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*Appears out of no where and starts running*

Man...there are alot.png of brownies everywhere. xd.png

(What is that brown thing a yak or something?)

Edited by Sir_Will_the_Knight

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*Appears out of no where and starts running*

Man...there are alot.png of brownies everywhere. xd.png

(What is that brown thing a yak or something?)

its a alot.png(what haapens when you don't separate a and lot)

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*Runs past everyone*

No matter what I must keep running.

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*Runs into a cave to hide*

No one will find me in here.


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*Looks through the record book*

KeeKeecat is it I beleive.

*Goes back into hiding*

Edited by Rockelle-275

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Yep... *Goes further back into the cave*

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big evil grin. HEY KeeKeecat look over there its Rockelle hiding over there in that cave!!!... runs away and hids the the trees.

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Ah, perfect, the frigate arrived. Fox Interloper #203. Beaut. I'll hide there... in orbit.

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