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Shadows: Whisper | Assassin's Creed

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[He could be selling balloons on the sidewalk and she's walking away from a 'Job'?]


Jani slung the sniper rifle's bag over her shoulder. It was a re-purposed guitar case, so it wouldn't attract too much attention. She headed out, shell casing in her pocket, and guns concealed. The sidewalks were a river of panic, and she calmly swam through it. She kept her head down and when she left the crowd, walking the other way. She walked far away from the scene of the crime. Only fools returned to those. When she was far enough away, she waited, wondering where to go next.



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((SCHOOL'S OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!))

/|\ Necessary


Vincent kissed her back passionately and when she asked if he wanted to try again, he nodded. "I do. Really, I do." He said. He held her close as he ran a hand over his head, "My hair's already coming back." He smiled a little as he said that. He hadn't had hair in four years. As long as a presidential term. Not since twenty-ten. "I love you so much, Lucy. I can't wait to explore Hawaii with you. The beaches, Diamond Head, the forests, Dole plantation, it's going be wonderful. But I don't think it would be so much if I weren't with you. That's all I care about right now." He had fallen hard for Lucy, but it was the best thing that ever happened to him. It was almost as if it were a bit too perfect.

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[i was only joking when I said that he was going to sell balloons. He really was going to be an engineer. xd.png]


Parker was having the time of his life. He was really enjoying it, being an engineer and everything. It was so adventurous, so... Fulfilling. If someone needed him for a car job, he was there. If someone needed him for a recommendation, he was there. But now it was time to go home. He had an apartment deep within the city, where he could eat, sleep, and drink all that he wanted. Of course, he had to pay rent... But as he was walking down the street, case in hand, he heard something that sent people scattering. A gunshot. He raised his head and looked around wildly, looking for the man that was shot and killed. And then he saw it. That woman. That woman was running away! But not in the way that everyone else was running. But in the way that someone that just attacked was running... Jogging after her, he caught her walking casually down the street. "What the hell was that about?!" he asked her. She seemed oddly familiar... Very, very familiar... Same brown hair... Same figure...


[Yay! Not so for me, but my B-Day's in four days! :3]


Lucy smiled softly when Vincent took her hand and brought it to his head. It was no longer smooth, but stubbly, the first bits of hair growing back in. She giggled quietly and pulled back her hand. "I can't wait to explore Hawaii with you either, Vincent." Lucy whispered. "And I promise, the Creed will be brought back. I promise, we'll fight and get the pieces of Eden back. And then... And then..." Lucy couldn't help it anymore. Shoving Vincent onto his back, she looked over him and grinned.


[skip to when they explore?]

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Dan grabbed Florence's crutches from where they leaned on the wall, and said, "Sone island that's near impossible to pronounce the name of... I think the name is in Jamaican, but I really have no idea... People on the ship have been saying that it's a very pretty place." As he said this, Dan handed the crutches to Florence and stood. He then added, "You sure you don't need any help?"

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[i didn't notice that... Sure. I can't really think right now.]

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The place was warm and nice. The sun was hot and, believe it or not, Florence was happy. She had a broken tibia, yes, but she was very happy. The beach, the weather... It was all so pretty. Maybe she could go and visit the aquarium later. But now, she was with Dan. The ex-DJ brought her here, so he could have a good time. Her green eyes darted all over the place, yet... She started to miss the Creed. She started to miss Kyoko and Tawni, who she was beginning to warm up to. Tawni was paralyzed from the waist down, but she was able to maintain a proper conversation with her tons of times. Florence gripped at her clutches and limped all the way down a boardwalk. She wished she could swim... She suddenly had an idea. "You know, you should carry me into the water. You can wear your plain clothes along with me, and we could spend the day on the beach." she told him, looking at him. "And then we could get wasted on martinis and other fruity drinks when the sun goes down. And then we can sleep."

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Stopped and turned around to look at him. A dead stare that was blank until she saw Parker. Then she lashed out, aiming to slap him. "Parker." Liar, the jerk only dragged her along and pretended that he loved her. They all lied to her! They hurt her and pretended that it was fine. "I was making a living, by the way, that's what the hell its about."


[Night. Also, I'll be traveling tomorrow, so I won't be posting as much.]

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Parker grabbed at his cheek, and hissed. "You decided to join the Creed. But you don't understand that we've been wrong all of this time."



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((I got a bike. ^^ Mountain bike, really really nice.))


Vincent held Lucy's hand as they walked to the beach. They could play around, then they had a surf lesson in an hour. He still wore obnoxious colors, even if he no longer smoked. He was wearing blue polka-dots on a pair of striped pink/yellow shorts. He'd considered wearing his really-old-fashioned swimsuit, completed with fake mustache, but said no. He wore a vented reflective orange cap to keep the sun off his head since he couldn't just rub it with sunscreen and be done anymore. Staking in a big umbrella he surveyed the beach. It was a bit early and just before lunch, so not terribly many people were there. "An old friend of mine, he's a judge, he told me about this spot up North where the coral reef is. There's this cave that has this little entrance. Inside there's a little patch of grass and a few holes let light in, we can go check it out after we're done here if you like."


((So when I lived in Hawaii, there actually was a little cave like this, but I have no idea what was in it because at high-tide, it got flooded and my friends and I were petrified about being drowned if we spent too long exploring. You had to crawl on your belly to get in, so...))

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[Wow! That's great, Duss! :3

You lived in Hawaii? How was it like?]


Lucy was happy as she walked along the beach with Vincent. This time, she was not wearing a bikini, but a tankini that covered up her hideous belly scar from the sniper rifle. She loved the warmth, despite being part German and once living in the mountains. She glanced around and then at Vincent when he staked the umbrella in the white sands. She never saw sands this pale. And they didn't burn when you stepped on them. "This isn't anything like Coney Island." she admitted, and set down her bag. She perked when Vincent said something about a secret little cave. "Cool. We should go there." she said with a smile. Unzippering the bag that she carried, she pulled out a large towel for them to lie on. She had gotten a job a day ago, and she worked as a waiter. Yet, she began working the next week. So she had enough time to spend with Vincent. Lying in the shade, she patted the spot next to her for him to lay next to her.

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It was warm. Like... All year. And I lived really close to the beach so there was always a breeze. Honolulu was beautiful. Honestly, though, feels like a dream anymore. Been half a decade now.))


Vincent sat next to Lucy and propped himself up on a towel. "Beautiful, right?" He noted. "Yeah, this is nothing like Coney. Never will be. New York is too far North to be a good beach." He ran his toes through the sand a couple times before turning to Lucy and coming romantically close. He grinned and came ever closer. He whispered, "Race you..." He jumped up as fast as he could and ran off towards the water. "Hahahahahahahahahaha! Bet you thought I was gonna be cute!" He dived into the water and swam out a few feet. "You can't catch meeeeeeeee!" He started laughing hysterically and raspberry-ied in her direction. "Because I am the fastest man alive!"

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[Hmmm. I'm not that crazy about the sun, or about warm places... But Hawaii had to have been nice. Did you have a lot of friends?]


Lucy looked out into the clean water and grinned softly. The place was perfect... She could lay here forever, beside Vincent. They were good here... At least until they got the Creed back together... Suddenly, she felt Vincent lean into her and she grinned as he darted off. "... I'll get you..." Lucy said under her breath, and chased after him. She got into the water and reached out to grab him. "Got ya!"



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((Thank you! One person finally agrees that Cold>Warm and Dark>Light!

Yes and no. But that's a long story and this is the Internet.))


Vincent smiled as Lucy caught up with him. She grabbed on but so did he. He pulled her up onto his shoulder and laughed some more. "You might have me, but I got you." He ran off in a random direction and yelled, "Hold your breathe!" He jumped forward and took her under. He let go as he hit the water and spun around to face where she should have landed.



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[Ah, okay. xd.png]


Lucy was not prepared when Vincent grabbed her as well. She squealed as she was hauled up to his shoulders and held her breath when he said so. And then they web under. Opening her eyes after a while of struggling, she saw the man that she was with right in front of her, and grinned. He was so sweet, and so kind to her... Why didn't she see this sooner? The way that the light that glimmered trough the water was so... Pure to her. It was absolutely perfect. She swam to him and pulled him close, kissing him and swimming away. She wished that she was a fish. She would have explored all of the corners of the ocean.


[GTG bed]

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Dan grinned. Florence had a way of makingeverything short, sweet and simple, yet still highly appealing. Had he not left his new MP3 player on the boat, he'd have started blaring some Beach Boy's to set the scene. He then laughed out loud, and hugged Florence, lifting her off the ground. To an onlooker he may appear just insane, but to Florence he may just be overly excited. He tended to burst his usual quiet bubble when he did. "It's perfect! Just perfect! Someone get an award for this girl!"


He then did something that he never would have done on any other occasion. Without even stopping to think about it, he kissed Florence. More so than he usually would have were he thinking. His mind then kickstarted again, and he pulled away, blushing slightly.


"Sorry..." he said, "Got a bit full of myself..."

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Florence dropped her crutches when Dan lifted he off of the floor. Really? Would he really just do that? But... Then he leant in and kissed her. She was surprised at first, of this assassin kissing her. But... As he pulled away, she leant over and kissed him as well. She always loved the surprise.

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"I'd rather be wrong than join you." Jani said bluntly. "You ruined everything, you know. Tawni and I don't talk anymore. She can't walk, and is obsessed. Your fault by the way. Abstergo is wrong." With a glare, she finished her speech. It didn't hurt her. Repeat the lie until it was true.



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"Abstergo is right." Parker said hotly. He usually didn't speak to Jani like this. When they were together, he always had his voice glazed with honey and only sweet nothings would come from his lips. But... After all of that, after what he saw that the Apple could do... People were controlled now. They walked past him with Abstergo in their hearts and praises on their lips, and yet it was not their own minds. "Think about it, Jani." Parker told her. "If God supported us, would he have let the creed fall? Maybe back then, the Creed didn't fall, and they got back up and moved underground. But right now, it's shattered. You don't understand, do you? If you keep on like this, you're going to be out on death row, and one day you will have to utter your final wish and your last meal before they send you somewhere to be put down like a dog." his emerald eyes flared with anger, and his jaw grew taut under his well trimmed beard. But as soon as it came, it faded, and he looked at her softly. "... Jani. Listen to me. Move on, okay? The Florentine Creed and the Japanese Creed have it all under wraps." lie. They had fallen a few days ago. And with their failure at keeping stable, the world was going to be ruled by Abstergo.

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Vincent had to go up for air after her kiss. He took a lungful and dove back down. He swam after her and caught up, he took her hand and pointed in a direction, then started swimming that way. After a little, he resurfaced near shore and walked up, shaking his hair. On this part of the beach, no one was around. The sand didn't go as far out and past the sand were more trees and less buildings. He looked around for seemingly nothing and then he exclaimed, "Ahah!" He crouched and tore some shrubs away, a few vines covered the hole in the hill. "Here it is."



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Suddenly, Vincent grabbed her wrist and began to swim away. She followed him, and when they resurfaced, she saw a shore where no one was around. The place seemed ten times as beautiful... And then, he led her to a hole in the wall. She looked at it, it seemed pretty tiny. How in the world would they get in..? "... Vincent?" she asked. "... How the heck do we fit?"


[Happy Father's Day! Won't be around too much]

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((We did all that yesterday so that we could avoid traffic and such.))


"We crawl." He said. He got down onto his belly and army crawled his way in. There was justvenough room for him, so Lucy would fit easily. He pulled at the ground until the tunnel started to get a bit bigger. Eventually he pulled out into a done-like cavern with patches of grass and light streaming through holes in the rock. "Worth it, right?" He asked.


((At Lowes, short.))

Edited by Dusset

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Lucy was skeptical when Vincent crawled in, but when she followed she was encountered with the sight of a beautiful cavern. "It's amazing.." Lucy said. "... I wish that there were more places like this."


[Again, Father's Day.]

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Jani stared at him for a moment, her eyes searching for some semblance of Parker. "Maybe I belong on death row. It would be easier. I don't care how many I take down before I go." She was fighting hard to keep the emotions out of her face, but the pain was clear in her eyes. "Parker... why would you side with them anyway? You know that the Templars are absolutely wrong, right?"


[Not a lot of time and lot of posts to write...]

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"Jani..." Parker frowned and looked at the woman that he loved. Not that he had once loved, but loved now. "... Can't you see? They're making the world a better place.."



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