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Thank gawd! Soileds not IT no more tongue.gif

*Reverses time so nuke never went off*

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This barren wa- aw nerrab siht! Everything is all right!

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Stands enjoying the trees.

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Bumps into SoiledLove who bumped into a tree. Shakes my head and starts running backwards.

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Jumps on tree and eats popcorn, while secretly plotting my revenge against Classycal for bumping into me

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Smells popcorn and starts to slow down.

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Runners, post, don't lurk.

Taggers may lurk but POST=TAG

Taunting allowed, but NOT rude taunting.

You're not restricted to running, have some creativity tongue.gif

Try to notice when you're it. Check back in the thread if you posted....


Read the ruealz Soiled!!! You cant do dat! HA, im not it because i did research, sucks for you ClassyCal!



*Runs from Classy who i assume is IT?*

Edited by pinkieseb

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Read the ruealz Soiled!!! You cant do dat! HA, im not it because i did research, sucks for you ClassyCal!



*Runs from Classy who i assume is IT?*

  No tag backs. Class tagged me, so I can't tag him.


Yes, I tagged SoiledLove so she or he can post after I do for purposes of taunting (nicely), but I can't be tagged until someone else is "it".


And da' Classycal is a she. biggrin.gif And I'm not runnin' right now! I'm relaxin'!





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No you are it SL


Pinkie posted right after you did so that means your it.


pinkieseb    Posted on Jul 30 2012, 10:04 AM


*Lurks in bushes*

SoiledLove  Posted on Jul 30 2012, 09:16 AM

  No tag backs. Class tagged me, so I can't tag him.



*takes off running.*

Edited by Jedi40

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BAZINGA! Im IT! Soiled got me, no tag backs so yea!






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Darn, now Jedi's it. I better run!

*jumps off of tree and runs from Jedi*

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