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Yes, you have. But posting that? No tagbacks! Posts with a Tagger before they have tagged someone count as tags, remember?

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You can post but if they are to the person that tagged you they don't count, but if you post after mine or anyone else's they would be it.

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Yeah, that's what I meant.

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Okay, tag records associated started, baby!


Most times fail-tagged: 2. I think.

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flyking is it.




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*Stops and turns around* Why are you following me?

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I am not the grand poobah, I'm the grand potato! So don't kill me!

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I can fly faster than flyking. Fliess.........

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I've stolen all of hgfggg's tiny fwuffy ponies and we are frolicking through a grove a trees. Hehehehehehehe.....

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And now I am following you tongue.gif

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Is glad ..... takes off running.

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Peeps in and wonders where be all da' people. Think I'll go back to my cave!

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