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Shadows: Whisper | Assassin's Creed

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[sure, but I'm on break...]


Jani hadn't been in a plane before. She also decided against having a window seat, as if it wasn't obvious. They finally arrived in Switzerland, though. It was as cold to be expected, and Jani just stared at the different signs. Some had arrows as if to try and aid tourists, but some could point to Narnia and shw'd never know.

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(Translation: Yeah, mkay.)


Lily really hated planes. Not for the long lines or the annoying ringing in the ears, but because one her first plane ride for recreation, some censorkip.gif*** TSA goon patted her down with that stupid smug smile and she'd held a grudge ever since. But, luckily, the plane bit was over. They were in the Alps with their stuff and one cabin stood out amongst the blankness of their surroundings. And the blonde started to run. She ran and ran until she got to the door. Panting, she slammed her shoulder against the door softly thrice because her hands were on her knees. She was exhausted from running in the snow with her luggage. When the blue-haired woman answered the door, Lily nearly fell onto her because she had been leaning on the door. Without either of them saying a word, Mari took in Lily's things and the chilly ex-assassin dragged herself along after. She hoped that Kory would give Sam a hand. Lily flopped down on an armchair and sighed. "How are you? Good, I hope, 'cause I'm tired, starving, and cold." She grinned as she looked around. "Did y'all miss me?"

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Sam saw the cabin too, but didn't run. They were both tired but Sam didn't have the training or conditioning Lily did, even if boot camp had been years ago. She trudged along as fast as he legs would carry her and knocked on the door, shivering. Someone needed to open the Hell up in the next minute or she was breaking in a window.




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Parker was smiling as they walked around Switzerland. The people spoke Italian, German, and he swore that he heard a couple speak Latin. He thought that was a dead language, but maybe it was just weird French or something. He pulled aside a taxi, and soon they were at the cabin where they were supposed to meet. Parker rubbed the back of his head and fixed his somewhat long beard. He saw Sam there, and smiled. But before he could speak to her, Kory opened the door and looked at his sister. He greeted her and went to take her luggaw, but then he saw Parker. "Oh, hello. Come in, come in. I made some hot cocoa."

"Kory seems to like cocoa." Lucy's voice sounded from inside.

"That would be nice." Parker smiled and walked inside.

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(Hold on... Isn't Parker brainwashed? And Jani too? If they are a part of it (assuming they are brainwashed), the whole point of the rebuild is moot.)

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[They aren't anymore. Jani was never brainwashed, and Parker's wore off some how.]

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Kendrik grinned broadly. It had been ages since he had seen anyone from the Brotherhood! The fact that he hadn't thought to get any contact information from any of them had assisted this, but he disregarded it.


"It is good to see you again!" he replied, and dug into his pocket for the war of paper napkins the coffee shop waiter had handed him. He handed these over, and continued, "Why would I do dat? You have not been doing anyting wrong, have you? But hey, even if you have, it doesn't matter. We're the scourge of de eart, remember?" He laghed at his own joke, which wasn't really that funny. He just wanted to try and ease the tension that hardened Tawni's muscles.

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Jani was quiet the whole ride over. Parker was having so much fun, but it was... overwhelming. All of the new noises, and not to mention the new smells. It was so crazy that she nearly missed it when they arrived. The door opened to a surge of warmth and familiarity, as well as the family she thought was gone. She smiled, "I'd love to have some cocoa..."


Cheshire reclined on her driver's seat in the taxi. Ah, the fools who had no clue of what would happen next... should she walk in now, or later? Now, for sure. She slipped on her mask and uniform and marched up to the cabin. "Awww.... look at the assassin family reunion. It's so cute. However, I really shouldn't intrude, except that I'd like to join in. Got any cocoa left over for a new ally?"


Tawni looked away at his 'scourge of the earth' comment. "This is going to sound embarrassing, but could you sop up the coffee up? I don't exactly have any free hands. That molten liquid made my crutches slippery, and I can't let go of them." Napkins? Really? Then again, they were standing in the middle of the street and what else was he supposed to use? A towel? In the cold air, the coffee wasn't even that hot. It was just residual burning sensations.


[ugh... more burnt out than I thought I was from work.]

Edited by RainDash

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(Okay... Then what's the story with Tawni? Wasn't she looking into the animus or something?)

(And how could Chesire just know that the assassins were getting together? And you can't just march into a locked building... Is she gonna join the assassins or...? I obviously haven't been paying much attention, so sorry for the stupid questions.)

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Sam stumbled in and staggered into a chair. "What, you've never heard of picking people up from the airport? Maybe getting a chauffeur with snow mobiles? Is that do hard?" He kicked off her boots and tore off her jacket, and gratefully took a cup of cocoa.

Vincent smiled. "We're all here. Well-" He paused when Chesire walked in. "You. You're the one who was at the Creed's fall! You were the one who used Florence as a human shield. Give me one reason I should put a bullet in your head?" He stood up and fondled the handle of his uzi on his hip. He was among allies and friends, but they never knew. This was a good example of good planning.


((The reason I hadn't posted yet was because I was unsure what to say. But I think this'll move things along if you excuse my length.))

Edited by Dusset

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[Tawni's obsessed with building an animus since she doesn't have access to one on her own. So far, she's failed. She's not giving it up yet, and is in Minnesota hiding from the cops as she's been breaking to law by stealing from gangsters and stuff.

Chesire was the driver of Parker and Jani, and she just followed them inside.

No prob, I'd probably ask the same if stuff like this happened and I wasn't paying attention Mousey.]


"I've been for hire since I quit the Assassins. Somebody just hired me." She reached over to Jani's head and patted it. "This one's sister I believe. A sort of... 'I'm sorry' gift." She then moved over to a free chair and sat down. She took off her gloves and shook the snow out of her hair. She crossed her legs and leaned back, completely relaxed. On the outside, at least. She was tense, waiting for someone to snap and make a bad move. "So, let's get this started!" She laughed, "that is, if you're brave enough to trust the hired assassin!" She adjusted her mask, hoping it wouldn't fall off. It would be irritating if she showed her real face to a group of strangers. Most of all, angry strangers. "Your move."

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[Everyone up to date? ;3]


Lucy was sitting next to Vincent, her hand on his as they sat around and began to discuss. It was then that Jani and Parker walked in, and then someone else... Cheshire... She perked and looked up at Vincent, frowning deeply. Yes. Yes, she remembered being told about it... Florence was held as a human shield in front of her. He was a very upset man. She took his hand away from his Uzi and shook her head. Even then, she remained silent. Kory walked up to Cheshire and frowned, handing her a cup of cocoa, along with Jani and Parker. "We need all of the allies we can get." Kory told everyone. "Even if they used to be a Templar."



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((I am, at least.))


Vincent conceded with the gun when Lucy moved his hand but he was still angry. "I don't care if she was a Templar, I care if she blatantly endangered my apprentice's life to save her sorry ass!" Vincent argued. "That's the only thing I give half a rat's ass about right now." He grimaced at her. He could tell she had a smug look behind her mask. She was enjoying this. He just knew it. But blood was notoriously hard to clean up and dumping bodies always left some kind of evidence, even when assassins did it. HE glanced around at everyone else and no one but him seemed to care. He felt silly standing up alone on the subject and he sat back down.

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"It was nothing personal. As to the whole apprentice thing, may I ask how loyal you think Florence is? I was within minutes of letting her escape without further bloodshed. We used to be friends you know... a shame. And if you doubt my loyalty, Tawni's got a stupid GPS on me. Who puts a cat on a leash anyway?" Cheshire said, relaxing a little.



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Vincent just shut his trap and moved on. He couldn't stand her. It had been along time since he'd been particularly angry at anyone or anything and it was all kind of bubbling up now. "Anyways." He said sternly. "This is about as big as we should get. Maybe Tawni, if she wants to. But for the most part no one else." He paused a second and continued, "We're gonna need intelligence on what exactly Abstergo plans on doing. So we're gonna need someone to go in." He turned and looked at Chesire. "And look what's been dropped on our front porch. Beyond that, we need to make sure we stay safe. We'll have to put someone up on watch each night even if this is about as hidden as one can get anymore." He wasn't exactly a leader for them all, because he still held that Lucy was Mentor. But he knew some stuff. "Anyone got anything else we should think of?"

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Kendrik nodded, and began wiping off Tawni's shoulders. It didn't bug him that much, as he was one of those people that helped just about anyone that needed it, especially those handicapped. As he sopped up the remains of his coffee, Kendrik asked, "So, how have things been going?"


[Oh no! Short post!


Hey, TMD, whatever happened to Dan and Florence?]

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"Poorly. I've been working on an Animus, but so far it can only access the memories of the person using it. Nice for people who can't remember things, but not what I'm aiming for." Tawni explained. She mostly wanted someone to vent her frustrations to. Nothing was working and after all the money she had funneled into it, as well as all the blood sweat and tears, she might as well give up. However, she wanted to see them again. She wanted to see Lucia and Tano again. Lucia's story was just beginning, and she didn't have a chance to finish the horrible slavery part. There had to be an escape there, somewhere. Most of all, as Lucia, she could walk. She could run to places, she could run away from the present. Bleeding effect be censorkip.gif ed, she wanted to feel the grass on her feet again. "How's it been going on your end? Probably boring and not very much excitement." She mostly wanted to not talk about her animus anymore. IF she focused on it too hard then she'd just be stuck again.

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Mari tapped Kory's shoulder delicately. She knew that it was a bad time, but she didn't want to wait until the commotion was over. It was very possible that she would lose her nerve between those two points in time. She stood behind him, arms draped over his shoulders. Her chin was balanced on his shoulder and she watched the event from her position, even though she had to be on tip-toe to maintain the height needed to do such a thing. And she wanted to enjoy herself as much as she could in the grim time that would (could) only grow grimmer. Even the simple things - such as the embrace - would start to wither. Her computer mind recognized that. As it addressed the threat, she knew that it would be far for dangerous for her due to the pregnancy. Any number of pregnancy-related illnesses could strike her, as well as the simple fact that she would be responsible for keeping herself alive to sustain a small human which would make her far more vulnerable. However, her katana had a nice long reach, so it would most likely protect her well enough, as well as the gun at her hip, which would be good for an even longer range. Ah, yes, she would be very prepared. Very prepared indeed.

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Kory was watching quietly from the sidelines, sipping at his hot cocoa and actually enjoying seeing Vincent pissed off. The sweet and thick tang of the chocolate ran down his throat and made his belky warm. Yes, yes, there was nothing else but the hot co- suddenly, he felt someone tap his shoulder and looked to the side. There was his wife... And she was as stunning as ever. Grinning, he trned to her and cupped the nape of her neck with his hand. "What is it?" he asked, tipping his head to the side.


[short. At pool and running out of battery.]

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Mari smiled and looked at his hot cocoa. "Sorry to distract you from that," she said sarcastically with a faint look of sadness. She was just wasting time. Speaking of time... How long would it take for the others to notice. Assuming that her blabbermouth of a husband wouldn't say anything. But she wouldn't tell him to be quiet. He could make his own choices. They were partners and it wasn't her role to restrict him, no matter how much she wanted to. "But... I'm pregnant." She looked right at him, hoping that her face didn't betray her fear. Her heart wouldn't stop pumping and the sound rushed through her ears, muffling everything else. It was too soon to know the sex of the baby of anything like that, but that didn't matter. All that mattered was her guilt. A child brought into a warring world. What a bad time...


(Gotta go now.)

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[Zoo! <3]


Kory looked down at his hot cocoa and smirked, rubbing the back of his hand across his lips. The woman was going to tell him something, but what? Probably to tell him to stop drinking hot chocolate because he was going to get a stomach ache. But then then she said it. She was pregnant. Kory stood there, straight backed, and hot chocolate in his mouth. It burnt his tongue and he spat it out, making it splatter all over the carpet. Great... That was a very nice carpet, and he just ruined it. Glancing back up at Mari, he murmured out the word. "Pregnant..." he swallowed and looked away. "I'm going to have... Have children..?" he murmured out. "I'm... Going to be... A father? A daddy? A pa?" suddenly, a smile beamed across his face, and he leapt up. "I'm going to be a daddy! I'm going to be a daddy!" Parker and Lucy glanced up in alarm. Parker smiled, while Lucy just glowered.

"Congrats, buddy!" Parker said, walking over and giving the couple a hug.

"Thanks!" Kory bounced over to Sam and smiled in her face. "Guess what?! You're going to be an aunt! Everyone is gonna be aunts and uncles!"

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Lily looked up, smiling slightly. "'grats, jerkface," she joked. Mari just looked down and slipped into the kitchen. Without really thinking about it, she grabbed a container of blueberries and started eating them whilst staring off into space. It didn't seem real. And the look on Lucy's face made her upset about it. She didn't like pissing people off, and she'd done just that. To Lucy, the most powerful person in the room. Oh, spectacular. But she did know one thing... If anyone tried to harm the child, they'd be gone before too long. So she sat there, brainstorming scenarios. One shot to the hand, another to the chest? Three shots to the head? One slash down and another rot cross it? An 'X' on the back? Gruesome thoughts, but ones common for an assassin who enjoyed living. It was very important to stay updated with fighting and self-defense. Very important indeed.

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