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It took me two years to catch up with my friends’ VOCALOID obsession and I did NOT need to be obsessed with another fictional man

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Just going to ignore the fact that I am moving again by blasting my ears out with Toad singing All I Want For Christmas Is You.

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You can't pack until a cat sits in all the boxes and tests them out first. 


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My ADHD is making my thoughts go all over the place.

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2 hours ago, Moonstruck_Starlight said:

I hate moving

i hate moving too.  but we did it last month.

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We moved 12 times in 13 years when I was a kid. navy brat. I was an adult when I realized I had more stuff than my suitcase could hold. So yes I hate moving too. 

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we had a LOT of stuff when we moved..... and we'd gotten rid of (sell, donate, actual trash) quite a bit before we moved.... and even after! i still have some stuff to donate.


also, books are heavy.

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Well at least you got rid of a lot of unwanted stuff and trashed some too. I nhope the cats are adjusting well. 

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1 minute ago, anonymous said:

Well at least you got rid of a lot of unwanted stuff and trashed some too. I nhope the cats are adjusting well. 

we did.

and they're doing quite well, actually. :D 

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I had 2 outside cats {ferals}.fixed They were born under my deck. Boots and his Girlfriend. She adored him. Hence her name. He was so special. This summer when he was 6, he just walked away like old cats do to die. We all cried, especially Girlfriend. Soon she just walked away too and died, I'm sure. She couldn't go on without him. We were devastated. We loved those 2 so much. They would sit on top of the bench and she would be too close and Boots would very politely just take his paw and move her over a little. I still cry over Boots and his Girlfriend. No other will be as loved as them.

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8 hours ago, trystan said:

also, books are heavy.

They are. And bulky. And vital.



Mornings are too early.

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My cats are getting old. The youngest one is going to be 7 and the oldest is soon to be 10. The one I’m bonded closest to is a year younger than the oldest, so she’ll be 9, and frankly I can’t even believe I’ve had her that long. I was still just a kid when we got her.




She’d better live a long life. I love this cat to pieces and I’m not sure what I’d do without her. She’s my little fluff marshmallow.

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Hmmm, whatever to do with my Undertide scrolls... I definitely want to use one on one of Iris and Sycamore’s kids, but do I use one on both or do I make a breeding pair...

Edited by Moonstruck_Starlight
definitely did not accidentally write “breathing pair”

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