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Shadows: Whisper | Assassin's Creed

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"Tired. Bad by some standards, and just a little paranoid." Jani replied. She took a drink, savoring the warm coffee. "Otherwise, business has been good." She placed the coffee back down on the table. She was dancing around the whole Abstergo topic.


[Engineering Camp.

Also, happy B-Day TMD!]

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[Thanks guys! :3]


Parker drank some more of the coffee. Jani was going to get herself killed if she kept on like this; especially with Abstergo controlling the joint now. He twiddled his thumbs and drank some more, before he looked up at Jani. "That's nice." he said to her softly. But she knew what was coming next. "... Jani, you can't keep going like this. The Brotherhood is dead. There are no more assassins left in the world; the Florentine Creed has been scattered and their Mentor and masters killed, and the Japanese Creed has been utterly destroyed. We are lucky. No one close to us has died. Your sister is still safe, along with our friends. They just aren't here now." he rested a hand on hers and smiled dimly. "Let it go, Jani. You aren't an assassin anymore. Abstergo let us flee. They gave us a new life." Of course, not a new life... They were being chased down, and Parker had to change his identity again. But Jani was just out there, shooting people up and claiming to be good. "Please, Jani. Live with me. Come and live with me and we'll be safe. I promise." he said with a reassuring smile.

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(Happy birthday, TMD!)


Mari smiled from ear to ear. "Wherever you want. And whenever. I like June weddings. They're supposed to be blessed by the Roman goddess Juno. It could be on the summer solstice...," she thought out loud. "Who would you want to come? My family definitely would, but it's fine if you don't want them to come. They can be really petty and judge-y." Pecking him on the cheek, her smile seemed to grow even larger than it already had been. "But everything's up to you. I'm not gonna be a control freak until the very end. I always freak out around then. But I'll try to be bearable." And with a grin, she danced off to retrieve her laptop, she set it down on her lap as she plopped down next to Kory. "Wanna look anything up?"

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[Thanks. ^^]


Kory smiled dimly when Mari said that she wanted the wedding in June. Yes. That would be very nice indeed; all of that sun, all of those flowers... And there would be Mari, drinking and dancing and hugging all night long... He rubbed his head as his headache left, and smiled. "A June wedding in Ireland. Your parents can come and I can invite my sister." he said. He wouldn't invite his parents. It was sad, but it would be too risky. "That would be perfect. I mean, that's where I got these good ol freckles from, you know? From some guy named Charlie McDoughy." he poked his cheeks and grinned like a child. Sure as hell, there were his freckles, as densely packed on his cheeks as ever. "Bunch of my ancestors came from Ireland. The McDoughy and Reid families have a deep friendship, you know. Lasted many years. Until this date." he looked at her as she pulled her laptop into her lap, and opened it. She was asking if he wanted to look things up. "... Aye. Why don't we?" he asked, putting an arm around her. "And if you want, we can honeymoon some place even colder. Maybe in an insolated cabin in Switzerland. No one will be able to find us."

Edited by TwilightMoonDragon

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(She's just gonna agree to everything, so do you want to skip to the wedding?)

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((This is your present: (It's a gif)

That's right... You're still in school, huh?

RD, engineering buddies!))


Vincent and Lucy had hiked up Diamond head. He'd gotten Biscuit for the trip because she absolutely loved hikes. New York could only give her a challenge when she pulled him up hill on his old skateboard. But she was six now. Prime of her life, and she was excited. He held Lucy's hand with one of his and a hiking stick in the other. Biscuit wasn't on a leash because she was trusted enough. They got up to a lighthouse and they walked up. Upon reaching the peak, he said, "This is beautiful, right?" Just then, a big bluish black mass was seen surfacing. "Look! Whales!" One became two, and two became three. Suddenly there was five. "Oh wow!" He grabbed the railing and leaned over to see them closer.

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(I'm kind of in a bind right now. Check your PMs for the reason. If you want to wait, I can start later.)

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[i'll wait. My dad just came and we're going to celebrate my B day. ^^]


"Wow," Lucy was tired after her night in bed with Vincent, but the smell of the ocean woke her up again. The hike strained on her legs and made her heart pump, but she didn't let it show. She looked at the whales and smiled dimly. "It's beautiful! Those are handsome whales. It's amazing that animals have families too. They care for each other like we do."



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(Taking a break from typing and transferring... I'll finish it in a bit.)


Maybe life wasn't so bad. Because as the stranger in religious garbs was finishing his long speech about their union and the joyous moment and God and all that (Mari was only half listening), she stared into Kory's green eyes and could feel tears wet her cheeks. And she thought about her life. About running away. About lying and cheating and stealing. About the assassins. The only people that took her in. That accepted her faults and praised her talents. She had clawed her way up to the top and finally did something for herself, her blood and money notwithstanding. It was an amazing feeling, to achieve without aid. Even without thinking she could possibly do it, she'd done it. But... Then it all fell. Abstergo came and ruined it all. They'd crushed the assassins with their greater numbers and with exploitation. It all seemed to have happened lifetimes ago as she stood at the front of an Irish church with Kory and got married. The blue-haired bride almost didn't noticing the piercing stares of her family in the front row or the handsome smirk on her brother's face. He'd always been her best friend within the family and was extremely supportive. He'd even helped her escape. Mari knew that his smug expression was a mask that he wore to keep from crying, because it wouldn't be manly of him to cry. Her sister and her mother held each other and cried quietly while her father chewed on a toothpick, looking indifferent. And then the man, having finished his long and rambling speech, told them to kiss. Mari looked up at her new husband with tears overflowing from her eyes and smiled.

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Kory was not happy. Actually, he was too happy. That was why he wasn't. He was turning a sickly shade of green when the priest told him to kiss the bride. Thankfully, when he did, he did not throw up in her mouth. Pulling away, he grinned and looked at her. "Mind introducing me to your family?" he asked.


[short again.]

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"Sure." As people started to stand and stretch, she lead Kory over to her family. Her sister dabbed her eyes with a napkin and her mother fanned her eyes. Still as fake as ever, she thought. "Family, this is Kory. Kory, this is family." Allowing a minuscule smile to creep across her face, she continued. "This is Kyle," she said, gesturing toward her dark-haired, smug-faced brother. He patted Kory's shoulder twice before fixing his eyes on some point in the distance. "Nice to meet you," he said absently. "And this is Jennifer." The women smiled shakily. "That was absolutely beautiful, you two. I could feel the love between you both." Lies, Mari shouted in her mind. Mari smiled and nodded as she gestured toward her mother. "And this is my mother, Lina." Her mother was too choked up to say anything, but she smiled weakly. And before Mari could introduce her father, he interrupted. "And I'm Rod, Mary's father." He stuck out his hand to shake. "It's Mari now. Mah-ree." He gave her a questioning look before setting his scrutinizing gaze back on Kory. "I'm still Rod. Nice ta meet'cha."

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All of Mari's family seemed fake, or corrupted. He liked her brother, and he liked her sister, but her parents were... Weird. Especially her father. Kory knew he had to make the best impression on her father, because they were the most defensive. Not to mention that they were basically filthy rich. "... Hello... Nice to meet you too..." Kory took Rob's hand and shook it. He was pretty sure that he was sweating now...



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Vincent scratched Biscuit's eat as Lucy spoke. "We'll, we're animals at heart. I guess it's just instinct, ya know? Like it's instinct to flinch. I guess it's instinct to love and make a family." He smiled at the whales and said. "Wouldn't it be cool to go out there and swim with the whales? They shouldn't be man eaters. Not around Hawaii." He suddenly had a 'This is stupid but I wanna do it' look plastered on his face. They were assassins and acrobats by trade! Should be easy to ride a whale, right?


((Short. G'night all.))

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[i would wish you an awesome day on your birthday, but well... The day's already over... xd.png]


Dan stretched his arm as he pondered the question. After a moment, he replied, "Why didn't I turn you in? Well, after those Abstergo idjits, no offense to you, started shooting, I was kinda stuck with you. You did save my life and all."


"Besides," he added jokingly, "Why would I sentence the most beautiful girl in the world to a lofetime in prison?" The alcohol was really messing with him now. He'd usually be getting all figety and self-conscious in such a close setting with a cute girl.


"Okay, my turn. Why do you hate the Brotherhood so much? I can understand that you were raised under different ideals, but you seem to blame everyone, not just the Mentor and Masters, who were the ones who sentenced you..."


[good night all.]

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[Thanks all of you! ^^ And it's okay, Ice!]


"... Hm, I don't know. I just don't like them. I never liked assassins, you know. Even though I come from a very important family." Florence looked at the ground and frowned. She liked Vincent though. He was so nice to her, and taught he everything. She wondered if he was still alive. "... How do you like your drink?"


"Ride a whale...?!" Lucy gaped at him. How the... He was crazy! They were huge animals, and they could attack if they felt threatened! She prodded his cheek and frowned. She was worried. Very worried indeed. "Are you sure you're sober right now?" unless her husband wanted to get killed... Or arrested... "You're crazy!"


[Lily and Sam should totally arrive at the wedding. xd.png

Placement test.]

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((THAT I can deliver.))


"Crazy like a fox!" Vincent replied. He stared over the edge, calculating a leap of faith. "And yes, before you ask I wasn't smoking anything. I'm clean, remember?" He guessed at thD height and said, "We'd have to get to the bottom of this lighthouse and jump ASAP if we want to catch the whales." They might miss them. "But we might run into some dolphins. This is a really busy coral reef. What'dya say?"


((Morning all.))


Sam kicked the doors open, making a grand entrance. "Kory!" She shouted. Damn, she missed the service. But it looked like it was by a few minutes. She's dragged Lily along with her because she couldn't miss her twin's wedding. "You sly dog! You finally snagged a woman, huh!?" She was loud, happy, and didn't give half a censorkip.gif. "Com'ere!" She walked down the isle towards him. It had been a long time since she saw him. In that time, her brainwashing had worn off in a violent cat accident, that had she not been buckled in, would have killed her. So she was allied back with the assassins once again. She never truly asked Lily. And she wasn't sure about Kory either. But they were all civilians now.

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"You want me to jump?" Lucy glanced at him. "... Well, you go out first. I'll meet you there."


[Finally out of the test... Now lunch.]

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((Don't forget about Sam.))


Vincent smirked a moment. "We don't have to if you don't want to." Vincent said. "I mean, I've done some stupid stuff, I don't have to do this."


((I'm really sorry for crazy short post, my Dad needs help building fenders for the trailer.))

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[You mind swimming them out to the ocean? Socrates is sick and we have to take him to the vet.]

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((Here's wishing your dog well.))


Vincent canon-balled off the side of the cliff face at the bottom of the lighthouse. Lucy followed and finally Biscuit was out there with them. She had, actually, water rescue training. Vincent was a decent swimmer but he was no Michael Phelps. Biscuit was probably the most trained, well-behaved dog ever known to man. Either way they swam out but missed the whales completely. Apparently they had bigger plans. But as soon as Vincent was about to suggest they turn back, he heard a screech. Les of a death shriek and more of a playful one. Fins popped up and his heart sunk but then a nose popped up. Wait... Sharks can't swim up... Not to surface anyways, they'd fall back down and drown because they always have to move forward. "Dolphins!"

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[He has basic diahrrea. ^^]


Lucy was wary about jumping the cliff. She looked down at the crashing waves and swallowed as she dove into the water. It wasn't that cold, but it was a beautiful cerulean.. And it was salty and nice... They swam for a while, her muscles straining, but they missed the whales. Great... Now they were there with nothing around them. Maybe... Maybe there was a shark..? She looked at Vincent when he turned and saw dolphins. Dolphins..! They were so cute... Swimming toward them, she grabbed onto one of their fins and screamed in joy. They were going so fast! "Can't catch me..!" she cried. The dolphins were so soft and pretty... And their fins were so strong. Vincent would never catch her... She was already way ahead! "Slow poke! Even in bed. I have to wait hours before you-" she was drowned out when a stray wave hit her in the face.

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((Oh. Well. That's... Fun.))


Vincent smiled as dolphins swam around him and Biscuit. She seemed a bit startled by them but after a minute or two calmed back down. One budged Vince's side and he lightly hugged it. It swam after Lucy and he grinned as he heard her. "I always heard girls like it s-" He hit a breaker and it jostled him and slurred his speech and a big chunk of his sentence went un-understandable.. "-ight long!" He tapped the dolphin's side and it kinda understood. It sped along. He could tell hey were being brought back to shore. Really impressive that Dolphins had that instinct. But then again, Newfoudland dogs, not Biscuit's breed, had an instinct to save water-trapped strangers without training. "I'm catching up just fine!" Biscuit was paddling along behind with a pair of the aquatic mammals.

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[it was better than him having a parasite...]


Lucy laughed as the dolphin swam into the shallows. She got off of it and laughed, running into the ivory shore and scampered onto the sand. The Sand was not as hot as she expected, and she ran faster and faster. There was nowhere to go other than back to the ocean, and she waited for him. It was strange that he was her husband, and she was Lucy Reid, not Lucy Stark. "... Oh. I can't go anywhere!" She collapsed into the sand dramatically.




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She was waiting for it. She let the words wash over her as he spoke, letting herself relax. She knew he was lying, he had lied about the other Creeds even before this, and even now he was lying about being safe. She should take him up on his offer. "So... did Abstergo just abandon you? Or are they paying for this apartment?" She asked, curious. "Never mind, I'll take you up on your offer. I could use a decent's night sleep..."



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