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No you are it SL


Pinkie posted right after you did so that means your it.





*takes off running.*

Wait, what... I tagged SoiledLove. SL tagged Pinkie. Pinkie posted after SL but could not be tagged because SL tagged Pinkie. So Pinkie was it. Then Pinkie tagged you. Da Jedi is IT! Scrambles away....

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The moment i come, i make everything confuzing!!!



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Please stop setting the trees on fire.

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Watches as the others run from Classycal while i sit back and relax.

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Why are we all trying to hurt Jedi?

*gets nuked since I was standing near jedi*

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"**** YOUUU!!!!!!"

*Gets blown over the ocean*

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*Lands on Mars and constructs a robot nuclear suite, flies back and nukes Soiled*

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*gets nuked and flies away* woohoo! *lands on a world in a different dimension*

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*Rips a hole in the Space Time Continuim causing a black hole to appear in all dimensions sucking up everyone and everything and compacting them into nothing.*

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Tag. You are it again. Run for your life! SL is it!!

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No! I wanna go visit Curiosity! All aboard the Mars train!

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