger than others), she could be sure that her death would round the corner and wave to her in the mirror before gutting her alive. So she shouldered the gun and leaned into it deeply, for she knew that her small body could scarcely handle the kick and protest of explosives. And she knew the firearm would land high because of the recoil's upward motion, so she didn't aim for the head, lest she waste her bullets on missed opportunities. And the woman shot two dead to the ground before a bullet found her arm and made her drop the rifle down so it was saved only by the strap fixing it around her. She disarmed the weapon and took out her pistol and tried to aim steady with the arm she could use, because aggravating a bullet wound was unwise and could render it useless permanently. She took a few more down as her ears began to ring with the noise. Ah, the noise, the noise. It filled her ears so deeply she began to forget what silence sounded like. And the warm blood ran down her arm and tickled it so she almost couldn't bear it. And the pain was like no other pain she'd felt. It was unmatched and she felt almost unable to keep her jaws clamped tight so she wouldn't let loose the most blood-curdling scream. Ah, no. She restrained herself with the restraint taught in the military so she could preserve herself and her friends from death.

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Lucy shot the rest of the guards, or at least as much as she could, and looked up in alarm when Parker came by. "Four minutes, thirty seconds. Evacuate now." Lucy said, raising a hand and speaking into the earphone. She ran off.



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Lily noticed Lucy running off and grunted angrily. She shot behind her as she retreated. The Abstergo agents didn't seem to be very smart, because they didn't follow. They just kind of laughed and clapped each other on the backs as they watched the scared little assassins running away from the fight. Once the group had gotten far even away from the bomb and the Abstergo agents, Lily put her gun away and covered her arm wound with her other hand to try and ease the pain with pressure. It still hurt like hell, but she couldn't do anything about it until they'd gotten out of the building. "Guys... They got me in the arm, so I'm gonna go slower so I don't make the wound worse. Hurts like hell and the heavy steps aren't really helping..." So she fell back to the end of their group, but kept up with the rest.

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[Moose, do you mind time skipping everyone outside so the explosion goes off? After that, I'll skip to the happy ending. :3]

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Dan grinned when he saw the bombs planted, and said, "Our job here is done."


With this, Dan pulled out one last flash drive, inserting it into the network server after completely unhooking his laptop. The screens went blue again, though this time they stayed that way, with only one message showing:



All data lost.


Dan stood up once again, and picking up his pistol, put a round through each of the monitors, a dark grin on his face. He then walked over to the door, shouldering his bag, and exited the room, headed to the escape van to start it up. He knew without looking that Florence was right behind him, covering their backsides.

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(I shall do as thou hast ordered as always, m' Lady. Hath thou some other task for me as well? I shall be going down into my chamber to bed soon.)


A semi-large group of assassins gathered outside the building, some taking a brief moment to bid farewell to the organization that has caused them much grief throughout the years. Lily lingered and a small tear of joy bubbled up and spilled from the corner of her eye as she turned back to the van, wiping her face dry. It seemed that their troubles were over and their purpose as assassins had ceased. Ah, a sad time for them all, for their own organization would be dying alongside Abstergo. But instead of ending in a burst of flame, it would end triumphant, which was the only difference between the two in their last moments of life. And then it happened. It was born and lived and died all in that one instant and then it was gone, the only trace of its existence was a giant ball of flame. Lily held her arm as she heard the explosion and laughed a bubbly laugh at the sheer irony. They'd just ended two great organizations. Right there. 2020 was the year that it all ended. So long a battle that had brought about many deaths and the assassins ended up victorious in the war after the loss of many battles. But she banished the thoughts from her mind. The assassins were done, or at least their original purpose was, and the day was merry. But first... "Is anyone gonna take the bullet outta my arm?"

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[Ah, thank you, my liege. I shall wish you the best of luck, for thou art a great player of roles, and wish for thy dreams to be merry.


Anyway, I'm going to do the happy Timeskip now! :3 Anyone object?]

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(Why... I thank you greatly, m' Lady. 'Tis a great honor to be commended in such a way.)


(Nah. No objections to the skip. But how long afterward would it be? A few years? What? Just 'cause...Mari. xd.png)

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[Okay? Ready! Set...]


It was two years later...


The Brotherhood hadn't necessarily fallen apart. But... It simply wasn't needed anymore. The assassins scattered to start a new life with their families, with their wives and husbands, lovers... Maybe even children.


Kory looked up at the sun, shielding his eyes from the glare that came from the flaming ball somewhere up in space. It was a star, yes... But this star gave them light. Gave them life. He was outside the front steps of his new home in Florida. The young... No, he was no longer a young man. He was almost thirty... And he was a full grown man by this time. His hair was slightly longer than it once was before, and a fine layer of stubble covered his cheeks and jawline. He was no longer thin, but thick; broad shouldered and strong of armed. Perhaps it was because he hardly sniped anymore... He didn't know.


Sighing, he picked up the morning paper and walked back indoors, smiling softly as he saw Ansel and Bryn at the morning table. His children... It was ironic that he had twins, but not only twins, but a girl and a boy. Ansel looked exactly like him. Bryn... She looked nothing like her parents, with her bright red hair and her dark, dark eyes, but she had her mother's smile and her attitude. Walking over to the table, he sat down and unfurled the paper.


[What should Florence and Dan be doing?]

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Bryn looked up at Daddy reading the paper and frowned slightly. What a boring man. Then again, they were both always reading. Mommy locked herself in their room to read, though. She said it was just because she couldn't read with noise, but Bryn had heard the two speaking and found out that it was because the ever-careful woman didn't want her children ruining her collection, nor did she think it was healthy for them to be exposed to such brutal death, evil, and destruction at that age. Bryn didn't really understand, but she didn't say anything about it. She just kept to herself about ever hearing the conversation. She looked up at Daddy reading again and sighed, sitting down before flopping down onto her back. "It's so hoooooooooot!" she complained.


Lily decided that she would only go out for another tour when the kid was old enough. It wasn't theirs biologically, but they were their own little family nonetheless. The little boy came from China and looked nothing like either of them, but he was five and was beginning to get the hang of English. His Chinese name was Long Jin, meaning golden dragon. Because they were living in New Jersey, they'd decided to give him a name that would be more "normal" for the people at school and for everyday life, as was common. It was John Stranger-McDoughy. But they just called him Johnny. Lily smiled as Johnny ran into her arms. "Mama, Mama!" he chanted. Lily was Mama and Sam was Mommy. "Mama, Mama, I wanna play a game!"

"Really? That's awesome, kiddo! What do you want to play?"

"Let's play catch!"


Yes, it was a happy life. And one that was filled with motherhood and fatherhood and awkward stares from homophobes in public places, but it was life and she wouldn't change a thing for the world.

Edited by Mousia

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"Steven, why are you in the kitchen?" Tawni asked as she rolled inside. She was using her wheelchair more nowadays, mostly because using her crutches hurt too much. The teenager hunched over the stove turned around quickly, red and embarrassed. He looked neither like Tawni nor like Kendrik, he had been adopted from Japan. His face betrayed his origin and his hair was dripping with water and pancake. They'd adopted him from an orphanage, he had been fifteen and ready to give trying to be adopted. "You burn water."


"Well uh," the sixteen year old stammered. "I was trying to make you breakfast in bed. For mother's day."


"Steven, that was months ago." Tawni said, moving to the table.


"Yeah. Well, I figured I'd make you something today anyway. I've been here for a year, and I was just so angry at first..." He played with his hands.


"Don't worry about it."


"Yeah, thanks Mom."


[i'll get to Jani later, gotta go to work.]

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[Aha! That's what I'll do!]


A voice crackled over the phone at Dan's ear, to which he replied, "No, I don't want pick up, I want to make a reservation!" The voice said something else, and Dan cursed under his breath. He then said, "Yes, it has to be tonight!" The man on the other line said something else, and Dan recognizably relaxed, and finished the call by saying, "Gratzis. You do not know how much this means to me." He then hung up, returning the phone to his pocket.


He sat down on one of the deck chairs on the front porch of the house that Florence and he shared, a small four room country house on the outskirts of NYC. It was affordable, along with being functional. He sat there for a few minutes, enjoying the early morning silence, and then went back inside, making sure that the object had yet to be discovered in its hiding place. He was in luck, as it had yet to be disturbed. He filled a mug of coffee in the kitchen, which was reasonably large in comparison with the rest of the house. He was excited for the day, as it marked the five-year mark in Florence and his relationship. He grinned widely at the thought of what he had planned for later in the day.




Kendrik came out of the bedroom, fully dressed and showered early, as always. He pecked Tawni on the cheek, as he walked by her, saying, "Morning honey." He ruffled Steven's had and added, "Hey, little buddy." He filled up his coffee mug, and popped some sourdough into the toaster. He then noticed the mess, and asked, "What happened here?" His tone was still as singsong as it had been, and he had yet to lose his quirky accent, which made him seem much less intimidating than he would be based on his tall, muscular body structure.

Edited by IceFyr1928

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Florence woke up in her bed, sprawled out under the covers. Her green eyes were focused on a particular spot on the ceiling. Dan had woken up early, but she could still feel his warmth where he had been laying next to her. It was the day of their five year, and Dan wanted to do something very special. She looked up some more, and then with a sigh slunk out of her bed, dressing in a loose fitting black dress. The clothes she chose were mostly to stay at home, but she would change out of it when she took a shower. Walking into the kitchen in the pursuit of the delicious smelling coffee, she smiled as she wrapped her arms around Dan. "Hello." she purred, hoping that he did not forget what day this was. Five years ago, she was in crutches, and Dan had kissed her somewhere in the Carribean. She smiled and blushed at the thought- this was going to be a good day. "Made some coffee?" she asked him, eyes aglow. She used to think that Dan was stupid. That Dan was just another assassin... But he wasn't.

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Dan nodded, and pecked Florence on the cheek. He then said, "You remember what today is, right?" He grinned and took in her smell... Like peach blossoms in a spring garden.


He had recently been attempting to fix up the house with the various robotic innovations that he throw together, though at the moment these only included automatic locks and a remote control for the house's AC. He had been trying to program an automated voice, though this far it only said things that he typed in.

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"Steven here tried to cook breakfast." Tawni smiled. "You know how he is." She smiled, blushing a little when he kissed her. Look at her, the married one. The happy, responsible one. The -only on the weekends- scientist. Yes, she still had her animus, but was more of a weekend project. Other things demanded her attention nowadays. Like, for example, Steven not burning down the house.


Steven just turned bright red. "I was just trying to make breakfast in bed for you guys... except I burned the eggs..."




Jani rolled over in her sleep. Only to had said sleep interrupted by a little girl jumping on her. "Oof!" She exhaled, startled and in pain from the surprise attack.


"Mommy mommy mommy!" The little girl yelled. "Breakfast time!"


"But mommy wants to sleep in for once..." Jani said, covering her face with a pillow. "Five more minutes..."


"But I want breakfast Mommy!"


"Go bug your father Vanessa..."


The little girl, or rather, Vanessa stealing more trait from her father than her mother, was already rambunctious. Her brown hair was messily thrown around, clearly she hadn't brushed her hair. The little two year old hopped off of her mother and started to yell for her Father. "Daddy! Make mommy make chocolate chip pancakes!"


[Annnnnndddd that's all I got. My muse is a bit drained from work. I have to admit though, Vanessa's so much fun to write for...]

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Dan looked around the fancy Italian restaurant that he had reserved that morning. There was a live string quartet playing in the background, and Dan could see why it had been difficult to get a table. The place was packed to the seams. However, the booths that they were in helped block out most of the chatter. He swirled his glass around a bit, watching the sparkling champagne inside. He took a deep breath, bracing himself for what he was about to do. He then looked up at Florence, and said, "Well, there's been something I've been meaning to bring up for a while now, but we've just been a bit too busy, what with the Creed's big heist, my returning to the club scene, it has just not seemed the right time until now."


Dan slid out of the booth, and brought out the object he had been hiding for a while now, which was actually the case of an ornate diamond studded ring, and asked, "Florence, will you do me the honor of marrying me?"




Kendrik shook his head, a wide grin on his face, and said, "A great idea, but perhaps you should notify us before doing so. Here, why don't I help you?" He knew that Steven was already old, though his heritage wasn't focused on frying eggs or making pancakes. However, the boy sure made one mean stir fry. He then added, "And perhaps afterward, I can show you my family recipe for jerk chicken, eh?" If there was one food that Kendrik knew how to make better than any others, it was his great-grandmother's jerk chicken recipe, which had been passed down from generation to generation orally, never writing it down. Kendrik figured that Steven was old enough now, usually it was introduced on their 15th birthday, but the boy needed time to adjust first.


Kendrik turned to Tawni and said, "I can handle this one, why don't you go relax until we have breakfast ready?"

Edited by IceFyr1928

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[Thanks! :3]


Florence was nibbling on a piece of fish, humming as the taste of it flooded her mouth and made her purr. This place was very fancy, but Dan always took her places like this for anniversary... She would be angry if he took her to McDonald's or something. Something told her that he took her here to hint at her assassin origins. She was the descendant of Ezio Auditore Da Firenze, but the bloodline after the seventeenth century split into two directions. She was not pure enough to be put in the Animus, and looked at her genes... Suddenly, Dan spoke up, and she looked up at him. He was meaning to ask her something, and she tipped her head to the side. She was wearing a black dress that went to the middle of her thighs, and silver jewelry. Her fingernails were painted pink, to match her pink lipstick. Dan went onto his knees, and her eyes filled up with tears. She went onto her knees and whispered, "Yes". She wrapped her arms around him, and tucked her face against his chest. It was a happy ending after all.

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