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My Blue Jello Dragon teases Jedi and draws her attention away while I flyyyyyy.....

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I HATE blue jello! oops your it now tongue.gif

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Sorry about that..wish I could help but there is only so much a Jedi can do.

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Sits down and watches the others run around.

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I know you hate blue jello. Hehehehe.... Run! Hide! Classycal's on the prowl.

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Oh is that why you offered it to me then?

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Ohhh... you're ready, are you? Well, TAG, you are it!!!!!

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Mwahahahahaha.... You can't pounce on ME!! ohmy.gif

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I just stand there, enjoying nature.

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So what? All the tre- Now look what you did. It's a barren wasteland. Thanks.

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Watches da peoples run around trying to get away from IT, while, I, on the other hand, can sit back and relax.

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