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*Grabs my brand new, one of a time, limited, BROWNIE BLASTER v1.0!*


"Hey Darien!"


*Starts fliring hundreds of brownies at him*

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*While pinkieseb is too busy firing brownies at Darien I sneak up behind pinkie without being noticed.*

Tag! Pinkie is it!

*Runs away laughing madly*

Edited by Rockelle-275

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Runs through. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...oh thinks for the brownies pinkieseb... tongue.gif

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*Dodging Brownies left and right.* tongue.gif

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*climbs up a large bush.*

Edited by creepado

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*Falls to the ground laughing*


*Gets back up and runs for cover while making sure not to be seen*

Edited by Rockelle-275

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Hey cthulhu you don't want any of them brownies they are no good...

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*starts eating all the brownies along with everything close to them* OMNOMNOMNOM I LOVE BROWNIES OMNOMNOMNOMNOM

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*Comes out of hiding and watches everyone as they eat brownies*

Must resist the brownies!

*Tries to run away*


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Looks over at Rockelle and grins, Come on over I have some brownies here for, they are soooooooo good see...


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