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*Runs through the forest*

That was a close call. Sorry Darien.

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Sneaks in and looks around. I'm outta here.. Who's it?

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Should someone PM the one who is it. I beleive KeeKeecat is still it.

Edited by Rockelle-275

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*Wonders around the forest*

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watchs Cthulhu. So I take it you have a thing for brownies...you know I hear that Rockelle has a lot of brownies in her pockets...

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*Turns around and spots cthulhu153 running after me*

Wait! Hold on... *Takes off running*

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Go get her Cthulhu and her special brownies in her pants pockets... laugh.gif

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*gets in car and chases after Rockelle with it*THOSE BROWNIES WILL BE MINE!!!!!!

Edited by cthulhu153

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Luaghs so hard my sides hurt... nOW WITH THEM GONE i CAN EAT MY BROWNIE... Edited by Darien

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I knew it, Darien has a secret stash of Brownies. After him!!! *turns around and goes after Darien*

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No,no,no,no,no,no your the one with the secret stash of brownies I got this one from you!!!...

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I don't have any brownies in my pockets. I ate them all.

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I want a brownie. Stalks after Darien then takes off a'runnin'. Do we know who's it?

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I don't have but this one little brownie Rockelle she has them all...

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Edited by cthulhu153

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That's it you guys want brownies then you'll get brownies. xd.png *Magically summons the Rapid Fire Brownie Cannon 10000* You guys asked for it. *Fires huge chunks of brownies one after the other. Take that guys! tongue.gif

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