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Shadows: Whisper | Assassin's Creed

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"Its their fault for this. They ruined my life, my family, and nearly killed me. I won't stop until they're dead because my story isn't unique. You ever wonder why I never sit in the passenger seat? It's because that's where I sat as I watched the life I wanted become crushed!" Jani screamed. Her hand almost drifted to her gun. He was making her remember the bright headlights, Tawni's scream, and all the blood.


There had been so much blood...



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It was when Florence kissed back that Dan's mind sputtered out again. The only way to describe what he was feeling was heavenly. And even that couldn't begin to cover half of it. He wanted the moment to last for the rest of eternity, just so that he could continue to feel the zinging electric energy that seemed to fill his entire system.


But, as it has been since the beginning of time, all good things must eventually reach an end. Dan slowly pulled back, and looked deep into Florence's bright colored eyes. He almost didn't recall even saying anything, but Florence would definitley hear him say, "I love you."

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Parker gazed at Jani and gave her a frown. She didn't understand, did she? She was just.. There, living a life that was dead to both her and him. He clutched at his briefcase and looked down at the ground at a particular smudge of dirt, and noticed that it was oil after a while. It was true that Jani never sat in the passenger seat. Of course, once Parker had convinced her to sit in his lap as he drove, but never again did she let him do it. Rubbing at his chin with his free hand, he played with his beard and gazed at Jani. "It wasn't their fault." Parker said, scratching again. "It was your fault for not being careful." that would have been pouring alcohol into a deep cut. But the words spilled out of his mouth too quickly for him to even notice what he had just said. And then, he remembered. "Tawni is obsessed with the Animus because she can walk, Jani. She could walk all she wants. But her losing her legs... I'm sorry for what I said before. Tawni knows that it isn't your fault." he swallowed and shuffled his feet. "... ... ... Come over to my place. We can have a few drinks and we could talk. No?"


Florence wasn't sure what the hell she was doing. Kissing Daniel? Putting her mouth against his filthy assassin lips? He was one of the kind that ripped her from her home, from the place that she was happy working in! But, was it true? Was it true that she loved him? Ever side that time, when she had met him in the club, and there was a shoot out... She grew attached to him. She thought that he was cute, and that he looked good in the white and red outfit that he usually had on in the Creed. It was then that she started to wonder if she looked good in it too. "I... I love you too." she meant to say "I hate you, go suck a censorkip.gif", but those words came up instead. It made her feel better as well, and not filled with hate like she usually was. She looked at the ground and blushed, and ground her teeth. Well, what now? Were they going to roll in bed when they got back to the boat? She wasn't sure. There were many things to do. She could lay in the white sands near the calm water and curl her toes into the cerulean liquid, and sip at a piña colada while some music played in the background from behind. She could talk to Dan, ask him why he thought that the Creed was so important. Actually, now that Abstergo had the Pieces of Eden... She was starting to doubt their purity..,

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((Kay, guys. 2 week notice.

I'm leaving on the 30th of this month for work. I'll be completely cut off from the world while I work at camp, and won't return until the 13th of July.

Just a head up. I'll mention it again shortly before I leave.))


Vincent smiled. He took Lucy by the hands and kissed her. He picked her up and swung her around and when he set he back down he had a glint in his eye. "There doesn't need to be. Because this place is perfect." There was a few splashes and a grunt as Biscuit plodded through the entrance. She was grinning, or at least it looked like she was, and stood by Vincent for a moment. "I've been thinking for a bit now. And life is short." Biscuit heard her cue and stood up on her hind legs, pawing Lucy's side lightly for balance. She opened her mouth and set on one of her teeth was a triple diamond ring. Vincent smiled wider as he asked, "Will you marry me?" Biscuit cocked her head to the side at Vince. "Okay, girl." He laughed. "Lucy, will you marry us? You get both or nothing."

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Lucy looked around some more, smiling. The cavern was a very pretty place, and she could stay here forever. She loved it, the smell, and the warmth. Vincent was looking at her in a weird way, and he kissed her and picked her up and spun her. Se was smiling more than ever. She giggled, and covered her mouth. He was so cute. Suddenly, Biscuit walked in and she ran her hand through her fur as she brushed past. She had gotten used to Biscuit. She was a good dog... And suddenly, she came up to her and rested a paw on her leg. And then she saw it. That three diamond ring. The world was a blur to her as she felt her eyes well up with tears. She heard Vincent, and covered her mouth. "Oh, Vincent," she whispered. "... I... Yes... Yes I will..." Never did she think that she would marry Vincent. She hated him. But not now. Not ever again.

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((What do you ant to do with Lince (Vucy?) now?))

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((We're all pretty much in our own bubbles.

How long? And can you start?))

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[in order to avoid drab posts and just annoyance, I'm going to skip... What? Ten minutes?]


Dan sat on the large towel, looking out over the beautiful blue water. Florence was beside him, and a cooler full o just about every brand of alchohol available at the nearest store. They had an enjoyable time planned. The umbrella the half-shaded them from the sun fluttered in the cool ocean breeze.


"I could stay here forever," Dan said, taking a brief drink of the Mike's near his hand. It was something about lemonade and beer that tasted so right. He looked over to Florence, and gave her a goofy smile. "Want to talk 'bout anything? Throw me a bone here."


He readjusted himself so that he was laying on his side, one arm resting under his head, the other holding his hard lemonade. He gestured with the bottle, and said, "How 'bout this. You ask me any one question. I'll answer it as truthfully as I can."

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[Okay. ^^]


Now that she was old enough to drink by a few months, she was sure as hell going to appreciate it. And they were in the Carribean, and they were having fun. They were sprawled upon a towel overlooking the deep cerulean ocean, and Florence had a drinks pressed to her lips. She even dressed for the occassion; a frilly pink strapless tank top with short shorts and pretty pink flip flops. Curling her toes, she glanced up at Dan when he rolled on his side to face her. She did the same- carefully avoiding leaning on her broken leg, and grinned. "Hmm." she swirled circle shaped patterns into the towel and sighed. "... Why in your right mind would you trust me when there was that shoot out in the club?" she asked. It was true; he could have gone and ran straight to the cops and have had her arrested. "I mean, you're a well known DJ. You could had gone to the police." she looked at him, and smiled more deeply. He had handsome eyes.


Oh God, why was she doing this? There were so many more men that were out there... Men that were more mature, millionaires, even! But... Here she was, in that white dress, saying her vows to the man that she supposedly loved. However, she did not fault when she said "I do", nor did she waste any time kissing Vincent back when they sealed their kiss.

It had been a private wedding, thus there was no after party. They were allowed to roam around the place that they had rented out... It was beautiful... There was a balcony, and a beautiful view of the ocean. She was there now, feeling the cool ocean breeze on he skin. She was glad that her white dress had not been stained with anything. It was a pretty mermaid dress... Slimmed down her waist, and fanned down on the floor. It was a beautiful, beautiful dress. Her brown hair was curled slightly, and tumbled down her back. Vincent was not there at the moment, saying that he had to do or get something. Where could he have gone?

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Vincent had been happy through the whole ceremony. His hair had grown out and he had gotten his first actual haircut in roughly seven or so years. His hair was yellow blonde and he had it short on the sides but long on the top and bangs combed to the left. He walked back to Lucy with champagne and had arranged for Biscuit to be cared for by one of his associates at his firm, who loved dogs. He tapped her shoulder and offered a glass. "I don't think I've ever done anything more wonderful in my life than this." He said. "It's almost like a dream, you know? I never thought I'd be married. But, here we are, thirty and married, huh?" He sipped from his own drink and couldn't hold in a bit of a laugh as the bubbles tickled his nose.

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Jani looked away, down to the street. He was wrong. He had been lying to her all this time, and why would that change now? "All right." Jani only was going because she was usually either in an abandoned apartment or in a cheap hotel. She just didn't have the funds to have a house. Not to mention how easy it would be to find where she lived. "We can talk."


[Gotta go!]

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Lucy looked up at the sunset and smiled. The woman was happy, yes... Very happy. She was married, and she was playing with her ring at the moment. It was a triple diamond ring. A beautiful... Suddenly, someone tapped her shoulder. She turned around and took the champagne. "I know. And I never knew that Inwas going to be married to you." Lucy teased. "... But I love you. And I'm happy to be your wife." she drank from her champagne.


[snack time!

Should we skip to Parker's home? They could be drinking coffee or something.]

Edited by TwilightMoonDragon

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(Would it be okay for Mari and Kory to interact? I forgot about something that has to happen... *facepalm* I'm so smart. /sarcasm.)

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[Mari and Kory are interacting... xd.png

Kory's back and Mari was like, hugging him and crying.]

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(I thought there was a skip before. I missed a lot of posts, so I just kinda went along. But okay. xd.png Still super smart. /shot twice for double sarcasm)


Mari laughed and shook her head. "No. I don't have a headache..." Ah... Her heart was pumping fast, though. And she was feeling a little lightheaded. The anticipation was building. She felt like a bottle of champagne that had been shaken, just waiting to explode all over the unlucky person to open it. But she knew she wouldn't be able to sleep if she didn't get it done. So she stepped back and wiped her eyes with an uneasy smile. "I'm so glad you're back, Kory... I don't want to lose you again. Ever." And gentle tear slid down her felt as she knelt before him, though she had nothing to present to him but love and happy tears. Looking up, she paused one last time. "Kory McDoughy... Will you marry me?" The weight of each word weighed down heavy on her shoulders. She knew it wasn't textbook to have the woman propose to the man, but it'd been on her mind for a long time and she needed an answer. Putting him on the spot was the only way. Besides, she really did love him and she really didn't want to lose him again.

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[Eheheh! xd.png

Anyway, it's my birthday tomorrow! *dances*]


Kory looked down at the bed sheets and rubbed his head. He had a splitting headache... But he felt better. At least he was comfortable. He rubbed his eyebrows and looked up at Mari when she got away. What? She was seemingly... Going to say something... He frowned and straightened, his brows furrowing again. What did she want..? Was she going to kill him anyway? And then she asked. She asked if he would marry her. Marry her? ... Wasn't he supposed to ask..? But now was the time. It was the same way. Oh, his sister would laugh at him... "... Yes... Yes I will, marry... Marry you..." He smiled and looked at the ground.



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(I know. I should write you something, but all my work is either OK and sad or happy and crap...)


Mari burst out into full-on sobs and sprung from her crouch and onto her new fiancee. She gave him and big hug and again breathed in his scent with a new passion. Mission: success. Ah, how happy she was. So happy that she almost considered telling her family. Almost. But she'd ask Kory first. She most definitely would ask him first. Her folks could be a bit of a pain, so he'd have to be briefed on it and fully prepared and trained. And she'd get her hair dyed fresh, right before the wedding. Then it would be bright blue and her roots wouldn't show for the festivities. And, because of her wealthy family, they could afford the best of the best. It would be wonderful. Just wonderful. "I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you..." She said it so fast that the three words merged into one. As her cold tears dripped down her chin and the look of pure elation spread into her entire being, she remembered his headache. "I'll get you some Aspirin, okay? I'll be right back..." When she returned, she still had a skip in her step.

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((Do NOT expect me to know what's going on besides Lincent.))


"And I'm happy to be your husband." Vincent said. He drank the rest of his champagne. "What do you say we... Consummate our wedding?" He grinned and pecked at her cheek, then her neck. "And we can go climb Diamond head tomorrow."


((Sorry for short. Next one will be longer.))

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Jani held the warm drink in her hands. They looked so beaten up, scars and bleeding wounds abound. She hadn't really had the time to disinfect them or anything, she was just too busy. It didn't matter anyway, they were scabbed over now. She was mostly looking at them to avoid her reflection. She felt tired just sitting here, drinking coffee of all things, inside Parker's apartment. She was tired of running and hiding and killing. It was routine, boring now. "How have you been?" Clearly, better off than her. He had a really nice apartment, could afford coffee, and was happily brainwashed. What was it like to blindly follow something when you had all the facts and disregarded them anyway?



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[You can write something for me, Moose. :3

And my birthday~]


Kory smiled dimly when the woman pounced on him. She almost knocked him backwards onto the bed, but he maintained balance and looked at her. She was beautiful. But... His sister would still tease him. Mari said that she would get him some aspirin, and she did. Taking it, he popped two in his mouth and swallowed. "... So... When should we get married? Where? I would like it in Ireland."


Lucy grinned and stroked Vincent's hair. "... Sure. We can go."


Parker drank from his coffee and smiled. "I've been good. How about you?"


[Field trip.]

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((Happy Birthday TMD!

I'll find something later to make you laugh...


Should we skip to later?))

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