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banned because i love white chocolate!!

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Banned because i love all sweets in general xP

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Your all Banned for banning about Chocolate and sweet stuff that now! I want some sad.gif

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Banned for disappearing Tardis in your sig - I want to see it all the time mad.gif

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Banned for being so determined about the TARDIS xP

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banned for having a pikachu bouncing on a trampoline in your sig d:

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Banned for getting in my way... tongue.gif

Edited by Darien

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banned because typhoons are cooler

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banned because laughing a lot makes you healthy d:

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Banned for using the word healthy in a serious manner.


*eats candy* o3o

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Banned for not offering us all some of that candy.

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Banned because vegetables is neither a nasty word nor otherwise nasty (but tasty). user posted image

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Banned because I cannot give you any chocolate - it's all in the office (were it belongs tongue.gif )

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