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Shadows: Whisper | Assassin's Creed

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[On break.]


Jani tried to smile, but inside, she was terrified. What if Parker asked? She hoped that her parents, ever the 'pure' people, they would be so upset. "I'm so happy for you guys..."

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((What did Lily do to Lucy? Whuh?))


Sam raised her eyebrows as Kory said he was going to be a father. "Bro!" She said as she hugged him. "I'm happy for 'ya! I never did think you'd settle down and have a family. Glad you finally got one!"

Vincent smiled at his friend. "Good job, mate." He was a little jealous that they were having a child, but not, because of the circumstances. "You'll make a great father."

Sam pulled way from her hug but looked up at Kory, who was taller. "You should call mom. I know you don't want to, but you should, when we have a down moment, you know?"


((Short, probably the only one I'm getting in for the next two weeks. Unless I slide in one more before I sleep.))

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[The announcement of the pregnancy affected Lucy. ^^]


Kory straightened at all of the attention and grinned. "Thank you." Kory said, looking down at his sister and smiling. "I'll call mom and dad later."

"Excuse me," Lucy suddenly burst out shakily, staggering to her feet and stumbling blindly to the bathroom. Kory couldn't see her expression, but he suddenly felt very guilty.

Parker looked at Jani and snaked an arm around her waist again. " We'll be like that one day, right?" he said cheerfully, kissing her on the cheek.



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((Oh, I missed that line. I got it now.))


"Great." Sam said, smiling. She was gonna have a nephew!

Vincent turned when Lucy burst out. He walked after her and knocked on the door, concern in his voice. "Loos? You alright in there?" He could guess what this was about. She was jealous. Jealous of Mari's baby after trying for so long to have their own...


((Good night everyone. Sleep well. This is the last post I can do because I have to wake up early-ish tomorrow. Have fun while I'm gone.

Moose you can control Sam if need be.

TMD, you can control Vince and Biscuit (whom I haven't placed...) if need be.


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"Yeah..." Jani trailed off, somewhat guilty and embarrassed. She felt huge, like her pregnancy was painfully obvious to everyone but they were simply ignoring it. "Wish we could be married like them, they must've had a great wedding..." She folded her arms under her armpits to hide the fact that they were shaking. Her parents would be upset. Not only upset, but so mad that the only hope that they wouldn't disown her would be to get married soon. She was just going to fail another family member then... Parker wasn't exactly the marrying type. "I'm going to check on Lucy and Vincent..." She mumbled, walking off.


Cheshire was amused. "So much drama! It's so thick I could cut it with a butter knife! Hahaha!" She nearly fell off her chair as she laughed. "My congradulations to the happy couple anyway! Hope your child isn't nearly as much drama queens as you are!"



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Kory was expecting happiness, but all that came was drama. Lucy got up, a pale shade of green on her face, and excused herself as if she was choking on bile. Then Vincent got up, and trailed after the Mentor. Then Jani... God. He shouldn't have been saying that. He should have waited, but if he did, Mari would be in more danger than she was now. No one would know she was pregnant, and thus take better care than her. Kory got up and went behind the couch, pulling out a black case that was sealed from three different locks. Luckily, they were combinations, so Kory immediately went to work at unlocking them. Within a few minutes, the case cracked open and he looked up at Cheshire. "Thank you." he said with a smile. "But there are more important matters at our hands." he looked back down at the case. It was filled with two dozen bean shaped devices. "At the airport, I took this from the security desk. Here are... Well, commnunicating devices. You put them behind your ear and you could hear and speak to anyone else that is wearing them. We'll be using this in our mission." He looked back up at Cheshire. "We will trust Cheshire here to tell us where the Apple, the Sword, and the Skulls are. When that is settled, we decide who goes where." he crossed his arms and looked at everyone. "Obviously, the main Abstergo base is in New York. The snipers should position themselves accordingly to the mission. They will take out any opposing forces ahead of the foot assassins, the ones who will actually be in the main mission and take the Apple and Sword and Skulls and destroy them. They must be of strong will, because these are very strong and dangerous artifacts. Then are the camera crew; I think they should be our apprentices. They will infiltrate the camera room and keep watch of all that is happening." Kory looked up. "Is that good?"

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[i don't think that meeting is complete. I just remembered that you're missing someone.]


Kyoko sighed as the cab finally pulled up to the largish house, and she quickly paid him. She trudged over to the house, Christ it was cold, and stopped on the porch. She gave a loud knock, hit the doorbell, knocked once, then three times, then once again. They had set up that little code system a while ago, before the attack, for emergencies like this one. She noted the excited shouting within, and was crestfallen to know that she was most likely late. No, there was no way she wasn't late. It pissed her off.




Dan stared up at the celing, his black Galaxy in his lap. The recliner was quite comfortable, though it didn't contain his anxiety. He had already sent three messages to Lucy, along with trying to call her, though nothing seemed to work.


her phone must be dead. Or she's just really busy. he thought. Of course the sadistic side of him, honed from being an assassin, added, Or she's dead.


He hoped that wasn't the case. It was quite difficult to support two people when you don't have a source of income. They needed to get back to the Brotherhood before Dan was caught. Thievery wasn't difficult in any way, especially when he was the technical whiz that he was, but he was bound to be found one of these days. He looked back at the android, hoping to see some sign, but to no avail.




Kendrik finished wiping down Tawni, and replied, "Actually, I've been around. Spelunking is quite an interesting pastime. Although, it has gotten slightly redundant. The lava tubes here are just about the same as the ones in Maui. Perhaps I can assist you with that 'Animus' thing you were talking about?"


He had no idea about the Animus project, nor what it was intended to do, so he didn't stop to think that he might not be able to assist Tawni. He was resolved to do wherever he could, though, even if it ended up being nothing but a guinea pig.

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Florence was brushing her fingers through her hair in the living room. She was watching a normal crime drama, and Dan was on the recliner with his Galaxy phone on his lap, taking her place on his comfortable lap. She looked back at the man and got to her feet, taking his phone and plopping straight in his lap. She knew that he was stressed, she knew that he didn't feel like fooling around, but it was her job to make him feel satisfied in this time of struggle. Florence looked at him and tipped her head to the side. "I know that you're worried about Lucy, Dan. But she's a strong woman. She'll pick up the phone in a while, or text you back." she kept the phone in her hands as she kissed him, and about a minute into the kiss the phone vibrated. Perking, she looked at the screen and blinked.


From Lucy,


Meet us in the Alps in Switzerland. Use your Eagle Sense.


- Lucy


Florence looked at Dan and showed him the text. "Your mentor."

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"Well, as long as you have a plan..." Cheshire said, holding her cocoa. Well... she hadn't thought this through. Can't exactly drink through a mask can you? She thought to herself. Then the knocking came and the cocoa was down on the table so fast that liquid spilled out. Her gun was aimed at the door, finger on the trigger. "Who's there?" She asked, her tone lighthearted as though it was just a great big knock-knock joke. "You'd better answer before you get a face full of bullets." She said, glaring under her mask. "Try and aim to make it funny." She turned to the other assassins. "Someone didn't tell me we would have more guests... then again, I wasn't exactly invited either..." She let the thought trail off menacingly.

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Dan grinned at Florence, who had taken a seat on his lap, and kissed back when she leaned in. However, the moment was interrupted when his phone buzzed, Florence breaking the kiss to take a look. As she had predicted, it was Lucy, who said to meet them in Swizerland. He smiled, and said, "Well, I was actually looking forward to a vacation. What about you?"


[off to dinner.]

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Tawni thought for a moment."Yeah, I suppose so. I need someone to grab tools when I can't. Not hard work, but I'll try and experiment on myself more than you." She said as she started inching down the street. "That was a joke. I don't experiment on people when it could lead to permanent disability. Most common is paralysis. Lucky for me, I might not have to worry about that." Tawni cursed herself for rambling again. "Sorry, you said you went spelunking. I didn't know there were lava tubes here." She sounded like an idiot, rambling on and on like an excited toddler. She shook her head. Must be the isolation getting to her brain or something. There was suddenly so much she wanted to say, but she really needed to keep her mouth shut.


[Forgot about Tawni and Kendrick]

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[shore thing, I just think it should wait for a bit, as Kyoko has yet to actually get inside.]


Kyoko slid off to the side of the doorframe, and silently cursed. She was here?!? Kyoko drew a pistol, and angrily shouted through the door, "Hey, Vince, do you think you could tell the double-crossing censorkip.gif* to stand down?!?"


She had been in the Creed for a few months before Cheshire left, and they had actually gotten along back then. Something had happened, though, and Cheshire bailed. Kyoko had always insisted on calling the slightly older ex-assassin "Kitty" due to her nickname, but the words felt like a kind of curse nowadays. However, it was all she had that Cheshire might remember her by, so she added in a slightly less angered voice, "Don't tell me you've forgotten me already, Kitty."




Kendrik grinned, and fell in step(?) with Tawni as she began continuing on. He was glad that he could do something that didn't include sitting around playing MMORPGs all day.


"Yes," Kendrik replied, "The lava tubes are a ways off, but still quite extensive. It is reminiscent of those back home in Kingston." He had been fascinated with the smooth, long tunnels during his childhood, which was most likely why he got into spelunking later on. As they continued on, Kendrik asked, "So, what is the Animus?"

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"Haha, ah Kyoko... didn't think you were gonna show up here. Besides, it was nothing personal, just testing my skills. Pity that the others didn't measure up. I aimed to wound them..." Cheshire said, putting away her gun and adjusting her mask so that she could drink her cocoa. "Plus, as an added bonus, I'm triple timing Abstergo. Ah, to see the smug looks on their faces and then have them turn to horror in one fell swoop..."



"The Animus allows you to visit ancestral memories. Like for example, I could visit a girl called Lucia and relive her life. It's a perfect simulation, hooked into every nerve. I've been jury rigging one since two years ago. So far, you can only visit memories of the person using it. Going into primal DNA causes a short in the brain." Tawni said as she moved down the street. She shook her head. "Two years... I can't believe Rebecca managed to make one at all..."



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[unless someone else is showing up, we'd only be skipping a few posts.]

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[Oh, I thought you meant skipping to once Kyoko was inside planning... XP Yeah, I believe a good skip is in order.]

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Perhaps a couple months...? Longer? Mari wasn't exactly sure about time anymore, but she most definitely felt swollen. She didn't feel super large, but the blue-haired woman (whose natural hair color was showing again due to the fact that she wasn't allow to redye her hair for the sake of the child) felt slightly uncomfortable with the circumstances. So many people... Their lives were dangling on threads, all intertwined and tangled. Old animosity was likely to resurface. Survival was not as definite as the assassin hoped. It just...wasn't... It wasn't a world... It wasn't something she wanted to get caught up in. Her honeymoon had quickly turned into an assassin family reunion. And maybe that wasn't what she wanted... But... She couldn't even decipher her own thoughts anymore. Nothing was simple. Lucy's face... It still haunted her. That look of disapproval. It made her sad inside. And everyone was there. In Switzerland. She didn't know how she felt about that. Mari didn't know anything anymore. She found she didn't like that as she prepared hot chocolate for everyone present.

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The smell of hot chocolate made his mouth water as Kory went into the kitchen. There was his slightly swollen wife, with child, preparing the hot chocolate for the guests. He felt like he had gouged them full with the sweet drink, but it was warm and tasty. He could make coffee as well... But hot chocolate was ten times better! He snaked a hand around her form, and rested a hand on her belly quickly. "They will be a great assassin, Mari." he said with a peck to her cheek. "Now, come and let us discuss with the guests. They have come a long way, you know." He paused. "And ignore Lucy. She might be very snaky toward you from now on. I despise what I have done, but that does not mean that she is able to give people the evil eye."



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Mari looked down. "I'm weaker now... Just telling myself that it's okay doesn't solve anything anymore... I'm a different person and I can't deal with that. I can't do this anymore. Come to think of it...I can't do anything anymore. Can't lift such and such thing. Can't say anything without people thinking I'm weak. And all I want to do now is to go out in the snow and call all the Abstergo to this place so I can fight them. I miss my old life. I miss New York. I miss the way things used to be. And I'd trade places with Lucy! I'd gladly trade my situation for hers. But that's not how life works..." She started towards the room where the greater concentration of people were gathered. "Stop pretending that just words can console me. They never have. I hate condescending people, Kory. I grew up a rich kids with people talking down to me all the time. I'm tired of all of it. All this bull****. I'll be nice and smile when other people are watching, but I just need you to leave me alone. I'm better off that way. I see that now."

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Jani felt... huge. There was almost no hiding it now, she was pregnant and Parker knew it. She'd had this talk about a month ago, and awkwardly explained how angry her parents would be. Mostly because they'd never met Parker and this alone made her the devil child. Ah, to be a fickle parent... in not too long, she'd be a parent too. It was a weird feeling. Right between happiness and sadness. She also knew how Lucy felt. Before she lost her child, that is. She couldn't imagine having that taken away from you.



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Parker, Florence, and Lucy were in the living room at the time. Parker was looking really happy, since he had found out that he was going to be a father. He sat close to his lover, and kept on sneaking glances at her swollen stomach. He wasn't going to say anything, it was already obvious that she was pregnant. Raising his eyes to the rest of the guests, he could see that Lucy was very, very steamed. It was as if she was cursing all of them who were pregnant or going to be fathers. Well, that wasn't right. She wasn't careful enough to protect herself and her stomach.

Mari came out, irritated. She had hot cocoa, and he licked his lips. Kory followed.

"So, does anyone not approve of my plan, and wish to state theirs?"


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Mari sat down and placed the tray down on a coffee table. She was silent. She envied Lucy's flat stomach and Parker's happiness. And she felt as if she needed to cry, vomit, and punch someone all at the same time. It left the bitter taste of bile and rotting friendships in her mouth. The woman took a sip of her hot cocoa in an attempt to get rid of it, but she still felt the weight of guilt weighing heavy on her shoulders. If only... If only Lucy's child had survived... The atmosphere would have been happy. Everyone would have been popping bottles of sparkling apple cider in place of the champagne the pregnant women wouldn't have been able to drink. But no. The girl was dead and so was Lucy's sympathy for she and Jani. As much as she wanted to ignore it, the fact was there. Good thing my parents are getting richer and richer. What are they...? In the billions? Close to trillions at this rate... But I won't let them know. It's only for me. I'm the only one who can afford to pay major expenses, so there's not use in letting the others know... But sometimes... Sometimes I wish I'd stayed. I'd have married someone who was also rich and we could live our rich lives together without all this violence of hostility. But I also love all these people. I love them all so much that I can't imagine anything different, even with all the setbacks and annoyances. They're family now, too...

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