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Shadows: Whisper | Assassin's Creed

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Jani wanted to do something to help Lucy. Hug her, help her, something. Her stares only made her more and more guilty. She stood. "I'll provide sniper cover, even if I can't fight, I can do that. I'm not gonna sit around and do nothing." This was her family, her dysfunctional, crazy family. If they needed her to do something, then she wouldn't still and let this opportunity to help pass her by.


Cheshire swaggered in and patted the annoyed Lucy on the head. "Now, now dear, no need to be a green eyed monster... aren't you guys normally happy about this sort of thing. Taking revenge on Abstergo, having children..."


[Got to go to work...]

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Mari looked up at Jani. "I can fight with my sword... I'm fast enough to protect myself, so I think I'll be fine..." Her voice was a whisper, nearly silent. Nearly disappearing into the wind. Into air. The existence of her words would be easily overlooked, for her backbone had gone, shriveled up and died. Or perhaps she'd just left it in the kitchen, where Lucy couldn't see her. And clenched a fist as Cheshire spoke to Lucy. The ex-Abstergo agent called her a name that aptly described her. Green-eyed monster. "Lucy... I..." She was struggling to regain her voice. "I know it's hard to lose a kid. Okay? I get it. You hate me because my husband took her away from you. You can hate me. I..." She paused to take a breath. What was that feeling? A dizziness? Shaking? Both? But also much more... "I would probably do the same thing if I were you. And I think... You have every right to feel that way you do. But..." She was visibly shaking at that point. But she didn't want help. She didn't want support. She didn't want anything but to tell Lucy how she felt, because the ex-Mentor wasn't holding any of her feelings back. "But I want you to know that I'm not gonna be afraid of you anymore. You said that I was a good master a while ago. And I am. I am the only one in this room that can use a sword with any skill at all. I'm an asset and we both know it. So stop treating me and Jani like censorkip.gif. Unless we can all get our feelings out, this isn't going to work."

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Lucy glowered into the distance in silence, this time not sitting next to Vincent but more or less isolating herself from him. She twisted the ring that she had on her finger, and glowered some more. The topic was the damn attack again, and she was extremely bored. She already knew what the hell would happen. Looking at the floor just in time for Cheshire to come by and pat her on the head, she glanced up at him and heaved a sigh. It was then that Mari started to say that she wasn't afraid of her anymore, and she sat up abruptly. "It isn't as if I'm angry at you. I'm just sad. Very sad. I see you and Jani having a baby, and he," she pointed at Kory, who choked on his hot chocolate. "Took it away from me!" she looked back at what was left of the Creed, and scowled angrily. But not at them. At herself. "... I will be the first on the front lines. At least, if I die, I did actually doing something for the Brotherhood." Lucy glowered at everyone again and sighed. "I'll be in the bedroom." Lucy snapped, walking into the bedroom. It was plush and comfy, the bed... She flopped onto the bed.

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[if Tawni's staying in Michigan, so's Kendrik. That's just the way he rolls.]


Dan walked out of the small room that he was sharing with Florence, a mug of coffee in hand. A sleepy look was on his face, and his hair was skewed at a comical angle. He shuffled into the main room, and took a seat on the couch. He sipped at his coffee, and took a deep breath. It felt good to be back in the creed setting, with everyone that he knew back around him. Another good thing was that now that he was here with Lucy, he had resumed his training. Which was good. No more YouTube videos on Chrome's incognito mode. Plus a nearly uncrackable firewall that he had programmed. It kept the Feds out of his business, along with viruses.


However, the harming words soon began falling, which woke Dan up more than the coffee. He slowly retreated to the back door, where he stepped outside . It was not pretty in there. It may have been cold, but Dan was used to it. Growing up in Washington was a good way to get so.

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[Woah. No more Chrome Youtube Videos in incognito mode for Dan?



You know, I think we should have skipped to the actual mission since no one has any more ideas... :<]

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[secret squirrel stuff. That's what.


Mainly just videos on stuff that an assassin mentor would go over. Like different ways to kill people with weapons. Or without. Mainly in Russian. I doubt such videos actually exist, but it's fiction, right?]

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Jeez... Freakin' socks kept riding down. So annoying. It was, like, every five seconds, she had to pull them up. Why wouldn't they just stay up for a mission? But no! They had to annoy her as she and some others trekking along to their probable dooms. But Lily kept pulling her socks up until she pursed her lips and decided to ignore the slightly uncomfortable feeling of them halfway on and halfway off her feet. It wasn't a life-or-death issue, so she figured it'd just have to do. She had her trusty pistol at her hip and a bigger gun strapped around her shoulders. She didn't remember what it was called. She'd been a good soldier overseas, but memorizing the names of guns wasn't really her thing. It was more about using it to kill the enemy before they could strike. So the blonde cracking her knuckles and put her hair up into a ponytail to waste time. Despite all that was riding on the success of the mission, she was bored as hell.

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Lucy was standing on a rooftop, holding a grappling gun in her arms. Kory was there along with Vincent and Jani. There were no threats on this side of the floor, so they could go and slide in. Nodding, she hung on to the gun and shot- the claw burst through the window and clung to the floor inside of the place. She gave it a few yanks and glanced up, nodding. Yes, this was good enough. Kory handed her a rope and she tossed it over the wire, gripping it tightly and jumping off the building. She slid slowly, ever so slowly down to the building's sixteenth floor. The POEs were supposed to be on the top, the twenty eighth, floor. They had twelve floors to navigate through before they could finish their mission. Lucy landed on the floor, checking if her listening device was still there behind her ear, and if her plant bombs as well. They would be used to destroy the pieces of Eden, and they had a set amount of time to get well away from the building. Kory said five minutes. If they full out ran down the stairs, it would suffice. She glanced up and waited for the others with her hands on her hips. They didn't have all day, you know.

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Jani armed her gun, checking the number of bullets she had and laying them carefully beside it. She had enough, she hoped, to take out any guards standing in the way. She didn't know how she felt about blowing up the artifacts. Denver wasn't exactly the most pleasant place now. If they didn't blow them up, then it wouldn't work. They'd be playing hide and seek with the bully on the playground. Plus, that bully had big, big guns. He needed to be taken down a peg anyway. "I'm all set up here. Provided nothing catastrophic happens, I think I can stop most threats. There are some blind spots, but it's less than other spots."



Cheshire admired Lucy's attitude. "All ready to go already? Hah! I like you guys already. All rough and tumble, no philosophy, just action. Just say the word and I'll head out with you guys." She adjusted her mask, mentally took inventory of her weapons, and ran over the building schematics in her head.



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Cracking his neck slightly, the bag on his back filled with all sorts of tech equipment intended for breaking into just about any computer system or electronic keypad lock. His mission was to be the assassin's eyes and ears in the building, along with Florence.


He clicked the first round into his .45, the same gun that had gotten him into the creed, and said, "All ready to move out here."




Kendrik, however, was not at the scene. He was still in Michigan. His work with Tawni was much more fun than any cave diving, though he didn't really say it. They had come far, almost to the point of completion, though that was still a ways off. According to Tawni, while it still visited ancestral memories, it was only select scenes, and it felt more like you were playing a third person RPG. Kendrik had yet to try it, Tawni said that since he wasn't used to the original machine, their prototype would most likely do him more harm than good. This was alright with him, as the only interesting ancestor that he knew of was an old swashbuckler some ten generations back. He was the only assassin in his family line as far as he knew.


He was jerked from memories as the coffee machine announced that it was finished, and Kendrik filled up two mugs, one for Tawni once she woke up.

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Florence had a simple gun with her, and she cocked it, making sure that she had reloaded it properly. She kept he eyes locked on the sleek Desert Eagle, running a hand over its length and smirking. Vincent had taught her how to properly shoot a gun and how to get through the fact of actually dealing with recoil and loss of ammunition. She heard Dan's voice on her earphone, even though he was right next to her. And then she heard Lucy respond.


"Good. Go and do what you were told to do. After this, you might get a reward."


The static was a little difficult to hear through, but she understood the basic message. Glancing up at Dan, she nodded and began to skirt the hallways. Here, there were said to be security, but she didn't mind. They were prepared. Sniffing, she walked toward the camera room and creaked open the door. There were two men there, staring at the cameras. Thankfully, they had avoided detection. Raising her arm, she fiddled with her hidden blade and aimed at one of the men's neck. Shooting a poison dart, the man reacted and fell limp as soon as she shot the other man's neck. Soon they had two dead bodies all over the keyboards. "This thing is pretty nifty!" Florence grinned broadly and approached the camera controls. Apparently, from here could could control elevator movements and everything... She sat down, looking all over for the assassins, but there were none yet. "We have breached the control room." Florence said, pressing her finger to her ear.


"Good. Tell us if there's anything in our way. And Dan, see if you can stop the signals coming from the Pieces."


It was highly unlikely, since they were in their own chamber. But Dan could try. Florence glanced up at him and grinned.

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[On break]


Tawni was grateful for Kendrik's help. Progess would be significantly slower if he wasn't. Michigan was nice, it was fairly quiet in terms of activity. As she worked on the Animus, she knew she couldn't let Kendrik test it. Too many risks. She almost decided against getting up, but she smelled coffee.

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Dan moved silently, a killer from the shadows. He and Florence made it to the camera control room easily enough, and while Florence took out the operators, Dan took out a flash drive from his pack. He plugged it into the main console, and waited. Mere moments later, all of the screens went blue, though it was only for a few seconds as white text flowed through them. Then the cameras were up again, although none of what the cameras were capturing were being recorded. He then took out his laptop, a soiled up Alienware made specifically for hacking and espionage, and plugged it into the building's main system via a cord jack. The computer screen flooded with text as the monitors had before, though to Dan they told two completely different stories. He then began typing commands into the computer, and he was met with the dreaded password screen. He pressed a few keys, which opened his personally programmed password hacker. Five minutes later, and he was in the building's mainframe.


"I'm in. Shutting down all surveillance to the Pieces of Eden." he said into the earpiece. A few keystrokes later, and he added, "You're good to go."


He then took to watching the cameras, noting that there were guards around where the AoE's were. They would die, and thanks to Dan all alarm systems were shut down, all the way to the emergency exits on the main floor. He cracked his knuckles, and said to Florence, "I love my job."

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Florence looked at Dan and grinned softly. She felt like kissing him and leaping onto his lap, but after the Brotherhood got together, she would have a lot of time doing that. Speaking of which... They didn't consummate yet. And that kind of bothered her. She would do so when they had more time. "And I love you." Florence said, looking back at him from staring at the television screens for. "And I love this job too."



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[i was going to give the others a chance to move in first, but I can post if needed.]

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(Deleted and reinstalled Chrome. I forgot that this wasn't a bookmark anymore...)


Mari was part of the security detail. Her sword wouldn't be of much help in destroying most of the Pieces, so she tagged along with the group, keen eyes making sure the shadows weren't moving. It seemed to her that no one was coming. This caused her focus to wander to what was going on within her own group. She was a shadow behind the couple, but she could hear every word. It bothered her how in love they were. How easy their lives seemed. Although each of them had their own troubles and challenges, it sometimes seemed that everyone was perfect and unflawed. She hated the feeling of being singled out and lonely. So she tried to block them out. Staring at her own reflection in the sword, she closed her eyes, trying to block her feelings out too. But when she opened her eyes, tears were already flowing out. They dropped onto her sword in a melancholy procession and she wiped her eyes stubbornly. Stupid hormones. Making her feel stupid things that she didn't want to feel anymore. So she clenched her jaw and took as deep a breath as she could while still remaining quiet and told herself that she had it in her hand. All she had to do was say something. It was all up to her. She was the source of her own suffering. And somehow that made it better...

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Tawni, now awake and almost ready for the new day, wheeled into the kitchen. "Mornin'," She said sleepily. "Coffee ready yet?" Of course it was! It was sitting right there in his hand. Although she never brought drinks or food into the place where she worked on the Animus, she felt like she was getting close to solving it.


Jani readied her rifle, watching Lucy's progress through the base. At most, she'd see glimpses of the Mentor, but thankfully, there were enough windows to see into the building with ease. Templars sure liked windows...


((On break))

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Lily didn't really know where they were exactly. She wasn't good with directions. Or maps. Or anything. She couldn't tell left from right without using her hands as guides. It was really pathetic. But hey! It wasn't her fault that her brain refused to process things right. But they marched along at a jolly good pace and she counted the steps in threes. One, two, three. One, two, three. One, three - uh! That wasn't right. One, two...what? Ah, whatever! The gun was starting to weigh down heavily on her shoulders and she began to grow weary. But then they turned a corner and... Holy censorkip.gif! There's they were! The real deal! The things that'd been causing them so much misery. She wanted to destroy them right them, but because she was the first to reach the room, she'd have to wait for the rest. "Guys," she whispered. "Here they are. The real...the real torture machines..."

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Lucy walked with Lily, the rest of the participating assassins walking in line. Parker was panting at the brisk pace, and Lucy couldn't help but laugh. Someone was out of shape... She touched her hair, and looked up at the ceiling. Would this really work? Would they actually win this fight once and for all? Suddenly, they turned a corner and Lily started to whisper. Yes... A warm golden glow touched her face, and she nodded. "Put the bombs."

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