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Aw... This doesn't count as a tag, btw, cause no tag backs...

I am lurking nearby...

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Aw... This doesn't count as a tag, btw, cause no tag backs...

I am lurking nearby...

Yep, if you want to taunt and / or tease, you are only allowed to post after the person who tagged you since it doesn't count as a tag. Otherwise, when you post, it's a tag whether you say so or not. biggrin.gif

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Slows from a run to a jog.

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I can't run anymore...to...tired.

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You don't need to run from me remember? No tag backs. Now then as for the rest of you ..RUN!!

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Top of the yesterday to ya.

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Oh, noz! I better stop poking Jedi and run. Better yet, I'll fly....

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Just waiting for the right person to post so I can tag them.

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No because you tagged me so it does not count as a tag since there are no tag backs to the person that tagged you. You are safe for now..the others are fair game though.

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Ha! I'm new here and hope she doesn't tag ME because of that!

Edited by Wantdew

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