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Shadows: Whisper | Assassin's Creed

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Parker smiled softly when the woman said that she would stay. Yeah... That would be great. "... How about you share a bed with me?"



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"Parker..." Jani sighed and looked at him wearily. "I can't trust you." What if... no. However, if he kept guns in his room... it would get ugly fast. "I'll sleep on the couch. I don't want to impose either..."


[still at camp, so insanely busy and tired...]

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[Just realized that they drank coffee and agger that they're going to sleep... xd.png]


Parker was expecting Jani to smile and come along with him, but her sigh made the smile fall from his face. He nodded at her and swallowed roughly. "... Fine..." he murmured out, heartbroken. He got to his feet and took the cups, and turned to put them in the sink. "I'll see you in the morning."

The night had been a sleepless one, but not only because he drank coffee so soon before going to bed. Parker loved Jani, and her trust had been broken when he had told her that he was Abstergo. They really didn't do anything that often when the creed was back together, but... She usually loved it when they did. Parker spent the night staring at the ceiling, and frowning. Thinking. What if Jani never wanted to be with him again..? "... Nothing is true..." Parker rolled to his side as he uttered the sacred words to the Brotherhood, and saw that the time was ten. "Everything is permitted..." he remembered when he was younger. When he stood in front of the Mentor and smiled as they branded his finger. "We work in the dark to serve the light..." he looked up at the ceiling again. "We are Assassins."

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Jani walked off to the couch, laying on it. She never slept anyway, and the coffee wasn't going to help. She stared at the wall for hours, until she finally felt her eyelids droop closed. Instead of drifting off, she woke to screaming and glass. Blood was pooled around on a dashboard, and Jani knew that it was her's. The world shifted and warped as she peeled her face off the dashboard. Screams, gunshots, and Tawni. Her voice was begging, crying out, and in pain. Jani didn't even question as she moved to grab a gun and pointed it at the Templar. He looked like... he was familiar. However, this was her memory, she absolutely had to stop him. Templars were bad. Templars were evil...


She wasn't even aware that during her sleep she had fallen off the couch and hit her head. That she was pointing a gun that she had in her pack at Parker. All she knew was that he was a Templar. She had to stop him from hurting Tawni, she had to stop it all from happening. Her gun wasn't even shaking, it was steady, her confidence in her actions clear.

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[she's having a flashback episode. In PTSD patients, they can be reminded of that incident and sometimes lose track of reality. She's not conscious of pointing the gun at Parker, but she is actively aiming at him, and intending to shoot him.]

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Parker glanced up at Jani when she aimed the gun at him. Was... Was she crazy? What had he done that made her want to shoot him. Slowly raising his hands, he stared at her and frowned deeply. What... What was she doing..? Was she.. Going to kill him..? His assassin mind told him to run to get away and just... Just run! But he was frozen, and his green eyes were planted firmly on Jani's face. She meant to hurt him. She wanted to hurt him. But there was something in her eyes that made him shudder; this was not the Jani that he knew. In an instant, he knew about her PTSD, since they had spoken about it once or twice when they were alone. "Jani..." he called out softly, in the sweetest voice he knew. If she was facing an illusion, or some sort of thought process, and he made himself seem not violent... Maybe he could get away. "What are you doing, moon of my life?" he questioned, voice like honey. "Put down that gun. You are safe. Put down that gun, my sweet. There are no enemies here."

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"They're going to shoot her!" Jani yelled. She was crying and shaking and she knew that she had to pull the trigger. "I have to stop them, they're going to hurt her... if I don't its going to be my fault." She knew that Parker was talking to her, knew that he was nearby, but she thought that he wasn't going to be shot. "There are enemies all around, they're going to kill me." Jani put the gun down. "I'm sure if I can tell whether or not I care..." With that, she collapsed onto the floor, a sobbing mess. She nearly shot Parker, admitted that she had suicidal tendencies, and he called her a moon. He loved her, at least. One less lie to add to the pile which was already growing.


[Engineering camp. Finished my project, but I've gotta go.]

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"... Jani... Jani, come here..." Parker slunk down to Jani, and held her tight. He didn't know what to do. What would happen now..? "It's going to be okay, Jani."


[sorry. Just found out that my brother failed the year.

And should we skip to when Abstergo starts to control everyone's mind?]

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So much drama that I'm still not reading...))


Vincent walked up on the beach and laughed. "I can't believe they really do that!" He flopped next to Lucy and laughed more. "I can't believe you went along with that!" Biscuit trotted along and walked up to them. She shook and sprayed them with water. Vincent was in a great mood so he didn't even care. But he turned to Lucy and asked, "What do you mean when you say you ca't go anywhere?" Biscuit decided to act like a puppy, even though now she was an adult, and climb onto Vince, who didn't argue. She was a fluff ball anyways.

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[*pokes above post*

Should we start doing the chaos thing? Where everyone is hoist berserk and they start rebelling against governments and stuff? If so, someone start?]

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((I got this. Don't worry.))


Vincent and Lucy were laying in bed, cuddling. He had a an arm around her and Biscuit was laying across his feet, replacing his socks. Their weapons had been successfully smuggled in and their apartment was better furnished. He was flipping channels and stopped on the news.

And in recent news,

Riots have broke out in California and Washington State...


We've just received word that riots are breaking out all along the East Coast. All protests seem to be anti-government and authorities cannot explain the phenomenon. They are theorizing the source is chemical warfare, but can't make a solid call just yet. More at eleven.

Vincent sat staring at the screen for a moment as commercials came on. He looked down at Lucy and said, "The apple..."

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[Yay! Super Duss!]


Lucy was enjoying her time with Vincent, and was ready to watch the news for a while and then watch a movie. She was happy that he was her husband, but they always had their differences. She smiled at Biscuit and poked her with her foot, and then looked at the news. What.. ? Riots? Anti government riots... Abstergo... It seemed that Vincent was on the same page, and she ground her teeth. "They promised peace, but are at war. They are causing violence in Washington and California. What are we going to do now?" if Abstergo kept on like this, then they would surely control the world... But what were they going to do? They were wanted criminals, and if they got caught they would be executed... Maybe even assassinated... She shivered and nestled deeper into Vincent's arm. Thirty and she was afraid. Afraid of what was to happen. "There are going to be many problems, my husband," Lucy admitted solemnly. "The Italian Creed has disbanded and the Japanese Creed has been destroyed. There is no one left to stop them."


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[sorry I'm late.]


Dan was wrenched awake by the sound of distant gunfire. It sounded as though it was coming from downtown, and he could also hear shouting. Lots of shouting. There had to be hundreds of people out there.


He was out of the bed in a flash, fear driving him to quickly turn on the television. A news report answered his question.


-ast night. Officials still do not know what started the riot, only that efforts to contain it have been so far futile. Citizens are advised to stay in their homes. Helicopters are showing us that the crowd is approximately seven hundred strong, with no cha-


Dan turned off the television. His eyes were wide. Yes, even though he was but an apprentice, he had learned about the horrors Abstergo had planned.


Through the house, Dan shakily shouted, "Florence! Get a bag packed up and get in the car! Hurry!"

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[it's okay. ^^]


Florence was sleeping in her bed, curled up against Dan and smiling in her sleep. But... Then it happened. Dan was out of bed, and she rolled to take his spot like always. However, the news channel was on, and she noted the sound of distant gunfire. "Dan! What is going on?" her leg was healed, and she got up from her bed. Limping over to a bag that she had in a cabinet, she pulled it out and shoved some clothes into it. She was afraid, afraid of Abstergo. He was afraid of the seven hundred people outside. She was afraid of assassins. She was afraid... So afraid. "Please, please! What is going on?! Tell me!" she grabbed at him and pulled at his clothes. She began to cry and sob, and tucked her face into his chest. "I don't know what the hell is going on..." she cried, shivering against her lovers form.

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(I'm stupid and lazy. Don't eat me.)


Mari sat, fully awake in the cabin. They'd gone to Switzerland after all, nestled in the Alps, safe and sound. Or so they thought. As she sat in a chair near their unreliable television (that only had two channels - both news) with a coffee mug in her hand and her body all curled up against the cold, she turned on the television to see a man with his face all smushed up into the camera. When the cameraman finally got the man away, the screen switched to the newsroom, where newscasters and technical crew members scurried around rapidly. Then, a woman walked up to the camera (which was, presumably, on a tripod) and started speaking in rapid-fire French. Mari translated quickly in her mind, struggling to keep up "There are riots in the streets, many have died due to stampedes and trampling. Many accuse the news stations of providing lies to the public that have been provided to us by the government, though we assure you that this is not the case. We will be keeping you posted with specifics as soon as we clean up the mess in our studios caused by attacks by rioters and the police attempts to remove all of them from the premises. Please excuse this. Thank you for your patience." Then, she quickly repeated the same thing in German, Italian, Romansh, and English. Mari, very frightened by the news, was quick to turn the news off and jump back into bed, leaving her coffee sitting on the ground next to where she had just been sitting. At least it would take a while for the damage to spread to their remote location in the Alps. However, if they left their current place to find a place that could be safer, they could be jumping out of the frypan and into the fire. On the other hand, if they just waiting, they'd be sitting ducks, slowly being driven insane by the silence and the stillness.

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[Maybe Lily and Sam could interact?]


Kory was in the shower. He had been sweaty and sticky all day, and Sam had told him that ladies hate it when men were stinky. Not to mention that the warm shower was great, and walking out in his gray boxers. He pulled on his shirt and decided that was enough for now. Walking into the living room, he smiled at his wife and looked up at the television. What..? What the hell... "Abstergo..." he let out a quiet hiss, much like a cat would in the presence of a dog. "They've been doing this for far too long... Ever since they got the apple... And the skulls... They've been wanting the world as their own..." how could they have let this happen? They were fugitives... He had heard from Lucy that Vincent and her were trying for a baby, since he had accidentally killed the lazy one. He ran his hand through his curly hair some more. How could he have done that? Killed a baby... But the thought of Vincent holding one... It was adorable. "... Just forget about it, love." Kory Dan a hand through her beautiful blue hair, and smiled at her delightfully green eyes. "Tell you what. When the riots reach Germany, we flee. We'll flee to... Madagascar or something. But for now... I want to know something." he took her hands in his. "Mari... I want to have a baby." it was bad timing, but if everyone else was doing it, he wanted to do it too. Not to mention that they might die in three or four years.

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"There's us." Vincent noted. "We're an assassin Mentor and Master. I still have everyone's burner numbers We could reform..." What else were they going to do? Abstergo was causing anarchy around the U.S. How long until the rest of the world? The other world powers like Japan or England? "We have to do something." He almost didn't want to leave their little perfect life. His job was going so well and their home was just right now. He felt like he' let down too many ties to leave, but the world was kind of a bigger deal, wasn't it? "I don't know where anyone is, though. If they dumped their burners I don't know how to get into contact with them. It's not like we can run around the country throwing the whistle hoping to catch one of them."


Sam walked up the street in Jersey. She bumped the door open with his butt as she carried groceries into the apartment she and Lily lived in. It wasn't fancy. It didn't have an ocean view and it sure wasn't in Hawaii. But it made do. Neither of them had attended college so it was hard to find jobs in the economy, but what they had found kept them alive. She put the groceries away and sat on the couch. When she watched the news broadcast, she called, "Lily! You home? Have you seen this?"


((I just kinda made up something for them.))

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"But we're fugitives," Lucy protested, setting her hands on her hips. If they tried to leave Hawaii again, what would happen? They would get caught, that's what. She snarled at the TV. "I know where Kory and Mari are. I emailed them a few days ago telling them that we were trying to have a baby. They're in Switzerland, in a cabin somewhere. On their honeymoon, no doubt. They got married a few days ago."


[short, gonna polish the car.]

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"I can get us fake identities." Vincent said. "We can get in and out of the island on them if we need to. You'd be surprised the kind of people you defend in court when you do pro-bono every once and again." He tapped his chin and said, "Good for them. Maybe they got word of Samantha. Bet she's with Lily, too." Okay, that made six of them. "We'll have to work with that. You know we have to do this, right? We can't let them get away with this."



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