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Shadows: Whisper | Assassin's Creed

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((Sure, but can you jump? I can't right now.))

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(I told you I was lazy and you still waited for me...)


Mari looked down. "Yeah... About that..." She looked down at the coffee on the floor. She really shouldn't have been drinking it, but it was so hard to leave it. Sure, she woke up on her own, but it was one last thing connecting her to her life before the collapse and it was hard for her sentimental self to let go of. "My...my time of the month didn't exactly happen and I didn't tell you and I was going to wait... I mean, I didn't want to make you unhappy..." She ran her feet over the floor, harassing a specific marble that had gotten there and had no meaning to her, but it caught her eyes and that was all she was looking at right then. She didn't want to look at anything else. She didn't want to think about the horrors their child could be born into. But at the same time, it could not be born at all. So many things could go wrong and her computer mind didn't like all the variables and possibilities, especially because it was more probable for the end result to be undesirable... "I'm sorry..."


Lily looked up from a Sudoku puzzle and nodded. "Yeah. I was watching TV, but they kept interrupting it with "breaking news" that was really just the same thing over and over, so I picked up this puzzle and started it 'cause I was bored. I suck at it. Haven't got a single number. I skipped the directions because I thought it'd be easy, but I have no clue on the answer to this damn thing." Throwing the booklet on the floor, she stood and grabbed a beer from the fridge, popping off the cap. "What else is new?" she asked as she took a swig. "I mean... We're kinda used to death and destruction, right? Besides, this is Abstergo. It had to happen sooner or later. We put off the solution, but now we've gotta act. Heard from people at your brother's wedding that they're in Switzerland now. Don't know about Lucy and Vincent. Haven't seen them in years. And everyone else seems to have dropped from the face of the earth. So yeah. That's what I know." She paused a while. "But...how was your day?"

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Wait... What? She's sterile? I didn't understand what she meant.

This is sad because I'm a girl...]

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(THANKS SO MUCH. xd.png)

(No. The opposite. She's just very uncomfortable because gender roles/stereotypes and stuff. Just a weirdo. Besides, the Cato genes of extreme fertility run through her veins. xd.png Just kidding. But seriously...)

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[Ah. Okay. ^^]


The woman walked up to the cabin in Switzerland. She had been searching for a while, a few hours actually. Lucy was thinking that they would have to rent a room at the hotel. Thankfully, they did not. She knocked on the basic door and a brunette male opened it up. He was a bit down, but he smiled at both of them. However, Lucy did not return his smile. She was a bit angry at what he had done. "Hello." he said.

"Hello, Kory." Lucy walked into the cabin. "... Ah. It's nice and cozy here."

"It is."

"You still trying with Mari?" Kory cringed at the question.

"She missed her monthly." he said, a bit more down. "I guess we have to wait until next month, right?"

"Keep on trying, McDoughy." Lucy patted his shoulder. "You'll be a great father."

"How are you guys doing with the baby stuff?"

Lucy shrugged. "Got it a few days ago."

"So you're trying hard, eh?"

Lucy's face fell. "Well, after the incident... We want to."

Kory couldn't meet her gaze. "... F-fine... I understand..." he didn't know what to say. "Did you head the news?"

"Yes. What are we to do?"


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Mari sat in a chair looking intently at the ground, thinking hard about nothing at all. Or it could have possibly been everything. All at once. One could never tell. Anyway... She was curled up with her knees to her chest and her arms wrapped around them. And she gripped and released her leg with one hand while she neck was craned, eyes wide open and intent on a spot on the floor that was just as normal as any other spot. She was barely aware that the others had entered. But she was aware. So, with a quiet, small voice, she spoke. "What are your new names? I'm thinking of calling myself Death and killing a ton of people on the street." She put together random thoughts from several different anime series and spoke them out loud, barely conscious of the fact that most would be unable to see her train of thought. A branch slapping against the window snapped her out of her daze. In fact, it made her jump so forcefully and so suddenly that she fell out of her chair and onto the ground. Scrambling to her feet, she looked around. "I was spacing... I mean, honestly, there's nothing to do here but you-know-what." And she tried to wink, but her joke wasn't even sincere. With all the boredom of her life in cabin and all the stress of the outside world, she was in the middle of a paradox that her brain just couldn't process. Sad, really.

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Kory walked over to Mari and set a hand on her shoulder. There was a frown on his face and he looked into her eyes. "This was supposed to be romantic," he really felt pity for his wife, and he was on the verge of insanity as well. "You know, one of those scenarios where all you do is cuddle and hug and kiss and be in bed all day. But now with this news, it's affected us a lot, you know."

"We were in Hawaii... When I found out it was like being in a box." Lucy admitted. Kory motioned for her to sit down. "The point is... How are we going to get through this?"

"Perhaps this is the end?" Kory admitted, sitting next to his wife and frowning deeply. "Perhaps this is how the Mayans made the world to end?"


"No, really. If the artifacts have such power, and are that old, maybe the Mayans saw the future and tried to hide them?"

Lucy looked at Kory. He was shuddering. "Maybe some coffee will do us right." she suggested.

Kory nodded stiffly and walked away. Lucy walked up to Mari and set a hand on her shoulder. "It gives me pleasure to find out that you two are married." Lucy admitted. "You were one of my best masters, in front of Kyoki. Tell me. You must love Kory a lot."

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((Wait... Are they all sad about the abstergo stuff? Is that why everyone is depressed?))

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Mari smiled weakly. "Yeah. He just snapped out the trance from Abstergo recently, so I've spent a good three or four years trying to snap him out of it. If that's any indication." She looked up at Lucy. "And now we're here and I'm just doing nothing in this cabin but worrying, sleeping, and worrying again. But at least we're all here. And if more assassins come we can maybe rebuild..." She looked around. "This place is a little dinky for a headquarters, but we've all been in worse. It could work..." Her heart flew with hope at the thought. They had their Mentor. Two masters. Kory. Lily and Sam would come if asked. Dan and Florence were reachable if necessary. Of perhaps they could even create a new brand of assassin. A new...elite group. Training would be harsher. Selection would be more particular. But they would be a band of legendary assassins, tightly bound by blood and sacrifice. Sounded like a good brochure. But she knew better than to push the idea right then. She could maybe ask about a reform, but she wasn't a leader anymore. She was just a woman. Just as normal as the rest of them. So her hope fell to the floor in pieces. She promised herself to say nothing.

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((Okay. Bit unsure...))


Vincent walked in after Lucy. They had a nice little cabin here. It was cozy. He shut the door and set down their bags. Oh, it was nice to be out of the snow. Keeping his coat on, he rubbed his hands together until he wasn't frozen. Irish blood wasn't good for anything unless you actually lived through the cold. He didn't. "Nice place, guys." He said idly. After removing his jacket, he said, jumping to the point, "You all know we need to act. We can't let abstergo get away with stuff like this." He chose to sit by the fire. "I was thinking Kory, you could call your sister. Bring those two up here too. Anyone know about any others? Have you guys heard from Tawni? She had an animus, I know. That would make her a target."


Lily sighed. "It was good. My boss got told off and all the employees just laughed." She said. She went and made herself a cup of coffee. She didn't really party and drink as heavily anymore. Something about settling down with a lover made her want to... Settle. She gave Lily a peck on the cheek before sitting back down on the couch. "This is just nuts. Abstergo is insane." She sipped from her drink and continued, "I should call Kory." She moved to pull her phone out of her pocket but instead decided to use an old flip-phone that wasn't traceable. She dialed in Kory's number and waited.

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Jani sat on the couch. It was early, but for once she wasn't awake because of nightmares. She'd started to get treatment. But now, she was off of it for the baby. She was worried the medication would hurt it. Although... she really hadn't said anything to Parker about it yet. With his rambling about Abstergo and her alliance to the Assassins, she hoped that the child wouldn't be caught in the middle. For now, she flipped through channels to find the news. "Breaking news, the riots in California and Washington..." Jani fumbled with the remote, trying to turn it up. There was no way this was happening. Wait, why would these people riot, they had no reason to unless... She was out of the couch so fast that it teetered. She opened up her phone, a burner partially out of habit and partially out of necessity.


Tawni. They have the Apple.


Find them.


Tawni, in Minnesota for research on the Animus, relaxed into her chair. She was slaving away at the computer, obsessed with making it work. She sipped her coffee occasionally, barely swallowing. Forty eight hours awake, she thought, that's a new record. Her phone buzzed in her pocket. One person had this number, and that one person had never texted her before. She whipped out the phone, wasting no time.

Tawni. They have the Apple.


Find them.

Was all it said. Should she? Assassins were evil and were trying to turn the world to Anarchy. Then she looked back at the Animus. She was just going to find them, maybe send a friend their way... She sighed and closed the tab about the animus. Her fingers glided over the keyboard, wasting absolutely no time. She tracked Vincent's barring, noting any travel choices he had made. Hawaii, eh? A brightly dressed lawyer in Hawaii had just bought tickets to Switzerland.


Tawni wired over money into an account for Jani, whom she assumed to be alone, or with Parker. She attached the bank account number, a hint at the password, and it was off.


They're in Switzerland. I think our friends' Mentor is there along with her boyfriend. As well as someone I'm sending in to help out. Do not attack her, she is on our side. The money for transit is in a Caman account with your favorite numbers. Just remember the three things you love more of all.

I can't go, my research is inching closer to solving-

Tawni deleted the last line. It was a lie.

You know where I stand on Abstergo. I can't help, but I am truly sending help.


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"More assassins? And rebuilding?" Lucy liked that thought. She began to wonder, and she smirked as she thought. The anti government riots did not reach Europe here...

"Kory McDoughy here, how may I help you?" Kory came staggering in with four cups of hot chocolate. He had decided that he was going to make something sweeter than normal. He handed everyone a cup and pointed toward his phone. "I have to say, this is a rather busy time. I'm on my honeymoon."


Parker was asleep near Jani when she sat up all of a sudden. Snorting, he shot up as well and noticed that she was texting. What.. What was going on? There were riots on the news channel and everything... "Jani...?" he looked at her with pools of green. He had long since broken out of the brainwashing of Abstergo. ".... It's... It's them, isn't it..?" he hooked an arm around her waist, but more for his comfort than hers. "What has happened?"



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"Yeah, so I heard." Sam replied. "How's it going, bro?" She sipped on her coffee. "I suppose you've heard the news, huh? I was a bit worried, just wanted to make sure you were alright. I was wondering if you've heard from anyone else. We haven't quite yet. In fact the last time I saw any of you was your wedding."



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"I think Abstergo has control of the apple. Tawni sent us money for tickets for Switzerland, and I think she's sent someone to pick us up when we're there." He had his arm around her waist. What if he felt the child? She moved his arm to over her shoulder. Not to mention that he'd ask her not to fight and take back the Creed. Not after all that Tawni had done for her. "I hear Lucy and Vincent are married..." said Jani as an afterthought.



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"Yeah I heard the news." Kory bit down on his lip and stared into the distance. "We're okay, acrually. The riots haven't gone this far."


"The Apple?" Parker frowned when Jani placed his arm around her shoulders. Was she that worried? He stroked her hair back and looked at her some more. "... And Vincent and Lucy are married? Really? Heh." he smirked.


[i'll be really inactive today. And short posts when I am active.

Graduation and something my school is doing up till like, six in the morning.]

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Mari nodded, smiling slightly. "Yeah... I thought of it a little while ago. An anime reminded me of it." She cast her eyes on a very, very large armored suitcase in the corner. She'd brought it along...just in case. They likely wouldn't return to Boston, so it worked out well. She could keep her collection safe. That was her plan. Her collection was like her firstborn. A precious, wonderful gift that she would nurture and care for until the very last second of her life. Mari ran a hand through her hair as she stood. "I think we should all talk about it tonight, but we need more rules, too. Too many people betrayed us for Abstergo. If we are going to be successful, we need to make sure we've got security and a code of laws. We'll all establish it. Only us four and Lily and Sam are really trustworthy right now. I haven't heard from Parker, Tawni, or Jani since the disband and Florence and Dan were allied with Abstergo from the beginning..." Surely they had room for six people in the cabin. But she didn't know who else to trust... Was there anyone else to believe?

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"Should we come up?" Sam asked. "We could be up there within the week." She finished her coffee. "Not like Jersey is exactly hopping with Abstergo agents. I mean, we might as well live up the road from guido-town. No one chooses to live up the road from guido-town. Let alone patrol for fugitives there." She propped her feet up and scratched her chin.


Vincent nodded. "Yeah. Gotta keep it small. Can't let too many people in. Hell, and I used to think we were small as it was." He took one of the cocaos and slurped idly. "Six assassins against the world. I trust you guys have your weapons stashed here somewhere? I got mine. And I had to go through the TSA. They really do suck."


((So, yeah. I was unsure how to make up much else.))

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"I agree." Lucy nodded at Mari. "Keep a group of elite assassins near us at all times. And you do have your weapons, right?" she repeated Vincent's quesyion.


"Sure. You can come up here. The more the merrier." Kory said as he sat down. "We'll be eagerly waiting your arrival."



But more partying.]

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Dan held Florence close for a few seconds before replying, "I have no idea whaat's going on, but it reeks of Abstergo. There's some sort of riot out there, and we have to get off the island before the crowd gets too riled up and starts blocking it off."


He knew it was a dangerous bet, but the police issued SPAS-12 in his car would be plenty to keep a wild crowd at bay. Dan pulled away from Florence, and went to the kitchen, where he grabbed an already prepared survival bag. He then went to the front door, waiting for Florence to grab anything else she may need.




Kendrik sighed as he trudged through the streets of Mineapolis; he was tired of all of the Jamaican curses flyin through the air at his Aunt's house. censorkip.gif this and to censorkip.gif with that... It got on his nerves. He was raised that language like that did nothing but befoul the air, which he tended to avoid. He stopped at a local coffee house, where he ordered a double mocha espresso, a drink that he had been introduced to during his countless hours of service in the Royal Navy.


Coffee in hand, Kendrik once again began his walk, quickly spinning around a corner. He didn't know if it was the speed he was going, or perhaps the sleepiness of the woman-it might have been both- but he ran into her nonetheless.


Kendrik was quick to ask, "Are you okay, miss?" His singsong Jamaican accent rung clear, despite his many attempts to keep it reduced. Once he was sure that there was no danger, he did a quick look over the woman. She was slightly tall and lean, and the muscle tone portrayed a daily workout routine. However, what grabbed him was her eyes. Though befuddled by sleep, he couldn't help but recognize the intense stare of determination.


"Tawni? Is dat you?"


[i hope you're all right with me putting her on the streets. If not, I can always change the post.]

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(I'd recommend taking a nap when you can, TMD. xd.png If that helps you. Or maybe eating fruit. They give long lasting energy without a huge crash.)


Mari smiled a little. "Y'all know me." She pulled the side of her shirt (which was very long, almost acceptable for a dress) up just a tiny bit to reveal a gun at her hip. "Couldn't ditch that in case Abstergo got tipped. And my sword is usually under my intimates in the drawer because people rarely check deeper than a layer or two of clothes." She shrugged a little and looked deep into Lucy's eyes, then Vincent's. She spoke more quietly, hoping Kory wouldn't hear. "If anything happens to me, take my weapons and burn my body for warmth." Her face was grim while she spoke, but as soon as the sentence was said, a soft smile graced her features again and her voice was cheerful. "You can write it down if it makes you feel more legally comfortable, Mr. Lawyerpants. I'll sign anything at this point if it means safety for our creed and our creed members." She went to a desk in the corner that was probably meant for office workers and took out a pen and paper. "We'll write down any law or rule from now on. I don't want it to turn out like Rome's republic in the beginning. The patricians controlled everything and interpreted laws for their own gain. We should write this code of laws and make it sacred. From what I can hear of Kory's phone conversation, Lily and Sam are coming here soon, so we'll start drafting and then let them in on it." She looked to each of them for approval and paused. "And I think that we should have at least two people on guard duty every night to make sure we're all safe. I have a feeling that Abstergo is inching closer and closer every minute."

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[No prob, Ice.]


"Yeah." Jani said, smiling when he stroked her hair. "I mean, it's more of a guess, but I think they did marry. They seemed to be in a pretty good relationship." Then she reminded herself of more pressing matters. "However, we really should head out soon. They're probably wondering if we're going to rejoin them." Jani shut the computer and moved to stand up.

[Didn't know what else to say]


The only part worse than being draped across crutches, was probably thinking about taking an offer to walk again. Suddenly she was drenched in coffee and some Jamaican was apologizing to her. Then he used her name, and she silently cursed. It was that one Jamaican assassin... what was his name? Kendrik? "Yeah, that's my name." She glared, upset by the fact she was covered in coffee and confronted by an assassin. "Is there any particular reason you're here, or am I just going to be plagued by assassins in a moment?" Tawni fully expected people to kill her, arrest her, or some combination thereof. She'd committed credit fraud more times than she could count, created accounts to siphon off funds from big name gangsters, and somehow managed to keep clear of the police. The worst part was that she knew that she could never go back to the assassins. She had no value outside of the virtual world due to her stupid paralysis. So, yes, she was a bit anxious and mad when she had coffee spilled all over her by an assassin. She remained in the spot, and dripped onto the sidewalk. She hoped that she wouldn't slip out of her crutches. "Well, get it over with before I get third-degree burns."

Edited by RainDash

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[skip to Switzerland, Rain? Sorry. Just very burnt out.

Never pulling a twenty four hour thing again.]

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